Helicopter ditches in North Sea (Ditching Aug23 2013) - Public Inquiry

Left the office before this hit the news, then seen it on the gym tv. Bet the lad next to me who flies out tomorrow is getting as bit uneasy! Glad to hear everyone is safe though.
Tis one thing I regret not being able to do when I was in the RN! It's a shame there was never a need for me to go do the dunk tank course because it seemed like it might be fun. At least the Firefighting and Damage Control training was mandatory :D

Glad all the guys got out ok. It might be fun training in relative safety but not something I'd fancy doing for real.

Blue Peter tried it out it seems if anyone is interested

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Tis one thing I regret not being able to do when I was in the RN! It's a shame there was never a need for me to go do the dunk tank course because it seemed like it might be fun. At least the Firefighting and Damage Control training was mandatory :D

Glad all the guys got out ok. It might be fun training in relative safety but not something I'd fancy doing for real.

Blue Peter tried it out it seems if anyone is interested


Single seat escape seemed quite poor, the HUET part of the offshore corse is great fun, i loved it after a few goes.

Got all this to look forward to in early 2014, started training as an Instrument Tech through OPITO here in Edinburgh last month, won't get out to the rigs until mid 2014 though!
Aeroplanes sort of glide along if the engines cut out. Helicopters seem to be quite capable of falling out of the sky while the engines are still running fine.

Birds aren't "stable" in the dynamic sense, in that if you freeze one and put it in a wind tunnel, it doesn't perform very well. They are quite stable in the sense of not abruptly falling out of the sky though.
I was due off the rig (Rowan Gorilla 5) today but all flights involving the 225s have been grounded pending investigation. Means I may have to stay a few extra days :( Still, I'd rather they made sure the damn things are safe before I have to climb aboard one. The client (Total) say they are trying to source flights on other choppers (presumably S92s) and looking at "other options". Might get a ride in a Billy Pugh and a trip on a boat yet :D
Apparently they've cleared the mk2 Super Pumas (AS332) to fly. I'm on the list for the 3rd chopper off the rig today, which should get me into Aberdeen about 20:30. Too late for me to drive home to South Shields but the company will get me a hotel tonight and I'll drive home tomorrow. Let's hope all goes according to plan.
I've done a lot of helicoptering out to St Kilda over the last 4 years, and the realities of ditching must be absolutely terrifying. Fingers crossed.

The helicopter is the one thing nobody jokes about.
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At this point in time I'd rather jump onboard a helicopter for offshore in Angola, and that's saying something.

Hope all are in reasonable shape.
Is this yet another EC225? If it is then someone needs to be held accountable, especially as they have just been declared safe to return to service. They should be withdrawn and replaced by something like a Merlin.
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