I moved from a 1080ti to a Vega 64. Not that the 1080ti wasn't awesome cause it was, last proper priced GPU nvidia has ever made. That was done cause of nvidia BS and I'm a fan of actually voting with my wallet. Didn't regret that even though I traded down in performance. Moved on to a 5700 I got cheap and resold for good profits after getting a rtx 3070 as payment for a job(back when prices were stupid). Absolutely hated the RTX 3070, both the driver package and the 8 gig framebuffer. Sold that for a profit and bought an RX 6700 XT second hand and has been happy with AMD ever since. Upgraded to a 6950XT red devil about a year or so ago(a little fussy on the details) when the price was about the same as for a basic 7800XT. Never regretted that either. Gaming on both windows and linux has been very easy and straight forward and with some quick and easy tinkering the power consumption has been brought to reasonable levels without much loss of performance. Of course you can find someone who would claim to have had the opposite experience. Make of it what you will
it's all subjective feelings anyway.