
OK jokes aside, HGH is your only chance really, diet and exercise will make you have a better posture and make you 'look' taller but not much.

HGH is best taken while you still growing so it would have been best during you early teens, so unfortunately you might have missed the boat on that one. Of course your doctor will know better then me.

No doctor in their right mind would prescribe HGH for something like this.

It's not going to happen. OP's best bet is to realise that it doesn't really matter, and that he should therefore stop worrying about it.
At least if you're walking next to a tall mate and there's a thunderstorm, the lightning won't hit you. Be thankful OP, it could save your life 1 day.
Messi is 5'5" and he's the boss actually!

I'm sure Messi would like to be taller though, but when you're a millionaire footballer height doesn't really matter that much. :p

OP you just need to accept your height and not let it eat at you, insecurity is probably far less attractive to a woman than being a little bit short is.

Oh and please don't go mad in the gym/steroids etc to compensate. :o
^^ yet he still did terrible against England :p (aimed at centurion ;))

I'm 5'9". I feel short compared to some of my mates, but I'm taller than a lot of girls I know so it's all good. Just never make the mistake of getting a girlfriend taller than you :)
As many said, diet and exercise won't help won't help you grow at 22, at 21 you can forget about adding any more height, in most cases 18 even.

Yogo was a good advice it can improve you posture and yes it will look significant.

As for HGH as again was mentioned before I doubt it will help you get height at that age and more realistically no doctor would prescribe it to you. There are a lot of shorter individuals with billions, if there was a way they'd take it.

At 5'5 you're really not that short, shorter than average male but taller than average female.

All I can say you're young and perhaps still taking time to accept your shortcoming :p but in time you wont give a damn about it.

EDIT: Just would like to say that "don't get a girl taller than you" comment rubbish, I have 2 friends that are 5'5'' both of them have long-term gf that are 5'8'' and 5'9''. These girls have no problem with their height.
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Messi is 5'5" and he's the boss actually!

Who's messi?

I'm over 6 foot and still feel short a lot of the time as most of the male friends I've ever had have been around or over 6ft as well. I still can't work out how the average young male height is only 5'9... I've always had tall gfs as well so my life is "tall" so to speak. That is until I reach a cash machine, try and do some washing up or work at a normal sized desk where I get a sore back... There is a reason women normally do the washing up, its not sexist its because they don't end up in pain from hunching over for 20 minutes!
I have the same problem, I'm short! My 15 year old brother is about the same height as me! But I dont mind! Some of my mates wind me up about it but I just go along. I don't mind being short :D
I'm about 5'7" and my GF is about 5'2" and i'm glad she's shorter... I wouldn't like to have a girl taller than me.
I'm 35 and only 5'1" and don't find it really bothers me much these days. People at work don't seem to notice and most times it isn't an issue. I do have a step up though for working at the top of server cages :)
blame your folks, they clearly didn't bother with the growbag upgrades when you arrived, failing that, become a drag queen and don some nice 5-6" Heels :p
I'm 5'5 and my height has never been a problem. Being in the Forces I have been on the receiving end of most short person jokes, been bought a step up stool and was put on a rack in vegas.
You just need to accept its who you are and get on with it. Learn some comebacks and try not to get offended.

I had a phase that whenever I used a service car the guys would put a badge on the back window that said "Caution small person on board". I got my own back as I managed to find a sign that said "Please keep your distance Ginger on board" as my main enemy was Ginger.
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