Half-Life 2: Episode 1

This game is bloody good. It is a thrill-ride all the way! Surpassed my expectations although still not quite as good as HL2 itself.
Well i am also having steam issues with my CC. Had the same issue with sin on steam, I just contact support and after a while sorted it out with them.

According to by bank the transaction has been approved, according to steam systems my banks AVS (Address Varification System) is decline the transaction.

Can't win, but got on the phone to my bank and asked them to tell me the address details they have stored on me to me line by line over the phone, and at the same time got a support dude on steam to monitor my next transaction and after all of that it worked and sin was mine :D

So all those having problems, stick with it, get the game cheaper and put the effort of a few emails and phone calls in, work the money saved I would say, any how I will get this game to work.
Chewy said:
Not fake.

Just finished ep 1 and this appears in the 'new game' part.

ditto :)

Episode 2 looks awesome

the only part that annoyed me in this was when you've gotta take all those people across for barney

atm on googleimages, this is what comes up for zombine


should change in a few days!
Thats a chinese vampire from films such as mr vampire + close encounters of a spooky kind they move by hopping around rice is like garlic to them and they detect you by your breath :eek: very funny films by the way check them out :D
Simple question. Can anyone give me one reason as to why i should buy this? Moneys tight atm, and i wanna be sure im doing the right thing. Cheers.
-Tauren- said:
Simple question. Can anyone give me one reason as to why i should buy this? Moneys tight atm, and i wanna be sure im doing the right thing. Cheers.

If moneys tight, imo you shouldn't be buying games! :p its not gonna run away! It will still be there when you’re ready for it. I can say though it is a great game from what I've played, and defiantly worth its price tag.

As I see it you could easily spend as much on a DVD or Take away.
Pac3y said:
If moneys tight, imo you shouldn't be buying games! :p its not gonna run away! It will still be there when you’re ready for it. I can say though it is a great game from what I've played, and defiantly worth its price tag.

As I see it you could easily spend as much on a DVD or Take away.

Putting it that way i agree. I'd probably buy a chinese this weekend anyway! think ill skimp on it and buy this instead. Although... im having debit card issues with steam..again. God, they need to sort this crap out. WHY OH WHY do we need to put an address in! Every other website ive ordered from has never requested an address!
Can someone please help, am stuck, infront of me is a huge expanding sphere. Looks like its out of control with a laser beam going in to it. I really dont have a clue here. I've been looking around for ages. When I step inside it just kills me.


SkSccotchegg :D
think im about 2/3rds of the way through so far (just got my crowbar back) definately worth the £12.56 if not for the length but for the enjoyability of the dark areas.....my god that bit with the *spoiler highlight to see word*elevater* had me spinning in circles with fear and excitement :D
SkScotchegg said:
Can someone please help, am stuck, infront of me is a huge expanding sphere. Looks like its out of control with a laser beam going in to it. I really dont have a clue here. I've been looking around for ages. When I step inside it just kills me.

Don't go inside it ;)
SkScotchegg said:
Can someone please help, am stuck, infront of me is a huge expanding sphere. Looks like its out of control with a laser beam going in to it. I really dont have a clue here. I've been looking around for ages. When I step inside it just kills me.


SkSccotchegg :D

walk close to it, and run and jump to the next walkway, timing your jump so that you do it while its shrinking. Took me a few tries to figure out, once I had it figured, could repeat it easily.
Socaddict said:
walk close to it, and run and jump to the next walkway, timing your jump so that you do it while its shrinking. Took me a few tries to figure out, once I had it figured, could repeat it easily.

yup, just walk gingerly around the left hand side
It feels kinda sucky that new Valve Complete Pack purchasers get it for free but existing Valve Complete Pack users don't even get a discount...
v0n said:
It feels kinda sucky that new Valve Complete Pack purchasers get it for free but existing Valve Complete Pack users don't even get a discount...

Unfortunately, that's how it goes really. Have to look at it like a normal game from the shops. You buy it, it comes with X and Y, but then 12 months down the line, the release it for the same price with added Z. They're not going to give it away.
DaveyD said:
They're not going to give it away.

I know, but I begin to have a serious issue with Steams greediness.
25% discount is not unreasable, especially that Episode One DVD costs $16.99 in US retail. Not only we have to pay almost 30% more over Steam, which is completely unreasanable on its own, but $80 Complete Pack subscribers don't get discounts in the future. We would be literally better off just buing that stuff with media via Amazon.
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