Half-Life 2: Episode 1

Wow that was pretty intense from start to finish! If youre still wondering whether its worth it, just buy it! Loved the ending yet again, cant wait for ep2.
Finished in about 5 hours solid.

Nice to see how Alyx got out of there.

Leaves more questions than answers overall though.

Also, once you have completed the game, does EP1 close to desktop then re-load itself?
I noticed theres a chapter saying "Coming soon" which causes this.

Really trying to hold off on the spoilers here :P
Played and completed - altho I gotta say the ending came outta nowhere. Thoroughly enjoyed playing it but gotta suggest to peeps playin that they take their time n dont rush it.

It should be treated like a fine bottle of wine and truly savoured - not gulped!

Good GFX
Good New Monsters
Good Storyline

Just a couple hours of play longer and I woulda given it 5/5 but as is will settle for a 3.5/5.
Man....how good is THAT?? Just got to chapter 3 and had to force myself to stop. Its unbelievably good! HL2 was amazing, and this somehow improves on that and has blown me away so far. As people are saying, if you so much as slightly enjoyed HL2, get this right now. Absolutely superb so far. :D
Had a quick blast and first impressions are really good. Everything just seems well polished even at this early stage. And loving the GFX maxed out on my Sammy LE26R73BD it looks awsome! :)
oooo that was good, just intime before i go to bed for 4 days of work, good ending again.

Probably play through again with the commentator stuff on to here the details.
I gotta say I'm really enjoying this too, its great :D Love the atmosphere, quite hard in spots. In the dark underground bit I kept running out of ammo and the flashlight would run out of power so I had to be careful to conserve energy, eerie noises and all sorts - spooky!
i've just noticed that when you complete it if you load a new game and go to the last chapter there's a trailer for EP2!
danoliver1 said:
no half life source says pre load complete
do you have to buy this separatly or summat
half life deathmatch works ok

You only get Half-Life Deathmatch: Source with HL2: Episode One. You have to pay for Half-Life: Source separately.
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