Gym Etiquette Thread

Not even professional athletes go 100% when training - The ones that do so end up burnt out midway during the season.

Although it's a highly subjective term - does it mean 100% of what you are capable of at that particular time / as a moving average / in terms of your goals / another 1% would mean tearing muscle?
I agree huddy that you should give you 100%. Borris take for example someone who's trying to bulk up, if by the 3rd set (and they were doing 3 sets of 8) they could only manage 6 or 7, I would say they were giving their 100%, but if they could manage 3 sets of 8 and weren't upping the weight to reach their goals then from my perspective (i'm relitively new to bodybuilding so I might not know some facts) I would see that as a waste.

9761 said:
Did you see the one where they ate a baguette?


I just had a nice Pastrami, cheddar, mustard and salad baguette, just though you might like to know...
Borris said:
Not even professional athletes go 100% when training - The ones that do so end up burnt out midway during the season.

Although it's a highly subjective term - does it mean 100% of what you are capable of at that particular time / as a moving average / in terms of your goals / another 1% would mean tearing muscle?

I've alread said in a previous post.. 100% of your means and capabilities. 100% concentration. My mind is on the job, not some TV screen or magaizine or anything else. It's why i HATE these poncy gyms.. the old fashioned "work" gyms are ebing away making room for clinical studios which resemble a doctors surgery/hotel rather than a gym!!

My training is short, concise and hard. If I feel that I'm not up to it, then I'll put it off.. but being in a routine helps. If I think i can do better than last time, then i'll give it my best.. even if i fail..
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So if a person doesnt give it 100% they shouldnt be there? I dont agree.

I mean less than 100% mentally doesnt necessarily mean your lookin at the tv or reading a book. Could be giving 80% or 90%. People shouldnt be put down cause they arent giving 100% thats not the goal of every single person who enters a gym.

Not everyone in the gym has the goal to improve. And if anyone disagrees well your wrong cause think about it. You could say they wouldnt have gotten a gym membership if they didnt want to improve. I say hell some people just enjoy lifting weights or doing some cardio.

I'm not trying to annoy anyone or purposely argue. Not everyone has the same goals is all.
Admiral Huddy said:
I've alread said in a previous post.. 100% of your means and capabilities. 100% concentration. My mind is on the job, not some TV screen or magaizine or anything else. It's why i HATE these poncy gyms.. the old fashioned "work" gyms are ebing away making room for clinical studios which resemble a doctors surgery/hotel rather than a gym!!

My training is short, concise and hard. If I feel that I'm not up to it, then I'll put it off.. but being in a routine helps. If I think i can do better than last time, then i'll give it my best.. even if i fail..
I can agree with the concentration bit, and the rest, but only from the perspective of somebody going to the gym to push themselves (be it growth or fitness).

There is plenty to be said for having different motivation for going to the gym - Healthy lifestyles require excercise, but this doesn't necessarily have to be workouts bordering on zealotry.

I suppose, at the end of the day, you will find yourself most comfortable in a gym where the other members have the same motivation / goals as you.
Admiral Huddy said:
I've alread said in a previous post.. 100% of your means and capabilities. 100% concentration. My mind is on the job, not some TV screen or magaizine or anything else. It's why i HATE these poncy gyms.. the old fashioned "work" gyms are ebing away making room for clinical studios which resemble a doctors surgery/hotel rather than a gym!!

My training is short, concise and hard. If I feel that I'm not up to it, then I'll put it off.. but being in a routine helps. If I think i can do better than last time, then i'll give it my best.. even if i fail..

i watch the tv while i do cardio, should i not goto the gym?
Morba said:
i watch the tv while i do cardio, should i not goto the gym?

If you are working 100% to your ability and you reach your objectives then no...

Borris said:
I can agree with the concentration bit, and the rest, but only from the perspective of somebody going to the gym to push themselves (be it growth or fitness).

what other reasons are there for going to the gym?

I'm only speaking in my own personal view; I’m not saying what is right and what is wrong. That's the thing with gym work. We are all different both physically and mentally. What works for someone won't work for another but it just makes me laugh when you see two people chatting on a treadmill or reading a mag on a bike and I think why are you here? But then, my objectives are probably different to theirs.

All I'm just saying is to get the maximum out of some something, then you have to put the maximum in. Same can be said for most things.
well what can i say?
i must be one lucky chap...theres nothing that bothers me at the gym i go to.its a fitness first with the weight training equipment upstairs,for a fitness first gym its pretty damn good with a wide selection of free weights and loadsa benches :-) maybe its because i go off peak times, so theres hardly anyone there? get to avoid all the whingers/posers/angry folk..a bit like some of the posters on here :D (j/k)
The only thing that annoy me is, people who are there to pose.
They wear skin tight t-shirts that 99% of people would normally wear on a night out, they do very little actual work, spend more time faffing with their hair or looking at themselves in the mirror.
That annoys me. Why wear a t-shirt thats not in the slightest way designed for physical activities to the Gym? Why? And to top it off, they wear those weight gloves things, yet the nearest they get to the weights is the mirrors near the weights.
Borris said:
I've another grumble.


Why are you wearing a hat?

It's a gym, you're inside, you're a freek.

lol some people like hats.

Agree about the skin tight t-shirt. Or guys who wear jeans to the gym. Actually on Thursday a woman came in wearing a 1 piece bathing suit, we all thought she was out of her bloody mind. After about 30 seconds of being there one of the personal trainers gave her some shorts. God she musta been embarassed.
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