Hampshire Meet - 7th Oct

back a while ago, was a top laugh, good to see everyone again and was a top laugh, nice food good drink and great company oh plus the weather rocked socks :D
Seeing as I'm first back (I assume that off-duty plod nicked you all and his friends are 'having a word') here are a couple of photos. Most of mine are crap as I had my camera set at ISO1600 by accident. But a few are OK...






By the way, you all missed a fantastic drive home. I had a play with a Ferrari 550 in some twisties near Haslemere just after a Lotus 340R shot by me coming out of a corner. Then I chased a Lamborghini Espada back up the A3 to Guildford at 70mph.
Came home to find this outside the house.


Oops, how did that get in here? Unfortunately it wasn't her, try this instead.

Nozzer said:
I assume that off-duty plod nicked you all and his friends are 'having a word'

My bad :o

also, sorry fox :p. Again, my bad ;)

apart from that, a good meet :) Im sure woody will be along in a bit with the pics :D
Will Gill said:
lots of vids from inside my chariot, quite looking forward to seeing them actually
Unfortunately you only booted it a couple of times, most of the vids are just sedate driving in a nice car with questionable music playing ;) They also turned out a little larger than I expected, probably about 300 megs worth, anyone know where I could upload it? (It's already MPEG-4 compressed, 640x480)

I took fewer pics than I meant to, here are the better ones.




Edited for competitors

As you can see from Nozzers pic that kiddy seesaw was lethal.
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Enfield said:
Who got nicked?
No one, at least not before I left.
Someone drove rather spiritedly infront of the pub we were at, came back in to park and we all standing round his engine bay when a guy came over asking who's the driver of the car.
Comically everyone wanders away going "Not me, not me".
Turns out he was an off duty policeman and just suggested no one else drive like that around there or he might be calling his friends in the traffic unit.
yeh, nothing *too* serious, though it did take me down a few pegs :/

bam0, I can host vids for you if you want? 300mb is fine

ill sort out some ftp details for you

:edit: msn in trust or irc if you want the details :)
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All the colours of the rainbow...


Thanks guys for a great day! Always good to put faces to names! Some great drives, and always fun playing 'e46 Spot the difference'!

Cheers all :)
Got home quite rapidly spurred on by the fact footie was on, wish i hadnt now! echo the thoughts of a great day, good little spirited drive for a bit. Hope whoevers alfa it is makes it back safe and sound :D i win mpg challenge though.... Infinite. :D

P.S anyone need any hosting drop me an msn and ill give u some ftp details.
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