Guild Wars 2

How do you tame more pets as a ranger? (haven't played the class yet) saw someone with a hawk as a pet and it looked really good.

Look out for 'Juvenile' whatever, it'll be in green text, if you see that you can tame it.
Desolation server seems very quiet at the moment. Not many people about at all.

I've been playing on this server for a couple of weeks now and I'm experiencing the same thing. Thinking of maybe transfering to see what the populations like on other servers.
Got my Mesmer in a set of topend crafted gear. She seems to have stolen some of my Mums doilies and glued them to her outfit.

Was doing an explore session just recently and came across the shrine to the lost spirits in the Norn town. It was quite sad that Wolverine, Owl and Bison were lost to Jormag.
Or just, you know, explore and enjoy finding them yourself. Crow and white owl are my two favourite finds so far.

lol yeah i know, but i was looking for a hawk and couldnt find it any were so i found that, exploring is my fav thing on the game.

but i thought some one might find the map useful...
Yeah the hawk and eagle aren't where they say unfortunately (starter Norn zone) just got a Raven for now called Quoth :D

Just a silly little thing like having a bird pet (plus a longbow!) and I'm loving the Ranger, only level 7 but can see myself spending quite a while on this toon.

In an extremely hungover rage yesterday morning I did something that I may regret. Deleted my characters, quit my guild, and I'm sure there is some logic behind it changed my server.

This isn't the first time I've done this, one time after a heavy night drinking and clubbing I logged on to WOW. Only the next day to find out that I was no longer horde, but in fact Alliance, and had deleted my 80 Pala. At least this time with GW it didn't cost me 60 quid for 3 characters faction swaps. Also Blizzard were kind enough to reinstate my pala.

Thankfully I didn't delete my 80 Necro, but my alts are no more. So now I am rocking a Warrior at lvl 10. At least I can keep the same names. So embarrassed apologies to my ex guild mates. Nothing personal, and nothing against the guild. Just me being a *** :D
is indeed... cant see me playing it with Dayz standalone and other games coming out.

Ofc dont want to give it away. I told Arena net where i bought it after my email got changed. They still reset everything for me and key worked fine.

If you got the game for free then why ask for money? Especially if there is no proper character investment, or progress for the new owner to use e.g. mats or gold?

Plenty of members have given full games away which they received for nothing, me included with a copy of Sleeping Dogs, so this is no different. Not a big fan of profiteering, times aren't that tough.
Just a silly little thing like having a bird pet (plus a longbow!) and I'm loving the Ranger, only level 7 but can see myself spending quite a while on this toon.

Seriously, change to short bow. It's soooo much better.

Super fast fire rate, and a metric ton of condition damage :D
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