***Gym Exercise Guide, and Form Discussion/Feedback***

Just wanted to say thanks again for the form tips and links. I'm pretty sure my squat form is a lot better now. I'll be trying deads again for the first time on Wed too as I'm 100% sure my back has recovered.

Also hit my highest on bench today of 70kg. Very low compared to most of you but for me it's been something I've been aiming for for a while on strong lifts 5x5 :)
Guys, I've been getting back into getting fit lately. Never did any weights, but I used to do a lot of cycling, indoor rowing and crosstrainer stuff. General gym stuff.

Getting more and more back into rowing, as I love it. It is killer.

What I was wondering was, if anyone could advise on any weights to do in order to assist with rowing? I'll need to bring my lungs along for the ride, as if I go too much faster I am struggling with breathing enough - just need to practice more - but in terms of back and arm strength, what could I focus on?

Would it be worth getting me a set of dumbells to help a little?
Deadlifts, squats, rows, chinups, bench-press, core work...

You do realise that lifting weights does not preclude your cardio work?

And no, it's not worth "getting a set of dumbells" if you want to actually help your rowing. Use the money for a decent gym membership. :)

If your toes are slowly spreading out, that suggests you are keeping your knees out in at least some capacity. I would suggest (based on the rear view), that you imagine using the 'knees out' motion to pull you down into the bottom of the squat.

Other than that, there was nothing catastrophically wrong with the BW squats. Show us what you have got with some weight, as the chances are you are doing yourself a disservice. Keep your core locked tight (front and back) and keep your chest up!

Oh, and keep your chest up, too! ;)
You're losing a bit of spinal position when you run into your flexibility blocks.

Regarding your bench, that's because your external rotators and lower trap fibres aren't engaging fully. That and tight pecs. Look up scapula wall slides.
Here's a question. I've had this for as long as I can remember. Basically, doing this:


With my left hand I can get it up quite high between my shoulder blades, and putting my right hand over my shoulder I can grab said hand. However I can't get anywhere close to doing this the other way round. Some sort of shoulder impingement?

EDIT - I can touch the shoulder blade with my right hand but it's uncomfortable and can't get it any higher than the bottom of the shoulder blade.
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I have this too, though I can't reach over and grab the hand that's up behind my back.

My internal/external rotation on my right shoulder needs work. Could also be that my subscapular/infraspinatus and rear delt are tight too.

Brining my right hand up behind my back used to cause my right shoulder to roll forward internally with a stretch felt across the back/top of the humerus.
Interdasting. It's 'always been that way' and being left-handed I assumed it was something do with using my left to scratch my back and stuff more haha. I shall smash my right pec in various ways.
wait... what... you are left handed but use your right for your mouse?! :confused::eek:

I write and use my left for forks/spoons and play guitar left handed on lefty guitars, but a lot of everyday tools are often made ergonomically for right handers so I just sort of got used to using them that way - things like can-openers, scissors, and a lot of mice.
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