***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

This is probably not the thread for it but I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say if you've upped your calories and "you're still getting fatter" that's probably because you're eating too much. :confused: If eating more spiked your metabolism to the extent that you lost weight there'd be no fat people.

If you're trying to lose weight, drop calories back to what they were and keep up your routine. If you don't lose weight, cut calories gradually until you do.

What are you trying to achieve and what made you move away from 5x5?
I've upped my calories from 2200 to 2600, this is ofcourse sitting on my ass most of the day, 20 - 30 mins of light bike cardio and gym work of 45 mins. I am on a cut at currently as I am fat (37/38 inch waist at 6ft 2). I have found that over the last 6 weeks I feel/look fatter.

When I say arms/shoulders all I do is 2 sets of bi's, 2 sets of tris, 3 sets of side lat raises, and some mobility work followed by 20 mins of cardio on the rower. Nothing too intense.

Been 10 days doing that 10-20 rep workout and it's more like 12 reps, I feel weak as a pansy on most movements though, except squats/deads/rows/chest (ie, dips I can hardly pull 5 off, used to do 16 easily). It seems any movement that I wasn't doing on my last routine I am weak at, even been checking my form on these too. I miss 5x5 beast mode feeling haha.

Saw my friend the other night who's a PT and has been for years and he just says to do this higher rep range for a couple of months, eat more to increase your metabolism and try and get my 8 hours sleep. Problem is the more I eat the fatter I seem to be getting, I truly think my metabolism is borked in the butt.

What are you trying to achieve? I'm kind of lost here.

Are you trying to get stronger? Bigger? Or are you trying to get slimmer?

Getting stronger or bigger GENERALLY means eating more, sleeping more and doing more of everything. A by-product of this - depending on your hormone levels - is bodyfat.

If you think you're getting fatter, then you are either eating too much, or not training hard enough/correctly. My guess is - without seeing your diet - we have problems with both. :)

Post both your workout routine and your diet (ideally from a food diary, rather than "examples" because the latter tends to be less reliable).
Do you guys have any Youtube video recommendations for getting into weightlifting?

I'm trying to get some bulk as I race kayaks, and this winter I want to properly get fit. I'm a member of a gym with weights downstairs, but I haven't ventured that way as I don't know what I'm doing.
Do you guys have any Youtube video recommendations for getting into weightlifting?

I'm trying to get some bulk as I race kayaks, and this winter I want to properly get fit. I'm a member of a gym with weights downstairs, but I haven't ventured that way as I don't know what I'm doing.


Or lifting weights? The two concepts are slightly different... :)

Or lifting weights? The two concepts are slightly different... :)

No idea to be honest.

I'm basically after a stronger core, back, arms and shoulders. Forgive me if that sounds naive, but that's what I use most when kayaking. My back takes a pounding first, along with my stomach muscles, then my shoulders and arms.

I'm not after pure bulk, as it's more endurance races - 1 hour+, say - just a help to get stronger.
No idea to be honest.

I'm basically after a stronger core, back, arms and shoulders. Forgive me if that sounds naive, but that's what I use most when kayaking. My back takes a pounding first, along with my stomach muscles, then my shoulders and arms.

I'm not after pure bulk, as it's more endurance races - 1 hour+, say - just a help to get stronger.

Don't worry, you won't be getting huge bulk, even if you start lifting tons and tons of weights.

You should probably go for (everyone always says this) Stronglifts 5x5 as that will improve your core, shoulders etc. Squats and deadlifts work out your legs and glutes a lot too, which is a good way to encourage all over muscle/strength development. Squats are deadlifts are pretty much the best exercises for your core.
Don't worry, you won't be getting huge bulk, even if you start lifting tons and tons of weights.

You should probably go for (everyone always says this) Stronglifts 5x5 as that will improve your core, shoulders etc. Squats and deadlifts work out your legs and glutes a lot too, which is a good way to encourage all over muscle/strength development. Squats are deadlifts are pretty much the best exercises for your core.

A lot of people also seem to forget that the force and effort required to use those big arms/etc. from pulling/pushing requires strong legs/glutes to ensure that the force is transferred efficiently.

Which is why you must not neglect them. :)
Could someone talk me through Rippetoe squats vs low bar squats please? I've done a bit of googling and it's hard to find anything close to a definitive answer.

Rippetoe's video on bar positioning is quite helpful but I'm not sure whether it's the best way to position and hold the bar. I also know the way he teaches the squat movement itself isn't good.

I guess I'm asking if anyone has a better explanation of how to hold the bar in a low bar squat?
Cool thanks. I found I could look down much more easily in the low bar style, it throws my balance off doing that high bar but I think it's a good cue.

How do low bar squatters here hold the bar? Thumbless style like Rippetoe teaches or actually gripping it?
Some really good info in here, gunna bump it with a few videos - might be good for the newbies and I'll certainly take any critique or advice going :)

Tonnes of vids inc. Please pick apart everything about my form - wanna get it all nailed down properly. Apologies for camera angles, trying to record myself using a bench and a student card to support my phone isnt that easy!

60kgs Paused Squat

80kgs Paused Squat

100kg Squat Confidence Boost

60kgs Paused Deads
So, looks to me like I lift with my back until I become aware of it and then start to try and use hips more? Trying to ascertain how I lift the weight and how to better it to lift more :D

60kgs Deads Reps

Hips start off lower in this, still not convinced I have hip hinging/drive sorted at all. Would hip thrusts help in this regard? Similar movement?
Please, stop looking around during your deadlifts. It's a terrible habit to get in to and will no doubt cause trouble once you whack the weight up inevitably.

Also, I'd probably pause for a touch longer if that is what you are wanting.

On the negative try and reverse an RDL movement, you appear to be doing an SLDL (which isn't necessarily a problem, just when it's heavy you probably don't want that load on your back.
No idea to be honest.

I'm basically after a stronger core, back, arms and shoulders. Forgive me if that sounds naive, but that's what I use most when kayaking. My back takes a pounding first, along with my stomach muscles, then my shoulders and arms.

I'm not after pure bulk, as it's more endurance races - 1 hour+, say - just a help to get stronger.

Just out of curiosity, is it k1 flat water type stuff you do? Like mrthingyx said, you need to remember the lower body is essential for pushing with your feet, plus, you don't want to end up like the the slalom people as two biceps on toothpicks :p

A 5x5 routine should see you right until you figure out what you want to do for yourself. Add in some rotator cuff work because all paddlers need it IMO.

Any comments on form? I know I need to work on looking around, terrible habit - set after watching this video I was making a more conscious effort to avoid moving my head and keeping a neutral neck position but it still needs work.
Its by no means terrible form, lower back is straighter than most, but I would like to see more early hip drive. At the moment the motion seems to be in two parts, with your lower back taking the brunt of the first stage. As soon as the bar passes the knees starting engaging the glutes and hips.
Don't worry, you won't be getting huge bulk, even if you start lifting tons and tons of weights.

Adapted quote (originally about women picking up weights, but same applies):

"Worrying about getting 'too big' with resistance training is like refusing to take up jogging in case you become an elite Olympic sprinter."
The girlfriend of a friend of mine keeps talking about getting big thighs from too much cycling in a similar way. She does seem to have genetics (judging by her current physique and her brother) that encourage muscle development but it's a bit of a silly thing to worry about. I'm sure I'm guilty of having made similar comments when I first started messing with weights though.
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