Guild Wars 2

I don't think you can say that it is easy, a game is as hard as the other person sitting on the other end of the connection. Guilds spend weeks/months trying to take a boss down, that not what I would call easy when you have so much teamwork and communication involved as well. If it is that easy, why are you not a sponsored gamer topping the leader boards?

Having said that, I have quit WOW about half a year ago and haven't played a game since, but I am looking forward to GW2.

Throwing in 1 boss or area with a broken amount of health or damage doesn't make a game hard. FoW/UW were challenging areas and still are to some extent. Urgoz is challenging but borderline broken because of the insane mob density and the odd environmental effect. Deep is just retarded from start to finish and relies 100% on little gimmicks and tricks to get through it. DoA was the same when it started out. Slavers Exile is the same but to a lesser extent.

Hard Mode in general would be quite challenging and to do well at the rest of the game (originally) at least required some thought on your part and from the rest of your team. Suddenly chucking in a boss like Mallyx whose difficulty is entirely based on figuring out what gimmick to use against him that has no place anywhere else in the game doesn't make a game hard. Same applies to WoW.
If 99% of a game is simple and easy, and only 1% is hard only due to how big a red bar the boss has, that doesn't make a game hard or fun (I.E. WoW).

GW and DDO are far more challenging and harder in more parts of the game, and it was like that from the start before power creep entered the game. No other online game compared to the challenge of thunderhead keep, hells precipice or sorrows furnace during the original prophecies, the game just eventually kept on getting easier and easier with each new chapter in order to appeal to all the hero deeps that found it too hard.

Every such game these days is based purely around more red bar and more dps being used as a cheap trick to make it seem challenging. This does not make a game difficult. Having a boss with so much health that it takes 20 players to kill it isn't anymore difficult than dividing that bosses red bar by 20 and fighting it on your own with self heals. Its just boring time consuming button mashing and hack n slash.
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I'm still gonna miss playing the full support role. Videos look chaotic with little team strategy, and lots of spamming aoes in a general direction. I suppose it's early days still, people didn't know what they were doing in GW1 either when it started.

Engineer / Guardian looks close enough, but I would have preferred more options to directly support the front lines, specifically targeting team mates, as I do playing my prot monk. Curious to how it will all pan out.
The videos are mostly being played by complete noobs at this point who use skill clicking and keyboard turning as though they are playing world of lolcraft, and I don't think they have had enough time, nor made any effort to discover any cross profession skill combinations.

It has been known for years now that active healing won't be a part of GW2, the only reason I ever had to play a healer in other games is because it was required to win, not because it was enjoyable or something that I wanted to do.
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If 99% of a game is simple and easy, and only 1% is hard only due to how big a red bar the boss has, that doesn't make a game hard or fun (I.E. WoW).

GW and DDO are far more challenging and harder in more parts of the game, and it was like that from the start before power creep entered the game. No other online game compared to the challenge of thunderhead keep, hells precipice or sorrows furnace during the original prophecies, the game just eventually kept on getting easier and easier with each new chapter in order to appeal to all the hero deeps that found it too hard.

Yeah. I miss the old Prophecies elite areas, back in the days. Farming the greens in Sorrow Furnace, TotPK, FoW, UW... Good times! Now it's been there, done that. Nowhere near a challenge, although my guild done a couple of runs on TotPK and FoW using only Prophecies skills. That was fun :)
The videos are mostly being played by complete noobs at this point who use skill clicking and keyboard turning as though they are playing world of lolcraft, and I don't think they have had enough time, nor made any effort to discover any cross profession skill combinations.

Time will tell. One big plus of GW1 for me was the skill combination with secondary professions, the limited bar, and team strategies. Hopefully they have retained some of that, although they are moving away from specialisation, I hope 'specialists' will still have their place.
The lack of challenge now isn't really a problem either, it let me grind a full HoM in no time. I was already bored of PVE in GW1 a long time ago after completing the game enough times, and am far too impatient for the second :(
Time will tell. One big plus of GW1 for me was the skill combination with secondary professions, the limited bar, and team strategies. Hopefully they have retained some of that, although they are moving away from specialisation, I hope 'specialists' will still have their place.

