Guild Wars 2

Bit of a long shot but anyone still playing who has 980ti sli? Just wondering if you notice a performance increase running sli over just one card.

Tempted to pick up another 980ti but if it makes hardly any difference I can't justify the cost.
If you could that'd be great, I currently get bogged down whilst doing world bosses or champ trains i.e over 50 people on screen but I'm running at 3440x1440. I'm hoping that putting another card in will make it smoother.
I found the game to be more cpu bottlenecked than gfx.

When my 2700k went pop, I was using a G1620 + 980, and even with every setting as low as possible, it still struggled as soon as anything was happening. Towns were slideshows, and event bosses full on still-life portraits, haha
Bit of a long shot but anyone still playing who has 980ti sli? Just wondering if you notice a performance increase running sli over just one card.

Tempted to pick up another 980ti but if it makes hardly any difference I can't justify the cost.

I run 2 GTX 680 4GB in SLI, i7 3930k Hex core 3.2GHz
The Misses Runs 1 AMD Radeon 7970, i5 4690K Quad Core 3.5ghz.

Guild Wars 2 is heavily dependant on high CPU Clocks. Dispite my GPUs being better than the misses her PC hits a good 140FPS in the same area where I hit 40-50fps.

Higher Clock Quad core's are a must for GW2. I highly doubt you will notice any difference at all if you SLI the GTX 980TI's, Other games however will be different.
Struggling to really generate any enthusiasm for this now, played for a little bit, completed the heart of thorns story and not finding anything to keep me logging on.
Struggling to really generate any enthusiasm for this now, played for a little bit, completed the heart of thorns story and not finding anything to keep me logging on.

Are you in a guild ? Maybe try some Raids, WvW, PvP, Legendary Weapons, achievements.
Done fractals? Start working on a legendary collection? Try out WvW or PvP? Finished world completion for Core and Maguma? Maxed mastery points? Joined a Raid?

Raid wing 3 should release in the next month some time, then Living Story Season 3 should kick off with bi-weekly content updates not long after.
No to most of the above, I have joined a guild though. Problem is the game isn't really doing what I want, I'm hankering for some old style asheron's call type thing I think.
Silifi of the Crimson Stars axe quest I think that was brilliant, it kinda guided you through the process of crafting the weapon. All I'm seeing is the gain xp to unlock the legendary weapon mastery, and I just can't be bothered.
You need to look at the Legendary Crafting, it sounds much more like what you're after.

For example the first part of getting Astralaria:

There's 4 volumes of collections and quests you need to do to gain the precursor and the gift. Then a while bunch of other stuff you need to do and collect to turn it into the Legendary version.

Living Story 3 starts 26th July 2016.

Make sure you log in at least once for each episode and you will unlock the content to play at any time.

They are changing how Living Story works with releases moving from every 2 weeks to every 2-3montha; but with each release containing much more content.

Mike O'Brien said:
Some of you may look back nostalgically at 2013 when we shipped updates every two weeks. That year we shipped a wide variety of things: nine or ten releases that we’d today call a Living World episode, plus updates to systems and content for other parts of the game, plus festivals. So it was the extreme unbundled version of this. It was nice that there was always something new, but I’m personally not wistful of that cadence, because we sacrificed so much to be able to ship that frequently. With Season 3 our goal is to deliver content sustainably, at quality, establishing a pattern we don’t have to take breaks from.
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The Glider is part of the Mastery System. You're required to complete the story to get to the HOT Maps where your first mastery will be the glider.

Personally I would get to HOT soon as possible and avoid map completion. This is solely because you get Mastery EXP depending on your location.

As some Masteries are unlocked from EXP from Central Tyria. So if you save the stuff until you unlock the Masteries then you can utilise all that exp.

Just bought this game a few days ago after seeing the 50% off sale for HoT. Although I played the free version of GW2 I fancy giving this a go and levelling my first character (Ranger; I know they aren't considered the best class but this is what I fancied playing).

Is this advice bolded above still relevant, and no updates have changed this suggestion?

I've 100% completed the two zones I've been in so far (Queensdale and Divinity's Reach) but will hold off doing everything if needs be. I noted I've picked up one Mastery point for Central Tyria somewhere along the line, even though it's locked to me atm. Thanks in advance.
Just bought this game a few days ago after seeing the 50% off sale for HoT. Although I played the free version of GW2 I fancy giving this a go and levelling my first character (Ranger; I know they aren't considered the best class but this is what I fancied playing).

Is this advice bolded above still relevant, and no updates have changed this suggestion?

I've 100% completed the two zones I've been in so far (Queensdale and Divinity's Reach) but will hold off doing everything if needs be. I noted I've picked up one Mastery point for Central Tyria somewhere along the line, even though it's locked to me atm. Thanks in advance.

Yeah it still applies.

Don't worry about what class is best, They all shine in their own way. it really is the player not the class.

Once you hit level 80 you're able to level Masteries.

Masteries are divided into 2 categories: Central Tyria and Heart of Thorns.

So if you wanted to level your gliding mastery, you would do so by gaining experience in the Heart of Thorns Map.

However if you wanted to level Legendary Weapon Crafting then you would need to gain experience via non Heart of Thorn Maps (Central Tyria).

This is why I say its best to do map completion after starting your masteries as your experience from the map completion will go towards it.

Also you're able to change your current mastery being trained and you don't lose experience within that mastery, so you could pick up where you left.

Remember once you get max experience in that mastery level you are required to use mastery points to advance the mastery to the next stage.

Same as the experience, The mastery points are divided into Central Tyria and Heart of thorns.

If you don't have enough mastery points to advance that mastery to the next stage but the experience is maxed out, I would advise switching it out to another mastery so you don't waste experience gained and then advance the mastery you wish when you have the points.
Thank you! That's clear. I get the sense that I will have many other zones I don't visit before I'm level 80 including other starting areas becuase of how I'm levelling atm.

So I take it a good path is:

  • Level to 80; avoid map completion
  • At 80 do the Living Season 1 recap in Lions Arch
  • Complete Living Season 2
  • Complete HoT's content
  • Start Map completing maps to 100% in both HoT and Tyria
  • Then end-game and Living Season 3 content etc.

Does that sound in the right order?

Apologies but a couple of other questions:

1. Does it make sense to level crafting as I go or save this until after I'm level 80?
2. Why did the Mastery Point unlock early even though I'm way off level 80 - is this for 100% one of zones mentioned earlier?
So I found my old account and getting this installed now. I don't have the new expansion - is it worth playing from the beginning again or just 'dinging' a character to 80 and starting from there? I don't have loads of time so not to bothered about missing content as long as it it's not absolutely loads of it?
So I found my old account and getting this installed now. I don't have the new expansion - is it worth playing from the beginning again or just 'dinging' a character to 80 and starting from there? I don't have loads of time so not to bothered about missing content as long as it it's not absolutely loads of it?

GW2 has full level scaling, so if you boost to 80 you probably won't notice. However, I believe there's something to do with mastery XP that makes it better to not complete maps until you ding 80.
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