Here we go. This is actually the last set. I stuck with a low weight and tried to get as low as I could.
p.s. try not to laugh at the step back/step forward thing... not too sure!
And the next two are of me lifting my heaviest set. This is the most I can lift where I feel comfortably in control but still find it damn hard work.
rear view:
side view:
I'm most grateful to you guys for taking the time to look at these and give me feedback. I'm really determined to nail my form whether it requires a few tweaks or some major sorting out
Although I don't have any injuries etc today and feel great bear in mind that a few weeks ago I majorly hurt my lower back by trying to squat 110kg on the 3rd rep. Was it too much for me or was it my technique?
You're extending your back through the squat (look at the shadow on your t-shirt from the rear view), suggesting you aren't bracing properly. This then starts to flex as you push for greater depth at the bottom (look at the bottom of the squat from the side view). I'm guessing you're going for "chest up" whilst pushing for depth because your hamstrings, glutes and ankles aren't letting you drop further...
Also, knees out more. You'll hear this a gazillion times, but it really is that important. You are starting to get a valgus foot position where the arch collapses/rolls due to the knee travelling inside the line of the big toe. This is not good.
In the first video, your ankle mobility is definitely impacting your squat, but your bum doesn't tuck until you go below parallel, which is good. You're still extending your spine mid lift each way, so be mindful of this, too. Based on the comparison between "light" and "heavy" squat videos, I'm guessing your core isn't up to supporting the weight as you get a lot deeper on the lighter stuff, and your legs aren't strong enough to drive up and out the (deep) hole.
For ankle mobility, I cheat by using Olympic lifting shoes to give me some more quasi-range:
As you're doing high bar, I'd do a couple of things to help.
First off, don't try those heavy weights again because you're shafting yourself with sub-optimal technique.
Second, mobility: stretch your hamstrings, glutes and adductors. Also ankle mobility.
Third: core work. Really learn to lock your core off as your squat. Increasing your mobility will give you the range you want/need.
Fourth: awesome work in shooting for a high-bar squat.