Guild Wars 2

I'm sorry but people saying you can use 2 skills is daft.

You "can" play any mmo with 2 skills easy. But if you are wanting to do well, achieve the best with your class and enjoy it you will use all 14 odd skills.

You can win by spamming as you can in any mmo but if you want to play like that you are bound to get bored, but you only have yourself to blame.

this is my point really. all mmo's can be played using 2 clicks. but if u want to fully enjoy the games combat u can use loads more.

i seriously think that "some" people here are just bashing the game just for the sake of it.

As i have said before, this game is not perfect. it has its flaws but content and two button bashing is not its flaws lol
I only just got to 80. Took my time. No grind and had a good old explore and adventure. As such im still enjoying the game.

Those who raced to 80 and asked where all the content is missed the main content of the game.... which is the entire game.

I agree EQ2 is a raid game (especially now where its raid or dont play) and its TOO hard to be successful with the mainstream but even so, zerging should not be a viable tactic.

Anyone can complete any of the content simply by zerging if they suck too much to do it properly. Which means pro players are not really seeing the benefit of their ability. Sure they get there quicker and expend less money on armour repairs but.... yeah... sucks a bit.

Same i took my time to get to level 80 and learnt a lot about the game, much better than wasting your life getting board grinding stupid things, to now go an explore wvw world and pvp.
14 skills? Where are they all? There's 1-4 primary skills then the heal, and 3 more which are on extremely long cool downs? That 8 all in all, unless you're counting the underwater stuff, but that removes as many skills as it adds.

I'm not saying I only use 2 skills, I just said that it feels like that's all I'm using as the other 2 out of the 4 are on long cool downs, there's a heal which is used on occasion, and the other 3 skills (relics, runes, trinkets or whatever you want to call them) are all on exceptionally long cool downs.

So, yes, I used everything that's given to me, but mostly, you only get to push the number 1 and the number 2 keys as everything else is on a cool down.

You have 10 skills at any one time, switch out adds another 5. So 15 to make active use of which you should be doing. Of course you will have a "go to" combo as in every game but for optimal utilisation you will/should use all.

Perhaps not you with this, but I think a lot of people have blindly come into this game expecting WoW mkII with bells and whistles. It's a completely different type of game so whilst people may be disappointed you should be blaming yourself. It's like saying Eve is **** because you only fire a few weapons trololololol.

There are more than a few things I would change with this game but the criticism of the combat is baffling and stinks of those who just want a static MMO standard play and don't want anything outside their comfort zone. I will use WoW as a comparison as it was my main other MMO but that was a stand still 3 button, rotation spamfest through levelling, dungeons and raids. Try that in GW2 and you will be pasted to the floor in seconds, it requires way more interaction than the trinity. Not saying skill, but certainly more input.
You have 10 skills at any one time, switch out adds another 5. So 15 to make active use of which you should be doing. Of course you will have a "go to" combo as in every game but for optimal utilisation you will/should use all.

Perhaps not you with this, but I think a lot of people have blindly come into this game expecting WoW mkII with bells and whistles. It's a completely different type of game so whilst people may be disappointed you should be blaming yourself. It's like saying Eve is **** because you only fire a few weapons trololololol.

There are more than a few things I would change with this game but the criticism of the combat is baffling and stinks of those who just want a static MMO standard play and don't want anything outside their comfort zone. I will use WoW as a comparison as it was my main other MMO but that was a stand still 3 button, rotation spamfest through levelling, dungeons and raids. Try that in GW2 and you will be pasted to the floor in seconds, it requires way more interaction than the trinity. Not saying skill, but certainly more input.
brilliant post well said
You have 10 skills at any one time, switch out adds another 5. So 15 to make active use of which you should be doing. Of course you will have a "go to" combo as in every game but for optimal utilisation you will/should use all.

Perhaps not you with this, but I think a lot of people have blindly come into this game expecting WoW mkII with bells and whistles. It's a completely different type of game so whilst people may be disappointed you should be blaming yourself. It's like saying Eve is **** because you only fire a few weapons trololololol.

There are more than a few things I would change with this game but the criticism of the combat is baffling and stinks of those who just want a static MMO standard play and don't want anything outside their comfort zone. I will use WoW as a comparison as it was my main other MMO but that was a stand still 3 button, rotation spamfest through levelling, dungeons and raids. Try that in GW2 and you will be pasted to the floor in seconds, it requires way more interaction than the trinity. Not saying skill, but certainly more input.
+1.. Previously played WoW for 3 4 years (have healer tank and dps) but in the end it just started to feel like a monthly fee paying grind fest.. I like the casual approach you can take to GW2, have a level 56 Thief and still finding it fun.. Dungeons are far more challenging than WoW (especially Explore Mode) and as stated above a damn sight more interaction is needed, it does beat dropping Death & Decay and well timed Death Strikes :) WoW was enjoyable with the 10 man raids, they are the only thing I miss.
My problem with other MMos also comes with subs. If im paying a sub I feel obliged to play even when i dont really want to or am not enjoying it. And if i unsub I tend to stop playing for months on end. Guildwars, if im not feeling it this week, Dont play. If one day in the week i feel like a quick 1 hour of play I can and thats so nice!

