Half-Life 2: Episode 1

v0n said:
I know, but I begin to have a serious issue with Steams greediness.
25% discount is not unreasable, especially that Episode One DVD costs $16.99 in US retail. Not only we have to pay almost 30% more over Steam, which is completely unreasanable on its own, but $80 Complete Pack subscribers don't get discounts in the future. We would be literally better off just buing that stuff with media via Amazon.

I totally agree that the majority of the stuff is a rip off compared to most online retailers, and as a Silver package purchaser back in the day, I would have hoped to get some sort of discound for the fact we have packages that cost a reasonable amount, and are sold under the same name.

I don't think you can actually get Half-Life 2: Episode One or SiN: Episode One cheaper from online retailers, else I probably would have gone through it that way.
DaveyD said:
I don't think you can actually get Half-Life 2: Episode One or SiN: Episode One cheaper from online retailers, else I probably would have gone through it that way.

Well, don't know about SiN, but certainly Half-Life 2: Episode One is available @ $16.99 + free shipping at Amazon or actually, any other online retailer.
Hl2:EP1 is defo the best game ive played since F.E.A.R again they left you guessing what’s going to happen that EP2 trailer looked very good indeed cant wait for it!! i love the falling ash effect and Dog, and the textures look amazing defiantly worth £12 imo :P Also Sin is worth the download.
v0n said:
Well, don't know about SiN, but certainly Half-Life 2: Episode One is available @ $16.99 + free shipping at Amazon or actually, any other online retailer.

Well, UK then :p
Well i was a little disapointed tbh. I have just finished it and well... Its just a little more of the same.There is 1 new enemy and honestly its actually not that important or integral to the story. I at least expected 1 new weapon and a couple of new enemies. I would have also liked to see more terrain interaction, like on the demo when you could kill baddies by getting something to drop on them. Honestly, it was a bit of fun and the gfx are great but thats about it.. Glad it was only £11 though.
reading all your posts about hl2 episode 1 sounds like a really gd add on cant w8 until i sort my pc out so i can play it :D :D
could be your firewall, myn did that first time.
set it up with the firewall and now it works perfect, taken me an hour so far to get to chapter 3.
are the next chapters long?
sorry not read all 7 pages but how long is the game in hours

seems a lot of you have completed it already
Just finished it earlier on,seemed to be around 3 hours max :eek: If it's even that.

Good game,a bit disappointed that it was so short though

pl. said:
did any1 ave trouble wit the game like freeze or crash with looping sounds?
sunlitsix said:
could be your firewall, myn did that first time.
set it up with the firewall and now it works perfect

worth a shot, other than that are you using latest drivers? (gfx, sound etc)
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