Guild Wars 2

Well if you do come back to Gandara give me a shout and I'll get you an invite to our guild.

We're all players that have random play times and often have to disappear at a moments notice, I've got 4 kids so quite often we have a mid dungeon 15min break while I go throw some milk powder at the baby :D

Got people of all ages, teens to their 50's, about an equal split of guys and girls, and people dotted all over the UK and Europe.

We're the most casual bunch of scrubs you'll ever meet, but we get stuff done ;)

Sweet, expect me to hit you up in a few weeks :)

Dont suppose you can give a few pointers in Guardian builds /weapon choice? Or does it not really matter a huge amount whilst levelling? I was rolling a mace/shield & staff on my travels last night, although I remember the 2h hammer having a fun knockback (always made me chuckle)
Primary - Two Handed Sword.
Secondary - One Handed Sword and Shield.

Found these to be the best combination.
Dont suppose you can give a few pointers in Guardian builds /weapon choice? Or does it not really matter a huge amount whilst levelling? I was rolling a mace/shield & staff on my travels last night, although I remember the 2h hammer having a fun knockback (always made me chuckle)

Personally I run Greatsword as my main, then either Scepter+Focus, Sword+Focus depending on what I'm doing.

Hammer is great fun in WvW (especially Edge of the Mists where you can punt people straight off the edge :D ), but not really very good for general PvE.

Staff is great for tagging mobs and mobility, best used in WvW, or when you're farming big zerg events (like the current Lions Arch content). Because Staff auto attack is a huge cone of cleaving damage you can tag lots of enemies at once, meaning you get kill credits for all of them, meaning you get lots of loot. Damage is pretty weak however, so it's best used in big groups like zergs. Staff 3 also gives a nice speed boost for getting around quickly, and staff 4 gives a lot of Might buffs to your party/zerg for better damage. A good all round support weapon.

Mace is very very weak damage, and sooo sloooow, but it's the most tanky weapon as you get constant heals, and traited right it gives a lot of healing power boosts. I'd avoid generally.

Shield, lots of people run because shields look cool on the off hand, but skill wise, shields don't bring a lot to PvE, a short duration protection, and a bubble that stops you doing anything else... meh. Though the shield bump from skill 5 is sometimes useful for positioning enemies, however the same thing can be achieved by other means.

Greatsword when traited can give Guardian good DPS, a small heal on hit, lots of control (skill 5 is fantastic at grouping enemy mobs so they can be AoE'd down). Skill 3 gives you a gap closer and leap finsher with an additional blind on hit.

When going into a fight try and get between as many enemies as possible, hit skill 5, then skill 5 again to pull them in to you, hit skill 4 to drop an AoE light field that also applies vulnerability, then hit skill 3 to leap finish for a blind and retaliation, then hit skill 2 for a close AoE whirl + whirl finisher for lots of DPS.

Sword is the guardians highest single target DPS weapon, when traited right its auto-attack will actually give DPS very close to a zerk warrior. Also has the bonus of a teleport gap closer. Skill 3 gives you a small reflect and short range projectile attack, but it's pretty weak and doesn't last long. Auto-attacking actually gives more DPS, so only use if you really have to. Sword is better than a Greatsword when you are fighting a single target if damage is all you are after.

Focus. This is my offhand of choice. Much more useful than a shield I find. Skill 4 is pretty naff, it's weak damage, very situational, and doesn't help a whole lot so you won't use it often. Skill 5 however can be a life saver. Skill 5 basically nullifies the next 3 attacks, no matter what they are. Great for when you've run out of dodges and you know that boss is about to hit you with something BIG. Smack your emergency button (skill 5) and bam, 0 damage. You live to fight another day! Also, even better skill 5 is a burst finisher, so if you lay down a fire field first (preferable!) you and anyone else around you also gain might stacks on use. Very nice.

Scepter. Highest dps ranged weapon in the game (as long as you are hitting with skill 2 on recharge). Skill 3 is also a very useful control skill. Useful for when full melee isn't a good idea and you need some decent ranged damage. Great for things like the Fire Elemental at the end of the Grawl fractal.

While you are levelling it really doesn't matter what you use, but you'll find you can kill stuff faster with Greatsword and Sword. Saying that while levelling I used hammer almost exclusively, just because I liked using skill 4 to punt stuff across the map :D
I've never tried Focus properly, i just did it to unlock skills, so i'll give that a go when i get home with my sword.

Greatsword is great for leaping and AOE's, so much awesome.
Personally I think it's much better than shield. But each to their own, you might hate it :D

But yes, Greatsword rocks.
It's worth a go. The Shield only does an absorb pushback and i can't remember the other one, but it's a Shield Bash with a buff or something along those lines, and what you stated regarding the Focus abilities, i think Focus will be better.

I'm still yet to try the PvP in this game with me being Level 9, but i am very intrigued by it.
Personally I never play the pure PvP stuff, it doesn't interest me at all.

WvW is a good laugh however. Great with a small group of people sneaking around flipping camps.

I'm mainly a PvE'er though, dungeons, fractals, world events, LS etc.
Brilliant cheers for that Hex, will give some of those a go as I think I have most in my bags - staff I was using as you described in the LA event and to get between hearts/events quickly. Mace I was just using as the healing it provides was pretty nice (generally finished up fights on full health or as near as).

Using a Focus OH rather than sheild just feels wrong to me if Im rolling with a shield user, but I'll try to overcome that prejudice :D
Shield is two abilities that doesn't seem to do much, if you're going down, it only delays the inevitable, and you're lucky if you can recover.
Just returned to the game after about 6-8 months. About to hit 80 with my Mesmer (only character). I'm on Desolation. Are there any casual and friendly guilds about willing to take me..... ;)
I have not played this in a very long time. I think my toons are on Desolation. Can you move toons to different servers (costly I expect).

You can guest for pve - maximum of 2 guest passes for 24 hours (that's 2 servers you can select).

However for wvw you are stuck on your home server - apart from edge of the mists where all coloured servers are grouped together.
I have not played this in a very long time. I think my toons are on Desolation. Can you move toons to different servers (costly I expect).

1800 Gems = V.High Pop
1000 Gems = High Pop
500 Gems = Med Pop
Free = Low Pop

800 Gems is £8.50, so £19.13 of real money to transfer.

Or if you use in game gold:

100 Gems = 8g 28s
18 x 100 = 149g 4s

(Assuming you are moving to a V.High pop server)

So yeah, it aint cheap!

Other option is to delete all your characters, then you can move servers for free. But comes with the obvious down side! :o

As you are on Deso though, I don't know why you'd want to move. Deso and Gandara are the top populated EU servers :)
Just returned to the game after about 6-8 months. About to hit 80 with my Mesmer (only character). I'm on Desolation. Are there any casual and friendly guilds about willing to take me..... ;)

our lot would take you for sure but just to be clear, although they are uber nice there are not many of them - id say on an average night there is about 10 folk online ... having said that they are cool with members representing other guilds.

if you fancy giving em a bash shoot me an in game mail or a whisper, I will be on tonight between 6 - 8, probably on my mesmer (sammy silverthorn) or my engineer (the amazing zorkin)
Looks awesome!

Every time I play I still find my self in awe at the art style, I think the only MMO that can compare graphics wise is ESO.
Looks awesome!

Every time I play I still find my self in awe at the art style, I think the only MMO that can compare graphics wise is ESO.

Their art/design team is incredibly talented, that's for sure. Definitely the best thing about the game.
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