Guild Wars 2

"You have 48 hrs to sign up. Signing up immediately doesn't increase your chances. Testers are chosen based on development needs. :-) ~RB"

Was just posted on twitter, so don't worry you'll get to sign up when it is less busy.

chances are it will be like this for 48, so soone the better
I doubt it will be like that for 48 hours mate. So many non believers!

/edit See i just signed up fine, didn't take them long to fix it.
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I did the scanner and it took me to the guildwars 2 beta page again to fill in other details but its all in german lol?

I did it and it put everything in french, luckily I am using Google Chrome so I can instantly translate it to English..

Signed up and now praying for an email, I wonder if the guild bit matters at all? Was going to put down OcUK but we don't have a proper guild set up soo...
Just got my email. :)

"Thanks for signing up!

Thanks for signing up for a chance to participate in the Guild Wars 2 beta test. We've received your application and we'll email you if you've been accepted. We appreciate your interest in Guild Wars 2!


The Guild Wars 2 Team"

I put my guild in, so hopefully that gets me in for testing! :)
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Looking at their twitter messages they're saying they need a wide range of systems for testers, I'm hoping that being one of relatively few (in the grand scheme of things) amd 7000 series graphics card owners might play in my favour here :D
Signed up, hope what they say is true about it not being first come first served as it seems I am an hour late on signup! :p

No instant email though :(

edit: got mine after 10mins
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Signed up, hope what they say is true about it not being first come first served as it seems I am an hour late on signup! :p

No instant email though :(

Apparently the signup window is 48 hours, so i can't see it being first come first served, they've said on twitter they want a wide range of systems so people will likely be picked in a way that gives them the widest possible range of system specs.
chances are we wont see any emails till after the 48 hours

Some people are getting signup confirmations, problem is the website is being hammered with sign ups by eager geeks and nerds like us :D I reckon their mail server will take some time to catch up :p
I've reaquried my MMO bug from SWTOR, and the gameplay footage of GW2 looks rather more intresting than SWTOR's ever has.

Looking at their twitter messages they're saying they need a wide range of systems for testers, I'm hoping that being one of relatively few (in the grand scheme of things) amd 7000 series graphics card owners might play in my favour here :D

Oh, I think I can trump that, I don't even have an actual graphics card. :o

They're going to love my AMD A8 3870k APU.

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