H1Z1 - Zombie apocalypse sandbox from SOE

Havent bought this yet.. what is the vertdict from you guys? is it better than dayz? will it last etc etc

Is it better than DayZ?! Anything would be better than DayZ. Hell WarZ or whatever they call it now is better. Lol
IMO yes, it's streets ahead of the SA and the mod.

Will it last? Who knows. Gamers can be a fickle bunch. The fact anyone still plays dayz sa proves that. Personally though I do think this could be round for quite a while if they keep patching and improving it the way they have been. They aren't alienating their fan base (least not yet anyway:p) so in theory they should have a solid base of players when this comes out of alpha/beta
It's awful imo, as broken as arma is it smashes the life out of h1z1 in terms of immersion and atmosphere.

H1z1 just feels toyish in comparison to say breaking point.

Can't speak for dayz standalone as I stopped playing that ages ago as soon as I realised there were arma 3 mods that destroyed it in terms of quality and content.
It's awful imo, as broken as arma is it smashes the life out of h1z1 in terms of immersion and atmosphere.

H1z1 just feels toyish in comparison to say breaking point.

Can't speak for dayz standalone as I stopped playing that ages ago as soon as I realised there were arma 3 mods that destroyed it in terms of quality and content.

You do know you are playing a product that is not finished right? You can not really judge a game until it hits the retail/finished point. Arma 3 Breaking Point is better but it is PvP based, the zombies will never be a issue as the engine can't do it. This is the only game right now that may have bad ass zombies. I do have over 600 hours on A3 btw :)
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Came 2nd in BR today with a friend, we boxed it out and he won with 13% health left.
The game after it was us 2 again, he let me win :>

It's awful imo, as broken as arma is it smashes the life out of h1z1 in terms of immersion and atmosphere.

H1z1 just feels toyish in comparison to say breaking point.

Can't speak for dayz standalone as I stopped playing that ages ago as soon as I realised there were arma 3 mods that destroyed it in terms of quality and content.

I don't get how you think it's awful? Given the development stage its at I think it's great. But each to their own of course. Haven't played breaking point, but I never got on with the original arma mod or arma in general for that matter so just never bothered.
You do know you are playing a product that is not finished right? You can not really judge a game until it hits the retail/finished point. Arma 3 Breaking Point is better but it is PvP based, the zombies will never be a issue as the engine can't do it. This is the only game right now that may have bad ass zombies. I do have over 600 hours on A3 btw :)

Yes it's not finished but it's never going to have the weight and realism of the arma engine, that's not their creative direction. it's much more of a game in terms of how it plays which is fine but that's not really what I'm looking for. I want the intense realism, moodiness and atmosphere the arma engine provides... It's just a shame the arma engine sucks in so many other areas.
Well has a quick half hour run.

Met 2 people on Birmingham who didn't KOS but went their own way. Then killed a random zombie which was FULL of loot. So much loot in fact I would swear the zombie was a dead player because it had .45 and a few rounds of ammo plus tonnes of food and drink and materials on it.

So i made it into Zimms and spent 5 mins scouring the super store when i heard a car drive down the road, turn around and come towards the store. I retreated to the toilets with the .45 and the guy ran into the store straight to me and shotgunned me in the face.

100% confident he was wallhacking as he knew exactly where i was in this huge store as well as even though he couldnt see me in there from the road as there are no windows he knew i was there.

Still tonnes of hackers playing this.
hiding in the toilets is rather common.

To be fair, there are hacks about, but SOE (well, not any more) are doing a good job with banning players.
I had difficulty accessing the website. I'm not among the first either. The G99 error is widely known, anyway.

Stop with the derogatory remarks. :rolleyes: Some veterans prefer the use of both perspectives. Vehicles are exclusively in third person anyway.

It is bambi, if you can third person around a wall to see players who cant see you it is pretty much cheating.....
hiding in the toilets is rather common.

To be fair, there are hacks about, but SOE (well, not any more) are doing a good job with banning players.

I know but these guys drove past, turned around, pulled up went straight to the toilets inside this large superstore and went to the right cubicle straight away and killed me. No way for them to hear me as its off the main road and no way for them to see me.
It is bambi, if you can third person around a wall to see players who cant see you it is pretty much cheating.....

It's personal preference, some people hate 1st person view for things like motion sickness and the view feeling constricted.

It doesn't really matter anyway when there seems to be ESP hacks about already so people know where you are anyway. If it's made by the same people as the BF4 one it's pretty much undetectable unless they make it too obvious.
It's personal preference, some people hate 1st person view for things like motion sickness and the view feeling constricted.

It doesn't really matter anyway when there seems to be ESP hacks about already so people know where you are anyway. If it's made by the same people as the BF4 one it's pretty much undetectable unless they make it too obvious.

Not just ESP but Aimbots and Wallhacks... If people think this game doesn't have any issues, then why are Sony so desperate for reports and trying to stamp it out. If they don't do anything hardline soon, it will be as bad as WarZ, especially worse when it goes f2p
Well the other hacks are easily detected that's why I didn't mention those, with an ESP though as long as the user doesn't heavily abuse it, it becomes very difficult to detect. They can run around appearing to just be playing normally but can see everyone outlined, so as long as you don't run around corners aiming at people before you can see them you'll likely never be caught.

I know with Planetside 2 Sony would do hardware ID bans, but this can also be spoofed by the tryhard hackers.
Had a aim bot noobie kill me and a clan m8 last night on the stranger's server boom one shot to my clan m8 so I hide behind a tree seconds later later boom 1 shot dead with 100% health and crash helmet
It is bambi, if you can third person around a wall to see players who cant see you it is pretty much cheating.....

Such is the consequence of exclusively using first person on a server which supports both perspectives. Don't forget that said player is able to use third person also, so it's entirely fair.

The game is centered around the use of both viewpoints. Being adaptable makes for a better player, does it not?
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Easier to blame 'hacks' than admit the other person had good aim or something:o

No really, that's been used before in WarZ - Epic Fail

Sony has said as such they have been looking at a large increase in cheaters using hacks and they are relying on us to report it.
I know but these guys drove past, turned around, pulled up went straight to the toilets inside this large superstore and went to the right cubicle straight away and killed me. No way for them to hear me as its off the main road and no way for them to see me.

I saw a Youtube video off two guys! playing the game they were upstairs getting items etc and heard peoples foot steps one hiding in a Area off that building, two the right off him was the stairs his friend said to him you have your axe showing through the wall !ie visable to a person who would walk up the stairs.

Point is were you glitching through the wall not noticing it! making yourself visible to the passing car!
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