HALO 3 Official Thread

I expect it to play the best, which it does. Let's take the best looking game (Gears of War) and compare it to Halo 3 - I think you will be surprised by how little substance Gears of War has.

Single player certainly doesn't 'play the best'. Infact I genuinely enjoyed Gears more.
Is there much of a character customization for online? i remember on halo 2 you could change suite colours ect

Yes, im not sure about halo 2 but in this one you can change the colour of the armor and various other pieces of your body independantly. The emblem you have next to your name and the same one that is on your right shoulder is also very customisable.

You also get to unlock different armor pieces(helmet,body,left and right shoulders) so you can change what you look like, i think theres about 8 different types in each category

You also get a service tag which is just a combination of 3 letters to identify you ingame, mine is L37 but you could change it to whatever you wish to and it wont matter if someone in the same game has the same tag
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Single player certainly doesn't 'play the best'. Infact I genuinely enjoyed Gears more.

gears brought in the cover system, had a great atmosphere to it and of course a year ago the graphics were pretty wow. And the story was quite good to be fair, its downfall was that it was a bit on the short side.

But I'm sure loadsa people will jump on the fact Halo 3 is so much better, or something.
Halo 3 is far better SP than GoW imo, its highly varied and consistantly action packed. GoW was very reptitive and had more plot holes than a major summer blockbuster. Also one level was an utter rip off of Pitch Black.
i genuinely enjoyed Halo3 more than Gears, and the cover system in Gears isn't new as Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter had a much better cover system, Gears just took that added a few tweaks and made it worse IMHO
In some places it does look terrible, but I wouldn't call them terrible overall, merely average.

Where exactly??, just that ive found the gfx on Halo3 to be pretty consistant ie nothing too awe inspiring but still nice to look at.

I think a lot of you guys in here dont get out much:p...spend far too much time nit-picking silly things like gfx in a game. Seriously forget the gfx and just play the damn game:p
Where exactly??, just that ive found the gfx on Halo3 to be pretty consistant ie nothing too awe inspiring but still nice to look at.

I think a lot of you guys in here dont get out much:p...spend far too much time nit-picking silly things like gfx in a game. Seriously forget the gfx and just play the damn game:p

Couldn't agree more.

On a decent sized screen (42"), sitting on my sofa, I think the game looks great. Then again, I do have a life :-)
Where exactly??, just that ive found the gfx on Halo3 to be pretty consistant ie nothing too awe inspiring but still nice to look at.

I think a lot of you guys in here dont get out much:p...spend far too much time nit-picking silly things like gfx in a game. Seriously forget the gfx and just play the damn game:p

Well said mate ;)
Single player certainly doesn't 'play the best'. Infact I genuinely enjoyed Gears more.

Gears has a single player campaign as standard, as well as typical multiplayer modes. It hasn't got a patch on the myriad of Halo 3's featureset, none of which were included just to tix boxes - the forge and theater systems are both deep and intricate aspects of the game that will ensure its longevity. What does Gears of War have? Not much else other than the mandatory game modes that we've seen since the advent of popular PC online gaming in 1996 and pretty graphics.

They're both fun games, but when it comes to substance there is no contest. You only have to look at Garry's Mod for Half Life 2 to see how such a thing can really help the popularity and appeal of the game. Forge does exactly the same thing, and it's already got hundreds of thousands of entries on Bungie.net.
Couldn't agree more.

On a decent sized screen (42"), sitting on my sofa, I think the game looks great. Then again, I do have a life :-)

I'm playing it on a 50" screen from my sofa, and since when has commenting on a games graphics had anything to do with 'getting a life' :confused:

I have a life thankyou, infact I don't get to game much atall lately, being married with kids and working long hours.

As for where it looks poor, inside areas tend to look pretty bad, with lots of obvious cut'n'paste texturing. Individual textures look nice up close, but because of the lack of AF you can't actually see how nice the textures are untill you are 2 inches away from them. Water looks quite bad, especially where it meets the land, it almost looks like the land is hovvering above the surface. And the whole thing sufferes terribly from jaggies, worse than any other game on the 360.

