I don't think that has much relevance to the fact that women are constantly harassed and almost all of them are traumatised by it even if they don't notice.
There is a balance to it - I've been a bit leery to post about it but I've seen race and gender related issues increasingly weaponised against inconvenient/undesirable behaviour rather than where there is necessarily something wrong.
I think bris is completely right in that it is getting out of hand and kids are being almost brainwashed into a certain type of thinking where they have no ability to separate between where wrong/offence is actually intended or not. That isn't to say innocent/unthought behaviours can't/aren't a problem also and something I think is very important to raise awareness of in the workplace.
Far too often with these topics I just put my head in my hands at how stupid the whole thing has become with people becoming increasingly polarised into opposing camps and that doesn't help anyone.