Harry and Meghan to resign

I also do no think the marriage will last and Harry is an idiot overall (and not even Royal as his dad is Hewitt and he even looks more like him).

Why are you all up in arms overt two people you do not know

Why are you?

I don't actually care about the Royal family at all, it's boring celebritism at it's finest, the rags in this country are addicted to them for some reason, and that's about the only relevance I find in discussing them.
No harry is leaving because meghan is a trouble maker and none of the other royals like her

the marriage wont last very long and he will soon be back
This is what I was thinking too. I mean plenty of stories all over the place about Meghan and what a diva she can be at times.
But honestly I find it hard to believe all the crap that’s printed about them really. Daily express seems to be worst out of them, always seeing on a daily basis their headlines about Harry and Meg causing friction. But is it really true?? We all know what these scummy rags will print to get a story or clicks.

Anyhow good luck to the pair of them, I do like Harry not a fan of his missus though.
I did mention in passing that she will probably get him to dump the royal family at some point.
I also do no think the marriage will last and Harry is an idiot overall (and not even Royal as his dad is Hewitt and he even looks more like him).

Can you imagine the scandal if the tabloid press could prove it? It would almost bring down the Monarchy (but someone would have to help the ravens escape from the tower of London first) ;)
Why are you?

I don't actually care about the Royal family at all, it's boring celebritism at it's finest.

I am a Royalist but I cannot go those two.

For me it really ends with our Queen, Charles is a dunderhead and she probably does not want him on the throne or she would have let him by now and and William and Kate seem decent but again for me it will not be the same as it gets less each generation.
Good luck to them. I can’t help feel that he is doing 90% of this to please his wife, but I guess that’s normal haha.

He is far enough removed from the line of succession that it doesn’t really matter. His brother will make an excellent King.
Hard to miss when it all over MSN homepage and other places, so do not make assumptions I am reading the DM.

Why are you all up in arms overt two people you do not know, she is known to be trouble and I bet the Queen and rest of family (esp Kate do not like her).

Also sick of adding her to blocks in Google for no news on her but it does but work same for sport and other crap I do not want to appear on my screen.

Good riddance IMO.

Really? The last thing I remember seeing about them from the media sources I check was maybe their Xmas card. Although parody Alternative Katie Hopkins account on twitter does tweet things about them but only because Hopkins is obsessed with attacking Megan. Didn't take her long to get in another snide tweet with the announcement.

Writing was on the wall really when he married.
He has said over the years that hes really not a fan of how things are, and Meghan came from a life of acting to what was basically a media ********* so she would definitely want out.
Really? The last thing I remember seeing about them from the media sources I check was maybe their Xmas card. Although parody Alternative Katie Hopkins account on twitter does tweet things about them but only because Hopkins is obsessed with attacking Megan. Didn't take her long to get in another snide tweet with the announcement.

I do not do SM be it Twitter or FaceBook and never will.
It just gets worse each time you post.

Do not read it then (I can partly fix that for you).

Andrew was not allowed to marry Koo stark for X reasons (softporn?) well she is no better and you see more in most shows/movies these days, added to American and divorcee so some rules have been bent.
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