This isn't 'nitpicking', it's merely pointing out things that are obvious when playing the game.

And yes, I agree people shouldn't get hung up on graphics and just get on with playing the game, it's a shame the gameplay is so generic too :)

Gears has a single player campaign as standard, as well as typical multiplayer modes. It hasn't got a patch on the myriad of Halo 3's featureset, none of which were included just to tix boxes - the forge and theater systems are both deep and intricate aspects of the game that will ensure its longevity. What does Gears of War have? Not much else other than the mandatory game modes that we've seen since the advent of popular PC online gaming in 1996 and pretty graphics.

They're both fun games, but when it comes to substance there is no contest. You only have to look at Garry's Mod for Half Life 2 to see how such a thing can really help the popularity and appeal of the game. Forge does exactly the same thing, and it's already got hundreds of thousands of entries on Bungie.net.

Sure, Halo 3 does have plenty of 'substance' WRT multiplayer features, however as far as the single player game goes, there are games I have enjoyed more, Gears being one of them.
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Edge give Halo 3 10/10 (Metroid Prime 7/10, ET:QW 8/10, Lair 3/10 XD)

'The total lack of compromise in each and every single detail is breathtaking. Everything works with precision, everything is set up the same way, every barrier within reason has been lifted, and you never need to do any of it alone. Halo 3 was built to be used, built to be shared, built to be loved and build to last. It's a safe bet that it will still be enjoyed by a thriving community years from now. In substance it's nothing new, merely a magnificent, beautiful monster of a fps sequel. In concept and execution, though, Halo 3 is the future.'

I've only played the first 3 levels and some 4 player co-op, but so far I couldn't agree more. Cue moaning about the gfx ;)
I've yet to even try the single player campaign yet, this game is all about the multiplayer. Much fun to be had!
Tim Buckley's thoughts on Halo 3

So Halo 3 is finally out, and thank the almighty Robot Jesus. Hopefully now we can all shut up about it, and focus on a game that really deserves some anticipation. Like Mass Effect. Now there's a game I could almost get excited enough over to go to some ridiculous midnight opening for... but still not.

Don't get me wrong here, Halo 3 is a good game. All three Halo games are good. They're solid titles with good graphics and good gameplay. I played some Halo 3, I enjoyed it. But it just seems like we've done this exact same dance twice before.

It has some new features, new weapons, new maps, all of which are really cool... but to me the game plays and feels exactly like the previous Halo. The graphics are okay, but they're hardly the best the 360 has to offer. They're obviously not ugly, the visuals are clean and attractive, with some cool effects. But coming off a weekend of straight Bioshock, a game that seemed to really push the lighting and textures and effects to a new level, it's hard not to draw parallels, and Halo 3 comes up shorter.

I do love the new features that are there. The forge and theater options are really fun and great. The party/online system is one of the best I've seen so far, with regards to finding exactly the games you want to play, and avoiding the retards as best as possible. The new weapons are neat, the maps seem pretty cool, especially seeing the updated ones from Halo 2.

But that's the point. They all seem more like... an update to Halo 2, than a whole new game. And that's not to belittle the sheer amount of work that I know went into designing those systems. I can only imagine that the theater playbacks themselves were a herculean effort of coding and computer wizardry. And the result is a really cool feature.

But I just can't get behind this "greatest game ever" stuff. Personally, I think a lot of the review scores were given in the reviewers heads before the game even arrived, and some of the score may be attributed more to the juggernaut franchise that Halo is, and less to the actual game itself.
How long is single player? How many hours play?

Not that long but its action packed, each level can take not that long at all of quite some time. Depends how you want to play it.

On the flood levels i never bothered killing any, just run past them. Quicker but doesnt get the satisfaction of killing them.

To me the graphics look better in Theatre mode when taking screenshots. Chief looks amazing up close and so do the enemies. Lots of detail on them all. The environment itself is pretty ok graphically, but i really like the detail on the models.
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