guy martin on ch4 tv

E's a legend an i enjoyed it, light hearted and fun. Looking forward to the others.

How effect is the 20second on off training 6 times. How many times do you need to do it a week. Like once a day, several times a day or what. Have loads of slow twitch, but i recon zero fast twitch muscle.

Research interval training it is well documented :)
there wasnt any were in the uk they could have done it on tarmac, the only reason the other guy did it on a motorway was because it wasn't open so was free to use it.
Pendine Sands is the spiritual home of UK land speed records so that would have been one reason to do it there
They got to 100mph on the runway in 3 miles, are there seriously no runways in the UK bigger than that? But yeah, imagine how increased his drag was with all the sand. They weren't even slick tyres.
I found it a bit dissapointing tbh, Mythbusters made a longer run across a lake on a bog stock dirt bike with no plane surface or paddle back tire.

Hmmm, makes you wonder how they managed that?

It was a helluva episode, there was mucho testing, mistakes made, flotation devices etc ditched because they where counter productive, and in the end they took the speed & brute force approach as all they where trying to do was ride across a lake, & not set any kind of record.
I found it a bit dissapointing tbh, Mythbusters made a longer run across a lake on a bog stock dirt bike with no plane surface or paddle back tire.

Ditto, I remember watching the Mythbusters episode. So I was surprised when Guy's team took a different approach.

Jamie was using a big power race bike from what I remember though.
I'm sure the shallower depth helps too. I know it's over a 1m deep which is what GM's had to be but at the entrance to the lake I bet it wasn't.

And there will be a benefit in doing it in 8ft of water compared to 300ft like GM did
lol that was nowhere near 300ft !

anyway guy was on form again tonight. loved him putting the glider into a mega stall and just laughing as the guy seemed shocked
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