Got to play for a bit the other night. Still not sure what I am doing. Managed to get up to level 5 so far. I picked a Warrior/Neromancer. Not sure what that is like just liked the idea.

My name is Demon Dogg in game. So look me up as I need guidance lol
Here's the public key for the event weekend in case any of you are interested...


Don't worry, it's a one shoe fits all key ;)
I'm also thinking about picking up guild wars. I'm a former SWG and WoW player and want a decent MMORPG without the monthly fee.

I know this doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but how are the graphics in Guild Wars? i have a fairly decent system, and like to put it to good use :p
The graphics are pretty good. Ive only been playing for a few hours and was a former WOW player.

Things that will annoy you that do slightly me.

You cant jump...sounds petty but its very frustrating.
Invisible more running around in the forest
You can only enter instances whilst in groups and no one can join you

Im going to give it more time though. I did enjoy playing wow and its not the same but could be fun in its own right.
bloodline76 said:
Yes sorry I joined a guild because the guy was being friendly but prefer to join you guys. How do you leave the guild?

I will wait for your invite after that

Ok just press G and click on the guild roster tab, click on the icon next to your name and select leave current guild.
Ok thanks for letting me join. I was just wondering, I think I might have done something wrong.

I was walking around and went through that door which lets to the City being destroyed. I am only level 6, so does that mean that I can not get all the other skills that I have not got yet now that i have left?
How many skills do you have? there are usually between 8 and 12 available before you leave Pre Searing Ascalon, don't worry if you missed any, you can buy them all anyway.

Check the skills trainer in Post Searing Ascalon, he will have the ones you missed.
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hmm, kinda interested in this, having gone from being an ex hardcore EQ player I'm looking for something that can be played on a casual basis. So how does this compare? do I need to sat logged in for an hour waiting for a group capable of taking down mobs or can it be solo'd?
You can solo PvE but its hard (well more hard due to the henchman not doing what you want!) and boring with henchman. The missions are fairly short ~30mins for long ones with a decent team and the fun factor goes up a ton playing with others. Groups don't take that long to find most of the time. Actually I play on American servers cos theres millions more people, I found the Euro servers a bit empty cos they are split up in languages etc, not sure what its like now though its been 5months+ since I switched.
Sweetloaf said:
He probably got someone to run him everywhere for a couple of years. We all know the sort :D
Yeah I can imagine him running around in Droknars shouting "CAN ANYBDY GIV ME 500GODL I JUST STRARTED THE GAME LOLOLZZ!!!!!!!" :D
Bet he takes his dragon sword into GvG too!:p
BTW saw you guys playing the other day, congrats on being on GWTV!:D
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