As for issues with the game, IMO it is challenge for the "high skill/hardcore". Some boss mechanic changes To me most of them feel samey and there isnt quite enough variety but then again its early and so far without expansion or anything and iv certainly not experienced everything.

Crackdown on goldfarming bots before it does its damage. Not only do they fill areas of the game and profit of it. But they force they falsely inflate the economy to encourage the buying of gold due as player effort yields less and less.
Have to say that I've now levelled two characters to ~23 and I'm losing interest. I think its predominantly because I can't dedicate lots of time to it, but still. Hard to stay focused! I am in no way saying I don't like the game.
I'm finding it pretty easy to jump in and out with for a couple of hours. My human thief is up to level 51 at the moment and also have a nord ranger and sylvari elementalist, thinking of a char engineer next. Usually jump on one of my chars and do the daily progress, did a couple of dungeons last weekend when I had a bit more time.

One thing I don't really like is some aspects of the aggro mechanics, its pretty annoying when you are fighting a single mob and someone runs past with 5 mobs chasing them and half of them come and attack you.
I only just got to 80. Took my time. No grind and had a good old explore and adventure. As such im still enjoying the game.

Those who raced to 80 and asked where all the content is missed the main content of the game.... which is the entire game.

No grind? the entire game is one big grind. i dont get people who say' oh if you rushed you missed loads' NO people didnt, the very nature of an MMO is to grind to a top level and then from there enter whatever endgame/armour grind there is. Its the exact same with GW2. What you think the Gw2 story is good? Its pure trash....

Im not saying in this that the games rubbish, because it has its merits. But as someone that got to 80 last week and am now resorting to get the final pieces of my exotic armour, finish the remaining overly long and boring dungeons and do the last story bit (which is a dungeon bugged to ****) I have to say that the game has well and trully fallen short of the hype and even in matching up with GW1.
The game is as much of a grind as you want it to be. You don't need to grind to level, you don't need to grind to unlock dungeons, wvwvw or anything like that.
the very nature of an MMO is to grind to a top level and then from there enter whatever endgame/armour grind there is..

I think this might be part of the reason why you feel this game has "fallen short".

GW2 is not really designed to be played like that, its not about rushing to 80 and grinding end game. The end game really is WvW/PVP, which you can join at any level, not just rush to 80 to enjoy it.

This isn't to say that your opinion is any less valid, just that maybe it's not as much for you because you were expecting the traditional MMO "grind model".

All my opinion ofc.
the mere fact that the game employs a levelling system means you have to grind. questing, story, crafting, exploring its all centered on increasing your level and then when you hit 80 its focussed on grinding SP/gold/karma or whatever you need to get the top gear.

I didn't go in expecting the normal MMO grind model, like I said I loved Gw1 which is not a grind game.
We must have different ideas of what grinding is. I can't agree that any game with a levelling system is automatically a grind. Levelling is just a method of progression. If your playing the game to enjoy the game and not just to hit max level asap then as your playing the game and enjoying the content your level will rise, this is a product of playing and having fun not the reason for playing.

Now once you hit max level then yes I can see that most things after are a grind (running dungeons over and over for tokens etc), but not the actually levelling process itself. Unless your aim isn't to enjoy the actual game and the levelling be a fun by-product of that, but to just hit max level asap to start the "real game" at max level. If you don't care for the game and want to hit max level to play the end game then yes I could see levelling as grinding, but thats my point, this is not the focus of GW2 and the way it was designed to be played.

Now i've played WoW on and off since launch (well EU Beta actually) and now if I start a new toon the levelling *is* a grind. Because i've done it all before and my focus *is* the "end game" now, thats where the game starts. Again, GW2 is not designed like this imo.
We must have different ideas of what grinding is. I can't agree that any game with a levelling system is automatically a grind. Levelling is just a method of progression. If your playing the game to enjoy the game and not just to hit max level asap then as your playing the game and enjoying the content your level will rise, this is a product of playing and having fun not the reason for playing.

Now once you hit max level then yes I can see that most things after are a grind (running dungeons over and over for tokens etc), but not the actually levelling process itself. Unless your aim isn't to enjoy the actual game and the levelling be a fun by-product of that, but to just hit max level asap to start the "real game" at max level. If you don't care for the game and want to hit max level to play the end game then yes I could see levelling as grinding, but thats my point, this is not the focus of GW2 and the way it was designed to be played.

Now i've played WoW on and off since launch (well EU Beta actually) and now if I start a new toon the levelling *is* a grind. Because i've done it all before and my focus *is* the "end game" now, thats where the game starts. Again, GW2 is not designed like this imo.


If you label level as a grind of course it is a grind, if you look at the amazing world with so much to do other than spam kill mobs X amount of times then it is in no way a grind.

I have never felt I have grinded in this game once, but I suppose it's all down to perception.
I didn't go in expecting the normal MMO grind model, like I said I loved Gw1 which is not a grind game.

I was under the impression you had to run the same dungeons over and over again in GW1 at the level cap to get anything, you know, grinding.

If you look at the levelling process as a grind, you're doing it wrong/approaching it from the wrong perspective..maybe MMO's arent for you if thats the case.
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