Gun crime in the UK - law and controls

It won't surprise anyone to know that I would be much happier if the handgun laws were relaxed slightly. I'd really love to be able to own a good .357 or .44 revolver for practical pistol competition shooting.
Of course, I think it's something like 12ft/lb MAX.

Responsible ??
What like Thomas Hamilton and Derrick Bird??

The ban after Dunblane made it impossible for another Dunblane to occur, we need another ban to make it impossible for another Derrick Bird to occur imho.

Both failures of the local FLO to confiscate weapons from unstable FAC/SAC holders. As was Hungerford.
. In regards to keeping guns in the house I don't think it would it would help much if someone broke in, as the gun would more than likely be stored somewhere other than a bedroom and considering the size of most UK houses there would be no way if accessing that without running into the person already in the house.

For me I'd first have to go to where the gun safe keys are kept, then to the gun safe itself, then to grab the ammo...

We don't have a big issue with armed crime and shootings. The laws as it currently stands operates well, of course there are always improvements that can be made like mandatory reporting to Police of medical changes.

The problem isn't very often with properly licensed weapons, yes there are exceptions.
Personally I'd like to see stricter gun regulations and ideally an outright ban on ALL guns for citizens (with the obvious exception of shotguns for farmers).
Given the number of deaths on UK roads, I'd be happier to have a ban on ALL cars... Except tractors for farmers.

If you wanna shoot get a nice air-rifle and if that doesn't appeal to you then perhaps we need to question what it actually is that's attracting you to target shooting!!
Question away.
I can throw a stone further than my air rifle can shoot, so air weapons aren't really a challenge and not accurate enough for anything worthwhile. A child's catapult is more dangerous, too.
If ever I feel the need to senselessly slaughter a bunch of people, a firearm or air weapon is likely to be very low on my list of weapon choices.
Is firearm crime increasing in the United Kingdom?

I know there is a review of the law proposed. How does the Police and law control them?

Should there be less legal controls or even tighter controls.

I know there are some gendarmes on here, and gun owners, what type of guns are used in crime?

(I am studying the topic).

Firearms law in the UK is amongst the tightest in the world. Fully automatic weapons are illegal as are semi automatic (.22 calibre aside ) and handguns, again with .22 exceptions for gun clubs and target shooting. Tasers and incapacitant sprays are also prohibited weapons. The law is sound.

Illegal weapons are the problem. I've held a fully auto AK-47 that was bought by an undercover cop for £1200 and also a fully automatic UZI that was intercepted in a cargo container in a north east port.
Illegal weapons are the problem. I've held a fully auto AK-47 that was bought by an undercover cop for £1200 and also a fully automatic UZI that was intercepted in a cargo container in a north east port.

The thing about illegal firearms such as the ones you mention is that whilst some organised criminals can gain access to these weapons, most of joe public can't without rousing the suspicions of the security services (well above converted deactivated weapons that are crude and likely to blow up in your face - literally). Whilst our gun laws don't solve the issue, they do help.
Even in America crimes aren't really committed with fully automatic weapons or things like .50 cal rifles, thought the former is probably due to have expensive and rare they are.
The problem with our gun laws, like the prohibition of cannabis, is that you just push the trade underground.

As if to prove my point :(

lol what? have you been smoking?

Gun trade was never pushed underground. Those who can legally buy for legal pursuits do so. Those who want to use firearms for nefarious means will always go to the underground as that's where they can find what they want.

Damn son... comparing gun laws to legalising cannabis... stop smoking and get real.
Wicked stuff, reading this thank you very much indeed to all posters.

Still unanswered, how does the Police and law control them? Police catch a fella with a gun in their car, they say it wasn't theirs. Do they have the tools they need to make prosecution worthwhile.

Should there be less legal controls or even tighter controls? No the controls are fine as they are and if anyone should eb relaxed for legal shooters.I had someone try to break into my house, if private householders could own guns I would feel safer? What would happen, would gun crime go up? Would burglary go down? Burglary would remain the same as the burglars would then go in armed with knives or their own guns, it wouldn't effect anything.

If I witnessed a robbery or a terrorist activity, would carry laws mean that more folk could pull out their pistol, and would the possibility of shooting the bad guy be a useful deterrent? I wouldn't like to see concealed carry in the UK as its a recipe for disaster, just look at the US, plus in the event of something life threatening most people couldn't draw the gun in time before getting shot or stabbed (studies have shown this) Or worse they would eb overpowered and shot with their own gun

What type of guns are used in crime?
Home made
Sawn off?
Army surplus?
Belt cutters :p

Anything they can get their hands on from Shotguns to reactivated firearms of all ages (but these are time consuming to do and take some knowhow)The majority of illegal firearms will be pistol with some semi/fully auto weapons, and most will have come from Europe smuggled in to order, from revolvers to glocks with polymer frames
If someone was really desperate you can make single shot shotguns out of pipes and the only limiting factor is how fast you can slid another cartridge into the pipe!

I think they should have shooting ranges where you can go in and fire guns in a range. That way people can still blow off steam if they like guns and practice for a zombie invasion. There are loads of these around the country and I attend one each week, a lot of fun (sensibly) and being a member of one I become eligible to apply for a license and apply for my own firearms
The thing about illegal firearms such as the ones you mention is that whilst some organised criminals can gain access to these weapons, most of joe public can't without rousing the suspicions of the security services (well above converted deactivated weapons that are crude and likely to blow up in your face - literally). Whilst our gun laws don't solve the issue, they do help.

Gus are traded amongst criminals like people on here buy and sell graphics cards.
Some of the laws regarding deactivated firearms are a bit draconian, but they could be much worse. I wonder how many deacts are used in crime - I suspect quite a few as they are easy to get hold of.
gun laws are fine to a point. procedures have to change.

it can take 3 months to renew my shotgun certificate. If i don't time it write i have to put my guns into storage.

the new laws on air guns are going to make it worse.
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