Guild Wars 2

I know I have just Googled it and there a rumours that March would be an open Beta with a Release in Spring, but the only Beta I have ever done is the SWTOR lol is an Open Beta up for any1 or do you have to sign up for it?
I know I have just Googled it and there a rumours that March would be an open Beta with a Release in Spring, but the only Beta I have ever done is the SWTOR lol is an Open Beta up for any1 or do you have to sign up for it?

Its hard to tell, it used to be that open beta meant just that, you get an account download the client and off you go.

However recently the "open" part of of "open beta" has tended to mean "open to anyone to sign up for the chance to get a beta key" in reality there's no way to tell for sure which version of "open" they mean till they release all the details. :)
So if they go with the 'open' beta being completely open, would that mean they could put a cap on how many sign up for it? If so I will be trying as hard as I can to get this ha-ha so many other games I want just dont have the time to put into them all at once =p
They have to make it open beta to test there new overflow system, no other way of testing it without doing a true open beta.

For those that do not know there new overflow system does away with que times to get into there servers, as soon as you log in your playing no matter what, if the server is at max cap, it will let you play on your own then once a spot opens up it will transfer you and any progress you have made to join with other people.

pritty cool id say as there is nothing worse, itching to play the new mmo while at work, soon as you get home bang 2 hour que!
That sounds great, a lot of the time I spend my first couple of hours on my own getting to grips with the game or play alongside my brother. SWTOR was awful, got the access went home early to from work to get hit with the 2 hour que time :( it was frustrating. Most the time I loaded it up and watched a film with the missus and then fobbed her off when i got in :D she totally understood my needs :P
We recently finished our first closed beta test, and we’re now ready to hold progressively larger events. In February we’ll invite select press to participate in beta testing, and in March and April we’ll aggressively ramp up the size of our beta test events so that many of you will have a chance to participate. And of course, this all leads to the release of Guild Wars 2 later this year.

This is a quote from ArenaNet, From the year of the dragon post.

I think i the remember reading that beta events will be like the press one, With it being limited times etc, But no comfirm to how exactly how the beta will work.

I have the same concerns, that stuff in the open world will be flashy but ultimately trivial.

I'm really hoping that the high end 5man stuff will be hard, the dungeon footage that is rolling around at the moment just looks like chaos and the enemies hp bars actually tell you what they do (stuns) etc.

Still, beta is beta and lvl30 is lvl30.
News just in, head to

Download the scanner tool, hit send, it'll redirect you to a website where you put your email address and answer a few questions such as what sorts of genres you play.

It's not guaranteed you'll get in, better hurry though since it closes in 48 hours!

Ninja'd xD
Yeah i got the same message!

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

"You have 48 hrs to sign up. Signing up immediately doesn't increase your chances. Testers are chosen based on development needs. :-) ~RB"

Was just posted on twitter, so don't worry you'll get to sign up when it is less busy.
Guys you have 45 hours to do it in, and they have said it isn't first ones in get access, they will pick depending on what system you have so just sit back, wait for it to get hammered less then go on and sign up..
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