How do you tame more pets as a ranger? (haven't played the class yet) saw someone with a hawk as a pet and it looked really good.
Desolation server seems very quiet at the moment. Not many people about at all.
How do you tame more pets as a ranger? (haven't played the class yet) saw someone with a hawk as a pet and it looked really good.
Look out for 'Juvenile' whatever, it'll be in green text, if you see that you can tame it.
select area and press ranger pets and it shows you were all the juvenile animals are to tame...
good map aswell...
Or just, you know, explore and enjoy finding them yourself. Crow and white owl are my two favourite finds so far.
lol yeah i know, but i was looking for a hawk and couldnt find it any were so i found that, exploring is my fav thing on the game.
but i thought some one might find the map useful...
Map is great, cheers mate
no worries mate, glad to help...
Only downside to it is nothing is where it says it is
is indeed... cant see me playing it with Dayz standalone and other games coming out.
Ofc dont want to give it away. I told Arena net where i bought it after my email got changed. They still reset everything for me and key worked fine.
Just a silly little thing like having a bird pet (plus a longbow!) and I'm loving the Ranger, only level 7 but can see myself spending quite a while on this toon.