Gym Rats 2012 Awards

Gym Rat of the Year: Icecold

Most Improved Physique: Temi_d

Most Improved Lifts: Delvis

Best Contributor:mrthingyx

Best Physique: Kai
Well boys and girls, it's that time of year again...

Welcome, to the annual OcUK Gym Rats Awards.

And what a year it has been, we've had personal bests left right and centre, some times it's been so hard to keep up with it that it actually left tom_e in a coma, unable to update the score board regularly. Fortunately we had a volunteer in Cristian come in, who was able to keep up with the updates due to his IV drip of Pulse, he ain't playin' around folks. So an honourable mention to Cristian for the work he put in in keeping our PBs logged and totalled.

And lets not mention all our competitors on the boards. Be it Djdom, icecold, LiE or any one else who put themselves through the discipline and torture of contest prep and training, and then delivering on the day. They all did fantastically well, so a big mention goes out to those guys, who have inspired and motivated everyone here I'm sure.

And finally, what a year we've had in terms of new members coming into the SA and making a name for themselves quickly. Our community is growing so fast and it's fantastic to see, and it keeps everyone on their toes in terms of making sure they aren't overshadowed by the new guys. So welcome to anyone who has joined us this year.

And now, onto the awards. And we start off with the Gym Rat of the Year, this was won last year by myself. And I must admit, I didn't feel deserving of it due to my poor placing at my show, but I appreciated the recognition all the same and was very grateful to be voted for it. This year has seen THREE people in the running for this award, it's been close, but the award goes too...

Gym Rat of the Year 2012
3rd Place: icecold (4 votes)
2nd Place: Delvis (6 votes)
1st Place: Steedie (8 votes)

Our second award of the night honours that person who has changed their physique drastically over the course of this year and blown us away in terms of their transformation, their dedication and their work ethic. Last year, tom_e blew us away with his amazing weight loss journey and body transformation. But this year, the award goes too...

Most Improved Physique 2012
2nd Place: Fluttershy (1 vote)
1st Place: Temi_D (18 votes)

Massive congratulations to temi_D, well deserved and a simply stunning transformation! The amount of mass packed on in a year is outstanding, and the strength to boot! I think the standard has been well and truly set now, and people should strive to achieve this sort of transformation if they too want this award next year

The next award recognises the achievements when it comes to pushing those big numbers and breaking personal bests. Showing that will to improve their strength and climb up the leaderboards. This is a new award for this year, and there were plenty of nominations, this by no means was a walkover for anyone, but only one can win it, and this year it goes too...

Most Improved Lifts of 2012
3rd Place: icecold (3 votes)
2nd Place: LiE (6 votes)
1st Place: Djdom (8 votes)

A close category but massively deserved by dom, he competed and did brilliantly this year, and for a guy so young, his lifts are just awesome and he's only going to go upwards and onto big things. Massive congrats to Dom

Our fourth award is for that person that makes these forums the great place they are for all our members, new or old. They put the time and effort in to helping others improve and be better, while sharing the knowledge that makes them so great so that one day, others can aspire to be as great. Last year, icecold ran away with it, but will it be the same this year?

Best Contributor of 2012
3rd Place: Ultra_Extreme (3 votes)
2nd Place: Steedie (4 votes)
1st Place: icecold (13 votes)

What can I say? A landslide victory, but no one deserved this more than ice. He's a true gent and always has time for anyone no matter what the issue. He's direct when he needs to be, but he's always helpful. The guy is just an absolute legend of the boards, and imo, a Man of Honour cert. I think the amount of votes shows that my views are shared.

Our final award, but by no means the least important, is the best physique award. And this award was taken by our resident bear, Freefaller last year, in convincing style too. With him out of the running this year, it was destined to go to a new winner, but who would it turn out to be?

Best Physique of 2012
3rd Place: Temi_D/Chicco/icecold (1 vote)
2nd Place: LiE (6 votes)
1st Place: kai (9 votes)

Our resident magazine hunk kai takes this one, and well deserved, I'm sure you'll agree. Who would have thought a forum member of a computer forum would grace the magazine covers of fitness magazines for the army. An amazing achievement, and someone as thoroughly dedicated as kai is was only going to end up doing great things. Well done kai

So there we have it for another year, well done to all our winners. And for anyone who didn't win, let that be your motivation to improve and work that bit harder so one day, you too could get the glory.

Trophies will be handed out at the meet, and if you can't attend, posted to you.

Votes from people who hadn't given a final vote weren't counted, joint votes were counted as 1 each
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Well done to everyone, and thank you for the votes :)

I like the sound of my voice so I'd probably harp on regardless, but it's cool that people feel like I've helped them enough to vote for me.

A big thanks to Steedie for organising this again, I think it really adds to the community.

All told, a good year for the Gym Rats, and I'm very much looking forward to next year :cool:
I didn't vote as I haven't really been around enough. But those awarded definitely stood out in my mind.

Good job :)
Congrats to everyone!

Thanks guys :D

A big thanks to Steedie for organising this again, I think it really adds to the community.

All told, a good year for the Gym Rats, and I'm very much looking forward to next year :cool:

Seconded and seconded. Going to be a big year :)
Temi and kai, email me your address or work address and I'll ship out the trophy to you both

Sent to your Gmail account mate.

As for everyone who voted, thank you. Ill post a picture of my award when it arrives :)

Next year there are some big things already planned, only way to go is UP! bring on 2013.
Sent to your Gmail account mate.

As for everyone who voted, thank you. Ill post a picture of my award when it arrives :)

Next year there are some big things already planned, only way to go is UP! bring on 2013.

Must be in posing trunks or similar with trophy! :p


Ready to be sent out to the winners not turning up Saturday :D
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