Gym Rats 2012 Awards

I'm going to say it.

I think it's great that Delvis is being nominated - but for taking lots of ****? really? Is that worth of an award? Delvis' heart is in the right place, but there's far too many posts which go "do it this way because it's best..." - why? "because I'm not sure, but someone else will explain better, it's not my expertise". He offers advice that he cannot qualify. As a result he gets relentlessly teased for it - and it's understandable - however to win an award for posting silly posts and then getting teased for it is daft IMO.

Don't get me wrong, Delvis' determination alone is worthy of the prize, and the fact he's pulling his finger out and starting to shift some decent weight is worthy - but I don't think it's fair on him to vote for him purely because he's good at being teased. Is that something you want to win a prize over?

I'm sorry for singling you out Delvis - I just think it's unfair the reasons why people are nominating you for daft reasons. IF they're nominating you because you've been the best gym rat poster here all year, then I support the decision 100% - I just think some of the comments seem rather disingenuous.
I'm not just voting for him because he takes stick, I'm voting for him because despite people constantly taking the **** and making out like he's not really getting anywhere, his attitude towards trying to improve and always seeking advice to help him prove these people wrong is admirable.

His work ethic in the gym might be questionable by some, but his enthusiasm and his approach to wanting to improve is better than the vast majority on here. I'm guilty myself of ripping it out of him at times, but rather than sulk and act like a child or take it to heart, he'll email me or ask me on Facebook what he can do about it. That's a pretty damn good quality to have in this game, as most people can't and don't want to take criticism. They'll post pics and vids all day long in the hope of positive feedback and praise, but when they get criticism, they get defensive or upset. I don't see that too much from him, he always seems genuinely appreciative of feedback, good or bad

And also, whether its regurgitated info or not, he's always willing to help new posters or old with issues. His post count goes up at an alarming rate, but that's mostly because of posting in SA threads, which again, is credit to his enthusiasm to learn, contribute and participate. Granted some of his posts are absolute **** at times
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That I agree 100% :)

It just seemed daft people voting for him for being good at taking ****.

He should lose points though for posting advice and then replying with "I don't actually know" however :p
I'm going to say it.

I think it's great that Delvis is being nominated - but for taking lots of ****? really? Is that worth of an award? Delvis' heart is in the right place, but there's far too many posts which go "do it this way because it's best..." - why? "because I'm not sure, but someone else will explain better, it's not my expertise". He offers advice that he cannot qualify. As a result he gets relentlessly teased for it - and it's understandable - however to win an award for posting silly posts and then getting teased for it is daft IMO.

Don't get me wrong, Delvis' determination alone is worthy of the prize, and the fact he's pulling his finger out and starting to shift some decent weight is worthy - but I don't think it's fair on him to vote for him purely because he's good at being teased. Is that something you want to win a prize over?

I'm sorry for singling you out Delvis - I just think it's unfair the reasons why people are nominating you for daft reasons. IF they're nominating you because you've been the best gym rat poster here all year, then I support the decision 100% - I just think some of the comments seem rather disingenuous.

Fair point. Its everyones personal choice as to who they are voting for and why at the end of the day :)

You're correct though, im not the most confident poster (or person, hell you've met me once) hence my posts asking for further clarification normally.

Anyway :p
without making my vote post to wordy, my reason for voting delvis as the best gym rat is pretty much summed up by steedie.

Its determination in the face of adversity. The willingness to take advice onboard, and learn and move forward. Being able to understand his own limits, and slowly push forward and having the patience to do it in his own time, and putting up with the stick he gets on here from people who think he doesnt listen, doesnt have a clue, and doesnt put the effort in at the gym. Tortoise and hare spring to mind, i think hes come along way over the last year especially, but no one sees it because he is not doing it at a rampant pace.

and best gym rat award is not about contribution, (hence best contribution award) its about the person, so sure it is absolutly fine for people to vote for him because he puts up with stick. That is their choice.
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You know I completely forgot about The Chicco, mainly 'cause he barely ever posts here. But yeah, I'd be tempted to change my Best Physique choice to him.....
Yeah what happened to the Chicco? I'd vote for him but no point voting for someone who doesn't even post anymore
Don't really like to single out members, I have nothing but respect and admiration for every single regular that puts the hard work in at the gym and shares their knowledge around here. That said, it's just a bit of fun and it would be a bit girly to not vote, so where I can, I will :p.

Gym Rat of the Year: Steedie, recognition is well deserved for getting the log subforum going as well as organising the meets. And just being an all round **** taking **** :p.

Most Improved Physique: Temi, because I'm not blind. Plenty of improvement from everyone, but in terms of who looks like they just spent 12 months totally jacked up, there can only be one :cool:.

Most Improved Lifts: Don't spend enough time in the logs to cast a vote here :(.

Best Contributor: Until icecold stops sharing his encyclopedic knowledge he's a dead cert for at least one of these, and since I went with Steedie for Gym Rat of the year, I'll go with icecold here.

Best Physique: Kai, I'm picking here based on which I would swap with if given the chance. For me Kai strikes the perfect balance between being able to stay as is and looking outstanding vs being able to crack on and turn into and absolute monster.
Don't really like to single out members, I have nothing but respect and admiration for every single regular that puts the hard work in at the gym and shares their knowledge around here. That said, it's just a bit of fun and it would be a bit girly to not vote, so where I can, I will :p.

Seconded :p

Gym Rat of the Year: The dynamic duo that's UE and Delvis
Most Improved Physique: Fluttershy
Most Improved Lifts: stiv121 - 365 to 445 total afaik
Best Contributor: Icecold and Steedie very helpful and motivating threads
Best Physique: Hard to pick, Icecold - that back physique should be illegal also Kai is also ripped as ****, LiE - mucho vascularity
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In which case, if that's the rule, it's between Toxic and Ice.
what is the aged :D

Ok..i dont post too much...but I do read gym rats thread and others associated with it quite a lot, if not based on that ...

Gym Rat of the Year: Ice, young with lots of enthisiasm and knowledge, helps a lot of others and bloody STRONG to back it up.
Most Improved Physique: Agree with most others, Temi in a year or so :o
Most Improved Lifts: Dom (nealrly Lie with his DL progress)
Best Contributor: Ice for helping so much with lifts/form and recovery from injuries/problems.
Best Physique: To be still waiting to see someone big all over (legs also) and ripped. Get FF on a proper diet for a few weeks, would take it easily :D Probaly Lie, just for the back pic he posted not long ago.
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Gym Rat of the Year: Morba TBH has hit the comps hard and lifting amazing weight from what was an auspicious start, he should eat less pies tho.

Most Improved Physique: Cant argue with Temi_D really, hed be doiung well to win it next year but what a first year!

Most Improved Lifts: Gonna go with LiE here, ice and dom solid contenders and deffo deserve honourable mentions

Best Contributor: Delvis, because he feeds my humour troll (the real best contributor would be Ice or FF always helpful and friendly and more patient than me)

Best Physique: im giving this to Icecold, that back is strong and he deserves more credit than he possibly gets. If he was full of roids id still be miring hard but he has done it natty and thats more than impressive, honourables to kai obv the no disguised swearing is a model ffs and who was that big roider dude who had holiday pics up? was it JaWalks? Epic mass.
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