Had a massive stroke jan 2020

That really sucks man, I cant imagine how hard it must be for you.

I hope your mobility improves enough so that you may one day be able to do the activities you used to enjoy doing, or if that's not to be that you find other activities that are just as / more fulfilling.

You absolutely deserve to be happy no matter what.

I found a disabled gamers subreddit on... well reddit.


Seams fairly active, I'm sure those guys would be able to point you in the right direction for equipment / tips to get the most out of gaming in your particular situation.

I feel we may be fixating a bit too much on the gaming problem and that that's likely not your biggest concern, but I guess that kinda comes with the territory of posting in a computer forum :D
That is very sad to hear OP, but hang in there. I know people who have managed to improve their situation and slowly make improvements. The fact you can still post here means you are already in a stronger starting position than some people.
Sorry to hear about this fella.. Having nursed my old man after a serious stroke for 2 years, I know the effect it can have, not just on the individual, but everyone around. I wouldn't wish a stroke on anyone

I hope you are coping as best you can and have the family to support you through this rough time. :(
Hello good people of the forum, I'm sorry for replying late, I had some side effects from the anti seizure medication not long after posting, the vertigo and motion sickness had been building up to the point that all I could do was throw up, for two weeks straight!
then it took a while to recover from all that retching, then the dosage was dropped, and, touch wood..
..apart from feeling a bit gippy some mornings,the queasy sensations have stopped. Actually everything was going quite well until yesterday, in which I had my third seizure, it was a bad one!at least I wasn't sat on the toilet this time but yeah it was the worse yet!I bite my tongue in the same place every time, this time I bit my tongue real bad, its very raw:(I feel like a skipped record today. eww

Can you drink bourbon whiskey and watch videos of live rock music on YouTube?

Hey Man, you know what?actually the closest I get to feeling exhilarated nowadays is listening to music. I listen to rock,metal and blues every day on internet radio(classicdeep cuts[www365.com] the only thing I don't like about music nowadays is it reminds me that I cant play my ukulele any more, I used to be pretty good,give me the chords and the words and I could play and sing just about anything
Historically I'm more a single malt man but I've got something better than bourbon or a single malt!which is liquid morphine, its called "oramorph" basically morphine suspended in ethanol so when you knock back what is essentially half a shot,you get the kick of a vodka but with the comfortably numb opiate feeling later on, it is a shame they don't do one suspended in whiskey but its damn good regardless,I'm certainly not going to drink both at the same time

Jeesus mate that's rough. I'm so very sorry to hear it :(
cheers man.the original story got worse!(how could it?)
well,a mere few weeks after getting back home (before the seizures started), my long term , long distance partner left me,
TBF she had been trying to leave for a while , I made some bad mistakes early into the relationship that will be around forever, and this time apart, alongside lock down gave her far too much time to think about what she really wanted,(which wasn't me); I'm still grieving really, it comes in waves, you know?
but anyway I wish her all the best, I couldn't want for a better mother to our child and she is a pretty fabulous all round really.the world is lucky to have her, so friends it is! :S
Sorry to hear this - my mother suffered a massive stroke sometime back a little over 2 years ago. It's a slow recovery process as you probably know, but things can improve. Wish you all the best.

Thank you.yes its slow but I'll get there,The physio has to do less and less as I'm taking more of my own weight and finding my balance again
I'm stubborn enough to see things through
you can still play Monkey Island with your right hand though can't you?!

Maybe its time for another run yes!,that or eye of the beholder, its not like I'm doing that much with my right hand, masturbation is surprisingly messy with only one hand, lol, puts me right off, though I do have some good eye candy in a couple of my carers , plus the physio apprentice is especially tasty, I've come to the conclusion that she really must be wearing those lower cut tops on purpose,and I've made a good friend out of one of the carers too, shes great, like a cross between a butler and a really good friend,I'm lucky

Tough break op, I couldn't even imagine it, you are stronger than everyone here already, keep going,Touching on the gaming aspect (being a computer forum) there are ways people can game, be it with one hand or even no hands (saw someone gaming with their feet the other day), if that's something you wanted to entertain I'm sure people will be willing to help with what works best.

Keep going buddy
Aye Aye captain, Will do! I'll keep on rolling..These pesky seizures keep putting me back a peg, but its just one more thing to get over. I will get there!
I've been in contact with a a gaming renablement charity who are looking after me okay, some of it boils down to what games you're playing, a rich [in EVE] friend has invited me to play and its pretty easy to play one handed, the hardest thing is getting my headset on really!

