Gym Etiquette Thread

^TANK^ said:
wearing a hat would soak up the sweat while working out only reason that i can think of

for all of 10 mins, then it would be full of sweat and start dripping.
it would also cause the body to overheat, meaning you need to drink more fluid, making you sweat more.
My gym is nice and close, cheap, so no problems there. Decent range of stuff too.

The girls I lvie with are into the aquarobics, so we go to the gym while they are in there. Thats normally around 9pm, so its pretty quiet.

Sometimes we go earlier and then join the girls in the pool. Being the only 2 guys in the class can have its pluses :p
theres a couple for me

people jumping in on your machine when your just resting off it for a couple of seconds..

Also people making loads of noise on the running machine, I know I'm not the lightest person in the world but some peeps make so much noise while running.
The_morrell said:
theres a couple for me

people jumping in on your machine when your just resting off it for a couple of seconds..

define a few seconds.
if you have just done a set on a machine and have stood up, then its only right that another person can do a set while your recovering.
The_morrell said:
Also people making loads of noise on the running machine, I know I'm not the lightest person in the world but some peeps make so much noise while running.
Thats just daft.
Your critisising people for using equipment to get into shape there.
BoomAM said:
Thats just daft.
Your critisising people for using equipment to get into shape there.

He either means people who stomp on the treadmill or puff and pant a lot, heavy running on a treadmill is going to nothing for there knees.
You're sitting there for a 15 min session on your bike when the guy next to you 'blows wind' (real acid wind).

The guys with their shirts off purely just to flex their muscles in the weights section.
dandoubleo said:
Total opposite here, our gyms are somewhat of a sausage fest!

Yeah I'v never seen a girl in our weights room...then again the gym is divided into the weights and the machines room (that costs £100 a month or something silly so I only do weights), so maybe the ladies go to the gym to run on the treadmill. Why they do that I don't know.
Triad2000 said:
The guys with their shirts off purely just to flex their muscles in the weights section.
If you've got it, flaunt it :) I haven't but if I was ripped with large muscles I wouldn't mind letting everyone else see me while I worked out. Might not go as far as taking my top off but i'd certainly be vesting it.

Things that annoy me are people like the numpty pair who came in a couple of days ago and spent 45 mins (seriously, I kid you not) taking it in turn to do bench presses.
Another hater of women walking on treadmills :mad:

Why pay 30/40 quid a month just to walk? When you can do that anywhere, for free?

Not only that my gym has recently become more and more rammed, so the demand has gone up, theyve removed some of the weights machines I used to use, to replace them with treadmills so more fat women can walk on them and waste their money and time :(

bam0 said:
Things that annoy me are people like the numpty pair who came in a couple of days ago and spent 45 mins (seriously, I kid you not) taking it in turn to do bench presses.
Depends on their goals.

Efaws said:
Not only that my gym has recently become more and more rammed, so the demand has gone up, theyve removed some of the weights machines I used to use, to replace them with treadmills so more fat women can walk on them and waste their money and time
That's the difference between a fitness centre and a weightlifting gym.

As for people walking on the treadmills, have you considered that some people need to be in a gym to be motivated to get even the smallest amounts of exercise?
spinneR~uk said:
Depends on their goals.
I'll admit that I don't know a huge amount about bodybuilding and fitness, i've been doing it a while and although I know enough to do what I want to, outside of that....

It was mostly annoying that they were hogging one piece of equipment for so long, one guy was quite scrawny, neither looked particularly good at doing it (legs coming right up off the ground) and were clearly pushing weight too heavy for them (greatly assisted by the spotter, unable to push the bar evenly), the fact that as a pair they just swapped over after each set meant no one else got a look in.

Re your comment though what kind of thing might lead you to want to do so much work on a single excercise?
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