Guild Wars 2

I just watched a human character creation screen vid and it blew me away.

Loving the music in some of the vids too, reminds me of the good times in GW1.
Yip becasue removing the multiplayer element from MMO is a great thing.

For those who hate everyone (like you seem to Bhaav :p) it's a great feature but I actually want to play with people in an MMO or it defeats the whole purpose of it being an MMO.

This had me wondering as well, someone could essentially afk through the whoel game and nothing you can do about it. Rather than making you free as a bird because you can just walk away every event you turn up at could be made impossible by those you are with not trying/afk'ing etc but because they are there the difficulty has scaled upward making it impossible for you to do alone/with the 1 or 2 other competent/interested people.

There is potential for this game to be more reliant on good players than other MMO's because you turn up for a quest with 3 people who aren't trying and you are bummed. You could (in the worst case scenario) get stuck and not be bale to advance for hours because of others and considering your opinion of most MMO players bhaav this could happen all the time!11!1!1

Dungeon scaling and optional multiplayer doesn't eliminate the multiplayer aspect. In every MMO out there, around 90% of the players are simply terrible at the game and do nothing but cause a hindrance. In GW2 you can't turn up to a quest and be bummed by people not trying, the content scales based.on participation, not people standing around doing nothing. Like the first game, in sure that.GW2 will also have an in game method of reporting leechers.
Honestly, that's just terminology utilised by the reviewer on the spot. The quests are all events, but there are separate types of events.

Elite events = Require a whole bunch of people and are supposed to be pretty damn hard. Quantity wise, it would seem that the endgame zones (Orr) apparently are full of pretty much elite events.

Meta-events = Something new it would seem, these tell the "story" of a zone and can cover up to a quarter of a zone alone. Typically larger than your standard event.

Events = Ran out of words :P These tend to be smaller than meta events and consist of tug-of-war style of gameplay it would seem, e.g pirate invasion pushing them back and forth across a chain until some resolution is reached.

Renown events = These are probably the "tasks" mentioned. These are static things that change over time; you may be feeding some cows on a farm earlier, go out to do some other more interesting events, come back and the whole bloody place is alight with bandits attacking. Completing these allows you access to special vendors. These seem to be generally the "lazy-mode" stuff, for when people can't be asked to explore or run around looking for events. As a result, they tend to be the least interesting of the events, I'm assuming so people don't merely play these. I believe someone found a number somewhere of 200-odd renown events.

Ah cheers mate :)

That actually sounds good!

Dungeon scaling and optional multiplayer doesn't eliminate the multiplayer aspect. In every MMO out there, around 90% of the players are simply terrible at the game and do nothing but cause a hindrance. In GW2 you can't turn up to a quest and be bummed by people not trying, the content scales based.on participation, not people standing around doing nothing. Like the first game, in sure that.GW2 will also have an in game method of reporting leechers.

I'm sure thats how they intend it but how do they define participation? Moving? Casting? Just being there? How do you remove/not count leechers?

Don't get me wrong it will be great if it works but I can imagine it being a nightmare to work out what does and does not count as participation and then implement it. We all know that with a good portion of modern MMO plyers if there is a chance to get owt for nowt they will find it and exploit it, the problem being if they find a way it will bum those who want to be able to enjoy it. You have no option of escaping these players because of the way the game is implemented.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying the system is doomed to failure I am just playing devils advocate and just pointing out it wont be all sweetness and gravy.
Participation and scaling is determined mainly on a per enemy basis based on how much damage each player is doing to it. The amount you participate to the content determines your exp gain and reward. If you just stand there and do nothing, you do nothing to affect the scaling, and you get nothing for being there. If you only participate a small amount or join the content late, you get diminishing rewards based on how little you contributed. The system in GW2 does nothing to promote or benefit leeching, it actively discourages it. You should try doing your own homework in the future and maybe try reading some GW2 forums as all of the scaling and participation stuff has been described in great detail by the developers.
Participation and scaling is determined mainly on a per enemy basis based on how much damage each player is doing to it. The amount you participate to the content determines your exp gain and reward. If you just stand there and do nothing, you do nothing to affect the scaling, and you get nothing for being there. If you only participate a small amount or join the content late, you get diminishing rewards based on how little you contributed. The system in GW2 does nothing to promote or benefit leeching, it actively discourages it. You should try doing your own homework in the future and maybe try reading some GW2 forums as all of the scaling and participation stuff has been described in great detail by the developers.

