Halal, is it meat you're looking for?

Couldn't care less if its halal or not but feel pretty strongly that it should be stunned first, more so with the likes of cattle where you cant make a quick kill. If we are going to kill animals then we should at least have a duty of care to making there death as short/painless as possible. Religion should be the last thing to take into consideration.

Unfortunately its very easy for the butchers to claim all meat is stunned and with the recent horse scandal you cant blame people for being wary of how its all processed.
What's wrong with eating human? It's only archaic religion and their bigotry that make the consumption of people taboo. There's no scientific evidence that doing so is harmful, except for to the person you're eating of course.


The fact is some retailers are moving to halal meat and not making consumers aware

So what? As several others have already stated, if you're that fussed about the animal's welfare then that should encompass it's full life, not just the last few minutes.
http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/p_to_r/racist_and_religious_crime/#a03 it's a religous matter not a racial one, racist and religous crimes are 2 different and clearly defined things.

If only things were so easy in the bigots mind. For many the two are the same. It's easier to be racist when the religion is easy to spot and mainly followed by such a demographic.

Racist is such scenarios as this is perfectly reasonable.
nit-picking the fact is pointless and saying they aren't a race is utterly wrong.

So what? As several others have already stated, if you're that fussed about the animal's welfare then that should encompass it's full life, not just the last few minutes.

And for many it does, with out proper labelling you are stuffed, on both welfare and slaughtering.
In the eyes of hardcore Islamic groups stunning the animal stops it from being Halal and is plain wrong, however most groups are okay with it being "lightly" stunned.

In order for meat to be considered halal it must meet the standards set out by the official UK Halal Food Authority, which means capacitive bolt guns are a nono. Cows have to be stunned via a method called "Electric Tong Stun" which basically KO's it for 15-20 secs so it's throat can be slashed easily. The issue many have with this is it then takes it a further 2-3 minutes to die, in agony.

Why does it take 2-3 minutes for the cow to die in agony when surely it'll looses consciousness within about 10 seconds like most animals who have throat arteries severed?
I think all parties involved should meat and reach a conclusion. A Twitter campaign supported by Halalywood stars would be perfect.
So what? As several others have already stated, if you're that fussed about the animal's welfare then that should encompass it's full life, not just the last few minutes.

Because consumers haven't been given a choice - it has been changed to halal to suit others and the remainder have to like it or lump it.

Of course there are other options, but the intent of the 'drama' currently ongoing is pandering to the religious again while others (traditional british) rights are eroded.
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Except it really isn't Muslims are not a race in any way, they're a religious group.

Point missed. He saying it can't be racist as it's not a race.
Racism is not defined by race. In fact some countries apace removed race entirely from the law, so he's very much wrong.

Why does it take 2-3 minutes for the cow to die in agony when surely it'll looses consciousness within about 10 seconds like most animals who have throat arteries severed?

The figures are wrong. It doesn't take several minutes. Its 22-40seconds from a proper cut, before it's render unconscious. So without pre stunning that's a long time. And about 7 seconds for sheep.

However as it's been proven the heart does not need to be beating, same amount of blood drains regardless. We should be moving to killing rather than stunning, but very few slaughter houses do this currently. and for large scale this should be law imo. Should always be wriggle room for very small operations.
I am more concerned on how the animal lived, I have always assumed the better the life the more care on death

There seems to be more uproar on halal food than having horse meat in our diet by judging the topics in GD
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Except it really isn't Muslims are not a race in any way, they're a religious group.

Agreed, to call them a race makes a mockery of the term 'race' no matter how high up the law makers are

Muslims come from every race. So does that make a person mixed-race just because he converted?
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A man approaches, carrying a sharp knife. Sizing up the bird, he mutters a short prayer. Then he gently takes hold of the chicken's head, and expertly slits its throat.

Blood and the occasional feather fall to the floor. The animal appears to twitch. Roughly a minute later, it's dead, and ready to be plucked, disembowelled, and placed inside a long refrigerated meat counter in the next-door room.

This process is repeated roughly a thousand times each day at the premises of Taj & Co, a 'slaughter on site' wholesaler of halal meat and poultry, which has its headquarters in the largely Muslim neighbourhood of Handsworth.

As education goes UP, religion goes DOWN; Religion FEEDS on ignorance.
It can't be and it is I've even shown you the UK law which you brought up.

God, missed the point again.
he was saying to be racists it has to be a race. this is clearly wrong. under UK and RU law you can be racists against Poles, even though they aren't a race. What he said is clearly wrong.

As to what I said is not wrong, unless you want to nitpick over exactly what I mean.
God, missed the point again.
he was saying to be racists it has to be a race. this is clearly wrong.

I'm he, I know what I said.
Please point out to me where it says being racist also includes discriminating against something other than race.
Also it doesn't matter what you think the definition of racism is it doesn't make Muslim a race.
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People say on one hand that religion should be outlawed as it has no place in modern society. Then on the other hand they say they don't care about Halal meat and will still eat it.

What they basically mean is they think that the Christian religion should be outlawed but all the Muslims can carry on. If we stopped them preaching their nonsense it would be seen as "racist" blah blah blah.
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