HALO 3 Official Thread


can anyone help im stuck in the hanger part were theres loads of brutes i think ahead with shields but they seem to keep coming its level 2 or 3 just after the flying things come out of the pipe.

by the way im new to halo

*RANT START* Where the hell are these 16 player games, im sick of either 5 single or 8 team based games *RANT OVER*

p.s. Ive never been a Halo fan but this game is pretty good!
well have just finished this on lengendary and it was just as I expected. Not as good as the first but still an awesome game in its own right.

I think now I will go through it again and get the remaining single player achievements as it certainly has loads of replay value.

Have to say I am glad they didn't try to mix the two story lines that seemed to go on in Halo 2.
Cortana looks and sounds hot for an computer generated person:p.
Agreed, i was waiting for someone to say that :D

Its easy because you did it on normal. I did it on Heroic and found it just about right, it was neither too difficult or too easy.
I did it on herioc aswell and i thought the same, none of the one shotting sniper trash(if they still have that on legendary) to annoy the hell out of me
I'm playing through it on legendary, some bits have been pretty hard and taken me loads of goes. I'm fighting 2 scarab tanks just now and it doesn't even checkpoint between killing them. I can kill the first one no problem by riding on a Hornet, jumping off and destroying the power thingy, but I always get killed by other vehicles when trying to get the second one. It's doing my nipples in to say the least.
I'm finding the way multiplayer games are set up in Halo 3 to be very poor. Unless you have enough friends online for a custom game, you seem to be forced into random gametypes and maps, which quite frankly is utter rubbish. Last night we wanted to set up 4 vs. 4 ctf on a specific map, me and friends vs. anyone who wanted to drop in, and it just wasn't possible. Surely this is the most basic requirement for any online fps? Instead, the the roster was always filled to the max 5 vs. 5 and the gametype and maps were selected at random. Not once did we get to play the map/gametype we wanted and most of the time was spent playing some of the more crappy gametypes on maps I certainly wouldn't have wanted to play them on. It's a real shame as, when we do have enough mates online, Halo 3 multiplayer is awesome, but this random game setup is absolutely terrible!

I have to agree. The online setup is awful, why couldn't they just use a similar setup to say UT or Quake where you could filter games, etc.
If anbody fancies some Co-op this evening feel free to drop me an invite.
Likewise if you need a player for any random gametype, will be my first outing and I'm SCARED! :D
just playing SP but would very much like to partake in some rocket race later tonight - don't have enough real friends - ahhhhhhhhhh
if you fancy a game add me

Gamertag: itsanobscureid

cheers :)
Odd ball on FFA is a bit broken, it seems to rely on the cooperation of competitors to take down a person holding the ball who is camping near one of those bullet proof door things. It just doesnt happen and the ball holder gets a easy victory
Just watched the other 2 discs with my legendary edition, have to say its pretty imformative and interesting viewing.

Had a few MP games with a couple of guys from the states...was great fun i have to admit. My first game i beat a poor UK based guy pretty badly...suffice to say he left sharpish lol. But all in all a pretty good first experience even though im not that good tbh...came 2nd in the other game i played...was great fun:D.

Now waiting for some of you OCUK lot to give me an invite so i can beat down some geeks:p
I'm up for some multiplayer later tonight. Not that good though, still have a lot of practice to do.

Will add you buckster and thumper.
Playing through it on Heroic I think, one down from Legendary whatever it was. The most annoying thing was I had to do one part about 4 times, it just didnt seem to save my progress and Id done quite a bit. Seems a decent difficulty level, some bits pose a bit of a problem so as not to bore yourself just wandering through without getting hit.

I'm having this issue too.. its done this a few times. I'm playing on legendary now so my hours of frustration are for nothing :( I lost a several hour stint all the way up to mid way into the flood ship (gave up here last time :o)
I'm having this issue too.. its done this a few times. I'm playing on legendary now so my hours of frustration are for nothing :( I lost a several hour stint all the way up to mid way into the flood ship (gave up here last time :o)
As someone else pointed out, rather than going to resume solo game you can go to campaign, then choose to start from your last progress point.
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