Stop being such a fanboy (I HTAE that phrase but I cannot think of anything else more applicable) bhavv. If the dev's told you they **** sunshine and **** wine you would swallow it all as fast as you could read it.

I have read, I know what I am talking about and it sounds marvellous in print. As does every feature every new MMO promotes but it is in practice that grey areas are discovered and they need to find the balance on how things will work that a lot of games fall down on. I am not saying for one minute this will fail, I am saying that its a difficult system to balance and if done wrong can cause a lot of problems for the palyerbase.

But seriously, you keep living in arenanets back pocket, I'm sure its comfy and warm in there.

you get diminishing rewards based on how little you contributed

That never stopped people leeching something for free in every other MMO out there, why will this be any different?
The only thing that can change is how developers handle leechers, so far other games are too lenient.

I completely agree.

It's a tough one to draw distinctions in and I hope they get it right. At the moment though I could imagine myself levelling to cap in the WvWvW battle :)
GW1 is simply the best online game ever made with zero flaws (well, other than 90 of the player base, but that's the same with every such game). Arenanet know exactly what they are doing and there is no way that this game will fail. I'm a fanboy of great games, guild wars and guild wars 2 are simply right up at the top alongside baldurs gate and morrowind, I don't see how you consider calling me a fanboy of this game is any more insulting than calling me a baldurs gate or elder scrolls fanboy. Guild wars 1 and 2 are to MMOs what Baldurs gate is to RPGs, it is perfection in its genre.
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GW1 is simply the best online game ever made with zero flaws (well, other than 90 of the player base, but that's the same with every such game). Arenanet know exactly what they are doing and there is no way that this game will fail. I'm a fanboy of great games, guild wars and guild wars 2 are simply right up at the top alongside baldurs gate and morrowind, I don't see how you consider calling me a fanboy of this game is any more insulting than calling me a baldurs gate or elder scrolls fanboy. Guild wars 1 and 2 are to MMOs what Baldurs gate is to RPGs, it is perfection in its genre.


People are entitled to their own opinion, no matter how outrageous you think it is.

I don't see GW1 in the same light "perfection" but it was a very good game. I have high hopes for GW2 and if they balance rewards and do other things they have stated it will be the best MMO since WOW.
GW1 was better than WoW. Wow was just 5000 times easier and so simple that a 3 year old could play it, which is why so many people like it (go go kung fu pandas and telletubby graphics).

I've simply never been able to enjoy any other game as much GW1 as I havnt found a single one as good since then. Everything I see in GW2 is exactly what I want and no one else makes online games as good as Arenanet do.
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But the original GW wasn't labelled as an MMO hence why WOW has been the best in the last 7-8 years.

I seriously think if they pull off what they intend to do in GW2 (which is labelled as an MMO) it could be even bigger than WOW in the sense of numbers. It helps even more that it's F2P once the initial outlay as that will make a lot more people play.
Yup, so my arguement stands correct.

No matter how much you love or hate WOW it's been the best selling and most populated game coming up to the last 7-8 years.

I hope and want GW2 to take that crown, if it does then then the devs have done what they set out to do.
I do wish that GW2 had still been a CORPG, but Arenanet want to, and obviously will dominate the MMO market with GW2.

Isn't DDO also a CORPG too then?
GW1 was better than WoW. Wow was just 5000 times easier and so simple that a 3 year old could play it, which is why so many people like it (go go kung fu pandas and telletubby graphics).

I don't think you can say that it is easy, a game is as hard as the other person sitting on the other end of the connection. Guilds spend weeks/months trying to take a boss down, that not what I would call easy when you have so much teamwork and communication involved as well. If it is that easy, why are you not a sponsored gamer topping the leader boards?

Having said that, I have quit WOW about half a year ago and haven't played a game since, but I am looking forward to GW2.
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