Guild Wars 2

Oh yeh almost forgot, will there be some nice big boss battle tonight?

Yup there's some epic multi stage big boss fights :D



So looks like Living Story Season 2 will be all about
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It's in 3 stages.

Stage 1 is open world in LA, there are 3 Legendary Watchknights that have to be killed within the same time window. Killing each of them gives you a buff, you need all 3 buffs to be able to access the teleporter to the Breachmaker (Scarlet's mothership-drill).

Stage 2 is open world fighting huge holographic Scarlet inside of Breachmaker, the fight has several phases.

Stage 3 is solo instance where you go finish the fight with Scarlet in her control room.
Tried the Sword and Focus spec this morning HeX, definitely better than Sword and Shield, despite one ability with the Shield equipped provides a buff to your allies, but the absorption/knockback skill the Shield provides is outmatched by the fact you take no damage from the next three attacks when using Focus.

Aesthetically Shield is better, but utility wise Focus is better.
Aesthetically Shield is better, but utility wise Focus is better.

Have to agree there, it does feel odd running around with a sword and a focus, shield certainly looks better.

You'll have to have a browse through HERE and try and find one you like the look of that'll match your characters style :D
Got a week ban last night for unacceptable language, I guess venting my frustrations about the new event not working properly in chat was a bad move lol
Never, EVER, expect anything to work properly on patch night :D There's usually at least 2 hot fixes in the subsequent hours to actually make everything work properly on the live servers!
It just frustrated me tbh, around 2-3 hours wasted getting no loot from the assault knights, the funny thing is when it started working I got all the way to Scarlett then in the middle of the fight was when they suspended my account. Talk about brilliant timing, I only needed to finish my daily as well to complete the monthly and I'd have enough laurels to buy another ascended trinket :( Still plenty of time left in the month though.
I buy two stacks of 40 rare runes at no more than 2gold for each stack (getting these for 2 gold can mean buying at the right time). Always make my money back, sometimes get a 8-10 gold rune out of 40 runes.
But always get at least 3 runes that sell for 2-3 gold. Its a slow process and sometime I don't make the money back, but I went from 10 gold to 100 in under a week. It was also a time when I got bored of questing.

If you do that, don't you run the risk of getting a significant proportion of Soulbound runes that can't then be sold?
Got a week ban last night for unacceptable language, I guess venting my frustrations about the new event not working properly in chat was a bad move lol

How the hell can they ban you for that when the game has an inbuilt baby-filter for the chat? ANet are just retarded when it comes to reasons for banning people.
Been running around with a scepter/focus and a great sword doing zones, big thanks for the suggestions Hex & Wes (although I do find myself dropping back to mace/focus when the going gets tough). Still haven't killed scarlet yet, tbh not even sure I can on a sub 80? (Haven't played my ele for a week plus mind u)

Have to say I'm really enjoying myself again :)
Yeah the final final instance is more just for story purposes than an actual fight.

The Watchknights and Giant Hologram are the actual proper boss fights :)
Only killed the WatchKnights so far - guess who didnt realise you needed the 3 buffs to get onto the next phase and the Hologram - I wrongly assumed it was a drop or 'something'....der.

Unfortunately back to work today so no spanking through 10 levels like yesterday!
My account was compromised in the last 4 hours. 500+ gold and 4 sets of exotic armour taken. Lets see how good their support is?
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Hoping for a roll back (fingers crossed). Checking the forums and it looks like they should be able to do it.
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