Nothing special at all. FPS doesn't work on consoles in general, apart from a few exceptions. Sadly this is not one of them...
The controls are ok, but far from perfect. The enemies move too fast for you to be that accurate and zooming gets boring fast, it's not satisfying snipering people when you can do it with every gun. As for the guns themselves, they are ok if a little boring as well. They don't feel very powerful and you get no real kick out of splattering peoples brains out, which is a shame as it kind of defeats the point of an FPS!
The story seems non-existent from what I can tell. The entire nectar thing is just pointless, I really don't see the need for it. The gameplay feels incredibly scripted, with wave after wave of enemy followed by a walk down a fixed path. When at the crash site you can't always get up the sides of the trench despite the fact that it's clearly not that much of an obstacle, might just be me but I find that really annoying. I can't see it going anywhere interesting from the demo. You would think they would include a decent level to make people like it, so if this is all they have to offer I'm a little disappointed with the level design.
The graphics are nice, though it has its poor moments. At the end, before you get on the chopper thing, the landscape in the distance looks pitiful. There are also a lot of low res textures, though I guess that could be to keep the download size down as it is already quite large. Not fantastic, but not poor either.
Generally speaking it seems ok and I'm sure the final game will have more to offer. Having co-op is nice and I'll be renting it just for that as it's always good to play with mates even if the game is so-so. Shame really as I can't help but feel this could have been much more than it appears to be.
Just my 2.5p