Halal Food - WTF?



Anyone that thinks Halal is humane needs taking out back and putting down.

Watching that I am amazed at how long it takes an animal to bleed out from a cut throat.

Having never killed an animal myself and only seeing cut throats in films I've always assumed it was a fairly quick death.
Seeing the above has broken that illusion, doesn't look humane at all.
Because most Indians are intact not run by Indian Hindus I can think of very few. Most are run by Pakistanis or Bangladeshis purporting to be Indian restaurant s or take always because they know most people wouldn't entertain eating at a Pakistani labelled establishment.

Therefore a disproportionately larger number of Indian restaurants will be halal. As 97% of Pakistanis are Muslim.

Exactly are any of them Indian or are they Pakistani/Bangladeshi?

It's no different to an English person opening up an American themed restaurant. I can't see how that is so hard to grasp really.
this is why halal meat should be banned.
filthy way to kill, filthy religion. keep it all well away from me.
disgusting, vile humans.
Tried to get it pulled to Cuisine as fast as I could to stop it degenerating into the usual GD rubbish.

It's clear this is nothing to do with food, but attitudes and tolerance towards other people. My point is compounded by the below quote. OcUK should just close off threads like this, especially when the forum hangs off a business.

this is why halal meat should be banned.
filthy way to kill, filthy religion. keep it all well away from me.
disgusting, vile humans.
Watching that I am amazed at how long it takes an animal to bleed out from a cut throat.

Having never killed an animal myself and only seeing cut throats in films I've always assumed it was a fairly quick death.
Seeing the above has broken that illusion, doesn't look humane at all.

Animals are incredibly tough mate, much more so than us and their nervous systems aren't built the same way. If somebody cut a humans throat like that we'd go into shock pretty quickly and the pain would be nullified and we'd fall unconscious not very long after, animals do not react in the same way at all, which a common misconception. They have incredibly high pain barriers which are pretty much impossible to break (which would render them unconscious) through any conventional means, hence the humane use of bolt drivers. In the video a cow is completely cut in half yet it's lungs are still bellowing air, that is how differently animals are built to us and it's something people need to realise. If a human was cut in half it'd be pretty much an instant black-out. Like some people when they break a limb go through unimaginable pain because they are naturally tough and their pain barrier is very high, but others don't feel a thing because their body has gone into shock.
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But it explains why you always get halal at an 'Indian'...

If I was running a restaurant/food business in an urban area I would probably have halal meat too, why would I cut off a group of people based on my on beliefs?

If a human was cut in half it'd be pretty much an instant black-out.

Haven't you seen saving private ryan? :p Animals aren't built different to us at all, people have survived after having both legs blown off and can survive horrific traumatic injuries.
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Watching that I am amazed at how long it takes an animal to bleed out from a cut throat.

Having never killed an animal myself and only seeing cut throats in films I've always assumed it was a fairly quick death.
Seeing the above has broken that illusion, doesn't look humane at all.

I could not watch that whole video, had to turn off after a minute or so, horribly inhumane way to kill an animal. At least the bolt in the head looked quick and relatively painless in comparison.
If I was running a restaurant/food business in an urban area I would probably have halal meat too, why would I cut off a group of people based on my on beliefs?

Because we aren't in Bangladesh and perhaps a moral stance would take precedent over the slim profit you might gain incrementally from selling to what I am told is a tiny minority anyway?
Is it right that you can get t shirts made in china by kid labour earning a few pennies if it means I can sell them cheaper so those on job seekers allowance can buy them?
Ok, maybe some might find this ignorant, but why does the manner in which an animal is killed make it humane or not? The definition of 'humane' is compassion, kindness, sympathy. An animal is being killed for its meat. What is there to be humane about it? I understand the concept of better environments and conditions in which to breed animals in order to benefit the quality of the end produce, but ultimately what difference does it make how its killed?
Because we aren't in Bangladesh and perhaps a moral stance would take precedent over the slim profit you might gain incrementally from selling to what I am told is a tiny minority anyway?