^^ Yes my bad! @robfosters

I wasn't sure if to keep that bit in my post so I ninja-edited it out, then I realised it was a reference to Monkey Island :)

Yeah, I really wouldn't have minded because I totally agree with Rob,
I’ve had a bad stroke too. That wouldn’t bother me at all. I’ve learnt to find humour in all sorts of adverse situations.

In fact, humour actually helps more than sorrow and pity
wise words indeed

Good luck and I hope you recover soon as.
If you need any help please just ask.

Nice one Tim, I'll remember you should anything crop up, have a great week

Rough deal :(

Any pre-cursors which you look at in hindsight and think, I should have (not) done that? Heavy smoker, drinker etc?
I maybe shouldn't have decided to hit the top spot in PUBG(6000SP lone survivor) and I drank way too much cherry coke!I'd given up smoking a few months before the stroke, only having a spliff every now and then and I was always a pretty light drinker
Close, but I'm actually 43,42 at the time of stroke
That's rough Threepwood. Can't imagine having the strength to deal with that myself. All the best mate :(
Thanks buddy,I sincerely hope you never have to
Dang, that is a real curve ball of a situation OP.

It’s tough to know what to say, other than I’m deeply sorry to hear of your situation and I hope it becomes as manageable as possible.

Hey, I appreciate that Nitefly,thanks! things can only get better
Yeah tough break OP - hope you manage to get sorted out to establish some sort of normality again and fingers crossed you're in the percentage that get some functionality back. I know that personally, I'd not be mentally resilient enough to deal with that situation.

Gaming is a tough one but could be overcome - maybe look at different genres, otherwise some mice have hat switches on them which could be mapped to WSAD and might help you with moving around.
Hello, you'd be surprised what you can just about tolerate if you absolutely have to,I've tried mapping to mousebuttons with the razer mouse that has tons of buttons, I've also got four foot buttons but they are a bit temperamental and its not easy to aim with a mousethat you 're also using to move with, but I guess its good enough for some games,I play a lot of chess,as I always have done, which keeps me floating well(currently top one percent on chess dot com,rapid games,) that, and as mentioned, I am moving over to EVE pretty much

Right then,I'm going to have to wrap this up,sorry if its not been the easiest thing to read,I'm still a bit shook up today

What I'd really like to do,especially on a computer forum is implore people to stay well hydrated, you never know when you might need just a little blood to get to your brain saving billions of neuronsetc,
That and take regular breaks where you get your heart pumping a little,
Sorry if I've missed anyone,I really appreciate all well wishes
So, take care everyone, and bye for now,cheers!:D
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Hey Man, you know what?actually the closest I get to feeling exhilarated nowadays is listening to music. I listen to rock,metal and blues every day on internet radio(classicdeep cuts[www365.com] the only thing I don't like about music nowadays is it reminds me that I cant play my ukulele any more, I used to be pretty good,give me the chords and the words and I could play and sing just about anything
Historically I'm more a single malt man but I've got something better than bourbon or a single malt!which is liquid morphine, its called "oramorph" basically morphine suspended in ethanol so when you knock back what is essentially half a shot,you get the kick of a vodka but with the comfortably numb opiate feeling later on, it is a shame they don't do one suspended in whiskey but its damn good regardless,I'm certainly not going to drink both at the same time

I've been in contact with a a gaming renablement charity who are looking after me okay, some of it boils down to what games you're playing, a rich [in EVE] friend has invited me to play and its pretty easy to play one handed, the hardest thing is getting my headset on really!

Haha nice, you can drink your "stuff" listen to rock music and play eve at the same time.

I used to play eve online years ago I was thoroughly addicted, I think I played 2007 -2013 maybe, was in Pandemic Legion.

Best game I ever played, but I had to quit when I moved in with the now wife and no way I'd have time now, I think it's changed quite a bit since then also.

Make the most of it!
Close to my heart this my son had a grade 4 stroke at birth on the left side.
One thing I will say is it's amazing what our brains and bodies can do, he wasn't supposed to even survive, now he's 3 and walking and talking, just right side weakness and can't use his right arm yet but he's getting there and im sure you will, keep fighting and working at it and good things will happen.
I'm very sorry to read this. A close friend here is a highly respected neurologist specialising in seizures. If you'd like a second opinion or general advise would be happy to put you in touch.
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