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Was gonna hold out for skylake, but the more I think about it, it seems kinda pointless when I can come back to ye ole x99. I'm guessing skylake-e won't be till late 2016/17?
For me going from X58 to X99 has been a very worthy upgrade. No regrets at all.
I am currently testing 4.6Ghz at 1.3v(this is my starting point) and it is stable with AIDA64 after 15 minutes
15 min? That OC means nothing!
Now do a proper 8hr+ run and post in this thread.
15 min? That OC means nothing!
Now do a proper 8hr+ run and post in this thread.
For me going from X58 to X99 has been a very worthy upgrade. No regrets at all.
Well my 8hr stability test didn't go so well. Didn't manage a second due to a dead motherboard *sadface* !! Quick question to anyone not using custom water - I've pulled my custom water in favour of a H105 as a probably temporary measure after losing the board - I haven't had time to mess about with the clocks yet due to real life getting in the way :/ so I'm wondering what sort of volts people have managed with good air / AIO coolers? I was at 1.3v / 4.5ghz on custom but I don't know how the AIO would handle the heat? How have people got on?
What are people using mainly to stress test with? Realbench doesn't work for me, occt goes 85c on small data set test with 1.26-1.28v.. on a 5820k, so temps seem pretty impossible even with an nhd15.
I can't stress test with P95 because it's not recommended, and occt goes too hot, Aida64 is useless. Doesn't leave many options for proper testing. These things run hotter than i expected.
Gonna change to a 5960x what kinda of you guys getting stable
On 5930 I was getting 4.4 stable for 24/7