Is it right that you can get t shirts made in china by kid labour earning a few pennies if it means I can sell them cheaper so those on job seekers allowance can buy them?

Animals slaughtered by conventional methods live miserable lives for the most part, the death is just one part of that. If you were so bothered about the ethics of meat you probably wouldn't want to eat it after you see how most animals get treated. People just pick out Halal meat for their own reasons, even when stated earlier in the thread that the animal is stunned before it is left to bleed out.
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Ok, maybe some might find this ignorant, but why does the manner in which an animal is killed make it humane or not? The definition of 'humane' is compassion, kindness, sympathy. An animal is being killed for its meat. What is there to be humane about it? I understand the concept of better environments and conditions in which to breed animals in order to benefit the quality of the end produce, but ultimately what difference does it make how its killed?

Because it does. Otherwise we wouldn't have laws and regulations in place and I can't even imagine what kind of cheap and inhumane methods could be thought up without law in place.

The law was then changed to permit halal due to religious pressure not on humanity grounds.
Animals slaughtered by conventional methods live miserable lives for the most part, the death is just one part of that. If you were so bothered about the ethics of meat you probably wouldn't want to eat it after you see how most animals get treated.

You've shifted the goal post of your argument. I accept that killing animals is never nice but I like to know it isn't done as inhumanely as possible.
Animals are incredibly tough mate, much more so than us and their nervous systems aren't built the same way.

Better to keep your mouth closed and let the world think you are a fool, than to open your mouth (or type in this case) and remove all doubt.

Back to biology class for you.

Animals aren't built different to us at all, people have survived after having both legs blown off and can survive horrific traumatic injuries.

Yeah but cows have three stomachs, man. Cows trained to use machine guns would be an unstoppable force due to their nervous systems being 'built differently'
Haven't you seen saving private ryan? :p Animals aren't built different to us at all, people have survived after having both legs blown off and can survive horrific traumatic injuries.

I know, but you'd have to be pretty damn hard to survive that which would mean you had an absurdly high pain threshold, if the threshold is ever broken you'll go into shock and plenty of people have very low ones and that's why we are so fragile. Animals have no leeway with their thresholds and cutting somethings throat isn't at all going to break their pain barriers, pretty much nothing we can do bar forced trauma (bolt driver) is going to ease their suffering.

Ok, maybe some might find this ignorant, but why does the manner in which an animal is killed make it humane or not? The definition of 'humane' is compassion, kindness, sympathy. An animal is being killed for its meat. What is there to be humane about it? I understand the concept of better environments and conditions in which to breed animals in order to benefit the quality of the end produce, but ultimately what difference does it make how its killed?

Because who wants animals to suffer, the fact we are just going to eat them anyway is bad enough without treating them like **** throughout their lives and giving them an unbelievably painful death at the end of it. Animals aren't intelligent enough to realise what's going on around them and we should take advantage of that and at least give them comfortable lives and pain-free deaths, it's the least we can do when we are just going to crap them out the next day anyway. :D

Better to keep your mouth closed and let the world think you are a fool, than to open your mouth (or type in this case) and remove all doubt.

Back to biology class for you.

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you had your throat slit and you were cut completely in half bar the spine, you'd die a hell of a lot faster than a cow would. Get technical all you want with yer fancy pants quotations but the end results are the same, pretty much any large animal will outlast you in a situation like that by a country mile.
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I accept that killing animals is never nice but I like to know it isn't done as inhumanely as possible.

But why? You're killing an innocent animal for the sake of its meat. Isn't that concept inhumane in itself? How does the method of killing change anything? Personally, I don't eat a piece of steak thinking, 'this is very tasty, I'm glad it was killed humanely, nom nom nom'. Perhaps I'm just playing devils advocate. I know there are laws and regulations in place, and I presume they are based on ethical grounds, as well as quality control. But realistically why does it matter if I were to shoot an animal in the head, or electrocute it, or stab it through the heart, or slit its throat?
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