Well one thing I will be trying differently to most others is building a tanky survivable Elly, taking armor had HP perks and mainly using earth attunement and obsidian flesh with defence skills in my optional slots. And I'm going to try soloing everything that I possibly can.
It wouldn't surprise me if some classes opted to bring support sets, im pretty sure there's gear or weapons with +healing so an elementalist or necro etc who could switch to a healing set and pop an aoe heal would be pretty beneficial, really depends on scaling though imo.

Unsure if tanking is going to be effective, I could definitely see how you could make a tanky character stacking defensive runes/skills/traits on something like a shield / mace warrior. The King Adelbern encounter was pretty much just dont stand in the red circles, though so no need.

Having a boss with so much health that it takes 20 players to kill it isn't anymore difficult than dividing that bosses red bar by 20 and fighting it on your own with self heals. Its just boring time consuming button mashing and hack n slash.

The difficulty in killing something with 20 players is the team coordination required, boss health isn't the issue, doing an encounter for 10 minutes without making any grievous mistakes is.
I'm really hoping this is going to be good. I still maintain that GW is the only properly balanced MMO I've ever played (or it was until all the noobs started crying about IWAY and Arenanet tore the game apart trying to fix a problem that wasn't there).

This has the potential to be really balanced too, I hope they keep that in mind instead of trying to make something that's more along the theme of WoW etc. If they do that, I'm sure it'll be good but a lot of MMOs at the moment are WoW clones, it'd be good to see something a bit different.
I see bhavv still smokes the good stuff. I predict servers merging 90 days from release and people hyping the next revolutionary mmo. LOL

As much as bhavv's view seem extreme, and i personally didnt really like GW1 that much, I still think this game is going to be pretty good. They are changing a lot of things that annoy a lot of people in mmos, and seem to have a really good vision with the game.

The fact it has proper daoc sytle WvW alone makes this game amazing, Let alone all the other new things they are adding.
As much as bhavv's view seem extreme, and i personally didnt really like GW1 that much, I still think this game is going to be pretty good. They are changing a lot of things that annoy a lot of people in mmos, and seem to have a really good vision with the game.

The fact it has proper daoc sytle WvW alone makes this game amazing, Let alone all the other new things they are adding.

The vision seems great, everything about it appeals but I'm not getting too carried away considering the recent efforts of most new MMO's. If they can carry out what they say they will then it will be great, if not...

One thing that i've been thinking is with it being content scaling and everyone running and around and being able to join in what they want etc etc. Will it not be the final say in the casualification of the MMO genre? Don't worry you don't need a healer or tank just run round and spam aoe (is a simplified version of what they are saying) ah don't worry about tactics it will only be as hard as there are X amount of people (meaning it will just be dps zerg and maybe dodge AOE as you cant go from 19 players = zerg to 20 players = a full tactic layout fight like Illidan of old for example)

I j ust worry the game could be one great LFR from WoW with people just bashing their head of the keyboard to cause max dps because if they put in complex tactics on world events/bosses and the party is made up of randoms who just happen to be in the same area we all know how that would end up.

As I say I really like the concept of this game but the one thing I agree with bhavv about is that the stereo typical MMO player these days is either A) stupid or B) lazy and if everything I do is open world and effected by everyone else leaving my no choice in the matter it could kind of suck.

It just all depends on how they go about implementing on what they have promised.

I was under the impression that the more scripted fights would be via the 5 man dungeons they were implementing? With open world boss PQ's being essentially some sort of zerg fest, with a few boss mechanics? It seemed that way from the early starter grp encounter they had on the yogcast (?) video linked a page or 2 back.

Regardless I would have assumed that open world raid enounters don't nessessarily mean simple fights as such, just the need for people to work together (think rifts from, well, Rift)
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I'm feeling so confident about the quality of this game. Coverage of the beta weekend has had pretty much universal praise from all media and the developers seem to be so open with info.

It just seems like they want everyone to see this awesome game they have made before they have to buy it. Which always gives me confidence in a game.

After seeing videos of beta SWtOR I was very reserved and unsure in the game before release, ultimately I bought it and was left disappointed. However my feelings for this game are completely different, videos of the beta weekend leave me almost satisfied with the game without having ever played it. :)
I'm not normally one to overhype a game, but let's be clear about Guild Wars 2: It's the second coming. It'll cure cancer. It will also double the size of your penis.

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