v0n said:I know, but I begin to have a serious issue with Steams greediness.
25% discount is not unreasable, especially that Episode One DVD costs $16.99 in US retail. Not only we have to pay almost 30% more over Steam, which is completely unreasanable on its own, but $80 Complete Pack subscribers don't get discounts in the future. We would be literally better off just buing that stuff with media via Amazon.
I totally agree that the majority of the stuff is a rip off compared to most online retailers, and as a Silver package purchaser back in the day, I would have hoped to get some sort of discound for the fact we have packages that cost a reasonable amount, and are sold under the same name.
I don't think you can actually get Half-Life 2: Episode One or SiN: Episode One cheaper from online retailers, else I probably would have gone through it that way.