7 Feb 2004
I have heard from someone that they are planning Guild Wars 2 soon. I was wondering if there was ant truth in this as I am considering getting the game and dont want to if they are bringing out a second game soon.

If not then is it worth getting the special edition or the standard copy?

Thanks in advance
Guild Wars Campaign 2
I'm not even sure what it is, might just be an expansion? It isn't out till March though so might aswell get standard copy of GW and play to get used to it. It'd definately be worth it, if even for a couple of months!
it carryson from 1st , so play 1st chapeter 1st to use your powerful characters in 2nd chapter + U get to learn how to play !
I'm think Gaile Gray the Arenanet community relations said Chapter 2 was a standalone expansion so the original isn't needed but you just miss half the stuff.
How is Guild Wars? I'm a huge WoW fan and that little part of GW I tried didn't grab my attention for that long.

I've reached lvl60 in WoW and have started getting bored with raiding and sitting in Battleground queues all the time. Does Guild Wars suffer the same things?

I hate having to commit to 3 hours to do a instance run...
Thats the problem with wow. You need about 3 hrs to complete an instance and then someone says they have to go and its all a waste of time.

Played wow for six months but dont have the time to play for that long any more.
Good question. Im not sure and would like to know before I get this.

Could someone tell me what you get up to on this game?

I know that it is not as open as Wow as in it is restricted to instances but are there sections when you fight in PVP or as the man said above is it just PvE?
Depends if you are a PvPer or not. PvPers like me would say GW is mostly PvP with PvE there for grinding the skills needed. PvEers would say its mainly PvE because theres only a few PvP areas around.
You can PvP with your PvE character if you like but you won't have perfect equipment. If you want to PvP and have things unlocked you can make a PvP character and play PvP with that. The PvP character will be max level but you can't PvE with it.
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