Not that i know of. I think the standard patter is "Hazro don't see it as a fault", then if you ask for further clarification, you get ignored. Or at least that was my experience.
But You still have DSR in any case
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Not that i know of. I think the standard patter is "Hazro don't see it as a fault", then if you ask for further clarification, you get ignored. Or at least that was my experience.
But You still have DSR in any case
guys i'm one million percent gutted and i don't know what to do :/after returning my first WC because of damage to the gloss coating i was finally able to open my new replacement on christmas morning because it was actually a present off my folks. This time the screen is absolutely fine, not one dead pixel, minimal backlight bleed but its making a squeeling and humming noise on certain webpages
The overclockers front page is one of the worst culprits for making it sound bad and if i search for 2560*1440 images in google images it makes it really hum/squeel, even facebook makes it hum. It's definately when browsing the web and on certain pages because if I minimize the browser or change tabs the noise stops. Is this a fault or just a trait of IPS?? If i put my ear to the vent at the top of monitor it's definately coming from inside the monitor. I've tried changing brightness etc etc but it makes no difference. I wouldn't mind but it's such an irritating noise and what's the point in me building a silent pc if the monitor sounds like this
Only time I noticed the coating was on the bright blue default windows 7 back ground. In the very bright areas it looks 'noisy'. Isn't really the best word to describe it. But in games I don't notice it at all.
My WD did this high pitched squealing. I sent it back and for some reason I wasn't clear that I wanted it returned under DSR. They said it wasn't faulty and then charged me £23 for testing + cost to send it back to me all at 10am so I come home from work to find it was faulty and was already sent back to me. I'd return it under DSR if I was you and just try a different make. Unless you just want to keep trying with Hazro but seems the chance of getting a perfect screen is a lot lower than what it should be.
If you have the money, I'd say get a Dell Ultrasharp. There is not much of a chance of any defects. And if there is Dell will replace it.
i can't return it under DSR mate because it was bought a couple of weeks before christmas and put away as a presenti guess if i RMA it they'll say exactly the same as they did with yours which is pretty disgusting! Surely a monitor isn't meant to squeal and buzz?
Yes you can - DSR gives you "reasonable time" to evaluate - if it's a christmas present that you don't open til christmas day... you haven't had reasonable time to evaluate the product.
Now that you have, you don't want it - so DSR very much applies.
Get a webnote over to them...
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I don't see why you wouldn't be able to just use the box it came in.. Seems logical.
So my hazro wc just arrived. But on the box it says "glass fronted" when I ordered the non glass :/ Guess I'll just open it later and fingers crossed when I have time.