Shame i don't think the same.
Shame the rest of the player base don't think the same.
Well it has won several MMO of the year awards.. Most recent being from so it did something right.
yea being about the only mmo to be released that year
He's back! Slow day latex?
Always trolling.
Well it has won several MMO of the year awards.. Most recent being from so it did something right.
I'm amazed at how quickly the playerbase and long-term playability of this game has dwindled so quickly! I thought the first GW died off fairly early, but this has taken a fraction of the time...
Perhaps as a playerbase, we are going through content faster and getting bored easier?
A good example of this is that horribly ran Immortals guild, apparently they had like 300 members at one point and they are now down to like 10+ members active. Doesn't help that the guild leader was apparently kicking loads of people for not donating to their personal fund to be a PvP leader thing in RvR and apparently they kicked a member because they got it before them.
people who are left are waiting for wvw changes,
time will tell if it fails more or not
until then its pvp/wvw, ledg farming and doing the same instances over and over oh and there cheesy monthly new additions like this months xmas theme
Because there is absolutely nothing to do longterm, there's no endgame at all, I found no interesting titles to hunt, rare gear to hunt, points to collect e.t.c. there was just nothing to work towards and I got bored quickly as a result.
WvW was crying out for some kind of realm points system a la DAOC.
LOL I remember warning people in this very thread about joining that guild based on my experiences in SWTOR.A good example of this is that horribly ran Immortals guild, apparently they had like 300 members at one point and they are now down to like 10+ members active. Doesn't help that the guild leader was apparently kicking loads of people for not donating to their personal fund to be a PvP leader thing in RvR and apparently they kicked a member because they got it before them.
Wow is it really that bad already? I sort of knew people would get bored and go back to WoW but not this early. I think it might end up like all the other MMO's that have gone F2P, a handful of players on a couple of servers and then eventual death.
Wow is it really that bad already? I sort of knew people would get bored and go back to WoW but not this early. I think it might end up like all the other MMO's that have gone F2P, a handful of players on a couple of servers and then eventual death.
Seems like there's a lot of people mentioning the end game, or rather a lack of. Will they address that? Seems like a pretty big issue. :/
Yeah to be fair, but still a true comment.
Hardly trolling, look at this thread and others around the internet, lots of servers are loosing players and there becoming very quiet. I bet you within 6 months they'll have server merges and be down to probably 1-3 big servers
Problem with gaming review websites is the fact that they are paid to "fluff" there reviews. While the game is OK, I'd hardly call it a "Masterpiece". It has failed to provide content at the end of levelling that keeps new MMO players and old MMO players entertained. While it might be enough for die hard GW1 fans, for the new player base they are trying to attract it hasn't done so.
A good example of this is that horribly ran Immortals guild, apparently they had like 300 members at one point and they are now down to like 10+ members active. Doesn't help that the guild leader was apparently kicking loads of people for not donating to their personal fund to be a PvP leader thing in RvR and apparently they kicked a member because they got it before them.
I remember guilds from WoW and players from all over MMO's that i game with telling me i'm quitting xyz for GW2 and in the end they have ALL left.
So is it a good game, yes, but is it a Masterpiece of a MMO, far far far from it.
But alas, opinion is like taking a dump, everyone has to do it.