
it's right to ban it, it's way too sick......i think something more like Death Wish would be ok though, because it's far more acceptable to target murderers that deserve to die, rather than them getting Parole after only 15 years.

so a really dark shooter like Death Wish would be perfect, but deffo not innocent civilians
hypocrisy and censorship. it's just pixels and like art reflects certain aspects of society. the vast majority of games involve/glorify killing, even Mario. so why the uproar about this game ? because you don't kill for a valid reason like money or treasure???

if you want to rage - rage about 18000 kids who die daily of hunger/malnutrition, pointless wars, etc... in the real world. this is game is just fiction, just like movies or music. banning and putting our heads in the sand does not address the underlying real issues such media brings to light.

my 2 cents
hypocrisy and censorship. it's just pixels and like art reflects certain aspects of society. the vast majority of games involve/glorify killing, even Mario. so why the uproar about this game ? because you don't kill for a valid reason like money or treasure???

This. Postal 2 is still on Steam. :/
Blimmin' tree hugging, goodie two shoes, pink fluffy people in this world...its a sign of the times unfortunately.

Although, I find the term 'banned' interesting, banned from who, what and where exactly? The internet? Can you 'ban' a digital game from the internet?

Surely if the devs want to go ahead and make their game and release it on the internet hosted on their own website what law can prohibit them from releasing digital game content of a 'graphic' nature?

I understand why Valve dont want to greenlight it and this will affect their exposure to potential customers but could they not create a kickstarter? Or would kickstarter 'ban' it too?

Shame, I thought it looked like an interesting GAME to play. Despite the less capable graphics of the original playstation why wasnt Loaded banned? Im sure if the playstation was powerful enough for the time the devs would have made their game far more detailed and 'realistic' like Hatred.

Or Manhunt, or Thrill Kill, or Postal...
Blimmin' tree hugging, ..

not sure what this has to do with the topic at hand?

why all the hate? have trees done anything bad? all they do is provide free oxygen for all and help prevent soil erosion, or should we continue chopping them down faster than the earth can replenish them?
Im 50/50 on this one.

Its definately brutal and there seems to be no other point other than to run around killing innocent people horrifically but then in the same respect it is just a game. In its theme its no different to a Michael Myers film (Halloween series not Austin Powers!) however the fact that it is interactive would surely rub a few people up the wrong way. I think for the sake of gaming in general this game is too much too soon. People already all over the world try and ban games that are far tamer than this, they simply aren't ready to accept this form of entertainment.

That all said if someone is buying this stuff who are we to say otherwise? If it is labelled appropriately (age rated) and policed as it should be then why worry.

But that touches on the whole issue with games being banned in the first place. I remember going into Game when I was a teenager to buy the very first Grand Theft Auto, I must have been about 12 and the guy behind the desk didnt flinch. I followed the series throughout my teens and not once was I asked for ID, in fact it was on the release of GTA 4 that I was shocked by a friends girlfriend telling me that in the school she works at a child of 6 was off for a couple of days because the parent decided that it was a good excuse for them to sit at home and play GTA 4.

The problem isn't so much the content but the fact that even with age restrictions they aren't policed properly, adding to that the fact that the media completely ignore the big 18 rated sticker on the games case when a 16 year old guns up a school in america, and thats even if you believe its the games fault (typically it isn't).

A bit sidetracked there but essentially it matters not as this game is now banned.
back on steam greenlight


Hatred has reappeared on Steam Greenlight after having been removed from the service, and now we know why.

Valve’s Gabe Newell has apologised to Hatred developer Destructive Creations for the removal of the game from Steam Greenlight and has subsequently brought it back to the service.

Below is Newell’s statement as seen on Destructive Creations’ Facebook page.

“Hi, Jaroslaw.

“Yesterday I heard that we were taking Hatred down from Greenlight. Since I wasn’t up to speed, I asked around internally to find out why we had done that. It turns out that it wasn’t a good decision, and we’ll be putting Hatred back up. My apologies to you and your team. Steam is about creating tools for content creators and customers.

“Good luck with your game.”

Hatred has generated a lot of controversy following its reveal trailer. The game was put live on Steam Greenlight in an effort to get it published on Steam. Shortly after, it was removed from Steam and has since returned to the service.
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I think you would have to have something not quite right with you to 1) want to play this 2) enjoy it.

I understand morbid curiosity, definitely, but acting it out and being in direct control causing carnage is a very different matter. For those comparing it to GTA - not the same thing at all really. The goal of GTA is not to murder innocent people in the most violent of ways. Completely different thing.

Honestly, there are so many games out there where you can get your fix of explosions and violence and a film noir atmosphere, but at least they have some kind of basic sense of right and wrong and are mostly just for fun.

This is a whole new level of FUBAR in my opinion.
I'd play it out of curiosity, it doesn't shock me. I'm perfectly normal and have no intentions of going out on a mass murdering spree.

Its a bloody game who really cares enough to make it an issue.
Steam smells money and advertising from selling the game. Who can blame them.

I don't see the huge issue with this game if I'm honest at first I was a bit apprehensive but now I really don't care.
Right decision to bring it back on Steam. If they had not then there would have been more pressure (usually from SJWs) to ban and remove other games.

Personaly im not interested in playing this game
If anything, it's highlighting the joke that most "AAA" games involve a crazy amount of killing (doesn't matter if it's faceless humans in helmets, zombies or monsters) and no one bats an eyelid. Suddenly when it's portrayed in the way it is in this game it's "shocking and unacceptable"...

While I think it's absolutely horrible and never want to play anything like this, I think the devs have balls to put this out there, if nothing other than a punch in the face for the rest of the industry.

Gabe, I salute you.

Will I be purchasing this game, YES.

Am I a fruit loop, nope.
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A bit sidetracked there but essentially it matters not as this game is now banned.

That to me is a more worrying matter.

The game is removed from Steam and people then think the game is "Banned".

The game was just removed from a potential retail outlet.

That indicates where we are at with the unhealthy stroke Steam has over the PC gaming industry, for good or bad, it is not healthy.

For many Steam IS PC gaming.

In this instance, Gabe decided to grow a giant set of fruits, another dev may not be as lucky.

The answer to that question is a surprising NO.

Or, maybe Gabe could see the storm he would be creating for himself so it was a clever PR exercise?

When this is released, think of all the publicity?


Valve have NO shareholders, just millions of gamers as customers. Will these same gamers boycott Steam because they chose to allow a game to be sold on their platform?

Fox news turns up at Gabe's office, Gabe can just say "**** You" and throw a Headcrab at their face.

"My business, my rules".

Praise the GabeN, he has arisen.


The game is now number one on Greenlight.
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