Has making a pass at a woman just become illegal?

I’m a virgin and don’t even like sex, even if she wanted to take me home I wouldn’t be up for it.

Flaw in your logic there sir...

You are a virgin but your own admission, so you have NO IDEA what sex is actually like, how it feels or whether you like it. (I'll give you a hint.. it's not all about slapping and choking like Pornhub)

You have quite literally put the cart before the horse here and convinced yourself you "wont like it" without ever trying it.
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I’m a virgin and don’t even like sex, even if she wanted to take me home I wouldn’t be up for it.

"I've never driven a car but don't even like driving"

It takes a lot more for me to want to sleep somebody rather then just superficial reasons with somebody I don’t know, I’m more respectable then that.

Fair enough, but that wasn't the point I was making. How do you know you don't like sex if you're a virgin?

(no need to answer this btw, enough off-topic rambling :p)
Sex just doesn’t appeal to me. I’d rather have a **** which is safer too.

I've known loads of Asexual people who seem to live happier lives.
In fact I might be going out later with a mate who I've never seen him show interest in another person although he loves his organ (Hammond synth).
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Loads? That seems a bit farfetched. Your mate just could be really shy or autistic.

Yes loads.
One band I was in in 1975 had 3 members who showed zero interest in sex and I know two of them have never had partners.
I worked at the Michelin with 12,000 workers and at Creda with a total of around 8000 workers and yes loads of them.
They even showed zero interest in the masses of porn tapes that were freely available.
In recent years I can only point to three including Adam I may be with later.
One of them called Denis turned round one day in the bog and he had got the biggest todger I've ever seen but it's never been used.
Breaking News:

Misogynistic Fossil expresses views that so out of date they belong in a Museum.

And now, onto the Weather.

Misogynistic fossil expresses criticism of capitalisations that belong in a kindergarten ;)

And now, onto some to totty whistling, whilst it gets less chance of porridge than physical assault.
I don't think whistling at a woman or staring should be a crime, though at the same time people shouldn't do it. I think society should be better at dealing with that behaviour.
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