From reading the thread you linked, you must be quite unique, as many many posters were replying of a lot of the issues.
And if you read the entire thread and even this very thread, you'll see some reporting little to no issues with nvidia, you'll always get mixed reports when it comes to things like this. Same way some amd 8GB gpu users supposedly have no issues yet benchmarks show otherwise...
I've posted plenty of screenshots showing my FPS/frame latency with max settings and as I have already mentioned, the game does have weird fps drops for no reason e.g. the exact point where DF noted this also happened to me and it dropped to the exact same FPS too, the opening part with the guy lying on the floor and the holo playback of his kid.
As for gsync, the indicator shows gsync is working for me:
Given there is no screen tearing and the FPS dips to 68 etc. aren't too noticeable, this indicates, gsync is working as it should on my end. I found the same as some posters in that thread though with regards to FPS cap using rivatuner, usually this is a must, however, it does add some stuttering for whatever reason in this, again something, which DF have highlighted in their tech analysis.
As for ghosting, given how sensitive I am to this, if there was any significant ghosting/motion issues, you can be guaranteed I would be the first to call it out, same way no one noticed the ghosting issues in days gone until I highlighted it
I think its fair to say a few would concur he is quite unique when it comes to games and opinions sir!
Difference being I post facts and hard evidence to back everything up and always end up being right my dear boi unlike some
But in all seriousness, a lot of people unfortunately aren't very tech savy or aware of how certain things should be setup and then they post online their bad experience then you get misinformed people reading said posts who take this as gospel then spread it around as if that is the single source of truth e.g. HZD and it's supposed texture issues with low vram gpus, same way you get people going on about freesync being crap/broken/black screens/flickering when reality is they bought a **** monitor for freesync capabilities or/and don't have the correct settings applied for freesync to function.