Halal, is it meat you're looking for?

I can only understand people of other religions having an issue with it. For none religious people the whole concept of prayer is invalid and irrelevant.

Well I care, because religion is for the weak-minded crazy people. I don't want some silly baby verse spoken to my food.

For some reason I'm forced to accept the Muslim faith but they won't accept that I'm atheist.
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And you think that makes a difference. when the majority are from certain races. Nit-picking doesn't make you big or clever.

Yes it does because they're no longer racists they're just ****ing idiots, and no you're right it doesn't but it does give me a warm fuzzy feeling of being right.
I don't care about stunned/notstunned debate. But i hear Halal Chicken is cheaper, not not as high quality? Wonder if someone could clear that up i would be grateful
I personally don't care whether my meat is labelled halal or not. All that I hope for is that the animal is reared properly and was unconscious when it was slaughtered - halal or not halal.
Why should religion be involved in my dinner? To be honest I don't want all meat to be halal meat because it suggests that by buying it (without knowing it is halal) I condone the worshipping of magic sky people and and all the nonsense that comes along with it.
Well I care, because religion is for the weak-minded crazy people. I don't want some silly baby verse spoken to my food.

I don't like football. Should I demand that food is labelled as to whether anyone was talking about football when it's produced?

I don't like pop-music. Should I demand that food is labelled with what song was playing on the factory radio when it was produced?
Some people do, which is why labelling needs to be better, and this isn't even the biggest labelling issue.

My point is not that we shouldn't care about it, but we should do so in the context of general animal welfare. The issue shouldn't be the religious verse said over the animal but the way the animal is treated, and not just in the last few minutes of their lives but for the entirety of their existence.
How long before this thread gets slaughtered.

On another note, origins and processing methods are important to some consumers so should be clearly displayed on packaging.

This could be a money losing exercise if people reject buying food processed in certain ways, some halal and kosher cuts deemed un-usable by religious types find their way into products not labeled so. This has been said to be one way to keep halal and kosher meat processing plants profitable.
Well I care, because religion is for the weak-minded crazy people. I don't want some silly baby verse spoken to my food.

it shouldn't matter to you if you think that prayer is meaningless though.

To me it's no different than my talking to my invisible mate Dave while cooking an omelette. Meaningless
Not fussed to be honest meat is meat it doesn't matter where or what it's come from so long as it isn't Human.

What's wrong with eating human? It's only archaic religion and their bigotry that make the consumption of people taboo. There's no scientific evidence that doing so is harmful, except for to the person you're eating of course.
I think some of you are missing the point. The fact is some retailers are moving to halal meat and not making consumers aware, some are complaining that we are again pandering to the 'people of that religion' ;) ie ensuring they are catered for and the non-muslim, or those who don't care, are stuck with the changes.

I agree with others, label the product for what it is and let consumers choose, however, it makes financial sense to make it all halal as muslims will be happy and others will have little other choice lol!
Can anyone explain what people are up in arms about over halal animals that have been stunned before being slaughtered?

In the eyes of hardcore Islamic groups stunning the animal stops it from being Halal and is plain wrong, however most groups are okay with it being "lightly" stunned.

In order for meat to be considered halal it must meet the standards set out by the official UK Halal Food Authority, which means capacitive bolt guns are a nono. Cows have to be stunned via a method called "Electric Tong Stun" which basically KO's it for 15-20 secs so it's throat can be slashed easily. The issue many have with this is it then takes it a further 2-3 minutes to die, in agony.
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