That's very early, nothing here. You must be sensitive to a different pollen. Pretty sure I'm grass sensitive.
Mine's started. Last year it started a little later but went through to September
I only get affected by one of the early ones. Around Feb every year I get itchy eyes and a bit sneezy then it goes and I'm fine for the rest of the year. Probably the mildest form of hayfever ever!Trees start early.
Nothing abnormal for it starting this early, it can last pretty much all year depending what your allergic to.
Yup mine flared up really bad actually late Feb, sneezing fits, nose leaking like a broken tap, red patchy rash on face, darker circles around eyes, brain slush effect, rash on legs absolutely lovely times ahead !
Cetrizine and lotradine not working so well so had to go back on the Benadryl Allergy relief tablets (acrivastine) but do recall in past few threads people said Fexofenadine was pretty good, quick look around net and they are pricey as hell 20 quid for 1 months supply !
Is only way to get fexofenadine cheaper via prescription ?
Second year on fexofenedine after the doctor got bored of seeing me every few months and trying to pass me off with loratadine etc, never going back.
Used to have to take time off work it was so bad, now I just get the odd sneeze.
I believe it's prescription only though.