I'm not just voting for him because he takes stick, I'm voting for him because despite people constantly taking the **** and making out like he's not really getting anywhere, his attitude towards trying to improve and always seeking advice to help him prove these people wrong is admirable.
His work ethic in the gym might be questionable by some, but his enthusiasm and his approach to wanting to improve is better than the vast majority on here. I'm guilty myself of ripping it out of him at times, but rather than sulk and act like a child or take it to heart, he'll email me or ask me on Facebook what he can do about it. That's a pretty damn good quality to have in this game, as most people can't and don't want to take criticism. They'll post pics and vids all day long in the hope of positive feedback and praise, but when they get criticism, they get defensive or upset. I don't see that too much from him, he always seems genuinely appreciative of feedback, good or bad
And also, whether its regurgitated info or not, he's always willing to help new posters or old with issues. His post count goes up at an alarming rate, but that's mostly because of posting in SA threads, which again, is credit to his enthusiasm to learn, contribute and participate. Granted some of his posts are absolute **** at times