Hell Let Loose...Company Of Hero's, meets FPS

Thanks, will let you know if I'm free for a game Sunday, got some troubleshooting to do over the weekend! I have a mic so all good on that front

See you on the battlefield soldier!

Ill see if the wife will let me part with the cash and if so, I'll get it in a bit. Does the game let you create a soldier with a new name or does it take it from Steam?

It just takes your name from steam.

You don't create a soldier per se, you're just another grunt in the big meat grinder that is war. There is 14 (I think) different "classes" which are limited to certain numbers per squad, each which has a upgrade element which unlocks different "loadouts" for that individual class.

I'd recommend jumping into a game on the Dutch Let Loose or 82AD servers as I tend to have more good games on there than any others, and keep trying different squads until you find one with a squad leader with a mic, say you're brand new and ask for some instructions and just follow orders!

In the meantime Monoespecial on youtube probably has the most comprehensive set of videos such as guides for each class, basics and advanced tactics so check him out :)
All done and installed, sorted keybinds, now to read over the how to play bit. I have an idea as I have seen a few videos over the last year on the game. If anyone is on later, I should be around 730ish. I have no friends on steam so no idea on how I actually add people lol. but my account name is same as here. Droolinggimp, add me if you can.
I managed to get a game in whilst kids had tea. I like it. I got two kills I think but I died many, many times lol. I didn't have voice chat and had no idea who was in my squad, think its the green dots. Still have to tinker with the graphics settings as my PC just manages to get minimum spec. Any disadvantage to having gfx set to low?

Found my headset. That should make things better
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Should be on shortly! Have just messaged my mates to see if they're on and if they're ok with me sharing their discord link

@Megahurtz400 Thanks for recommending Mono Especial - I watched his "first launch" guide and think it's probably saved me some time! Steep learning curve lol
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Should be on shortly! Have just messaged my mates to see if they're on and if they're ok with me sharing their discord link

@Megahurtz400 Thanks for recommending Mono Especial - I watched his "first launch" guide and think it's probably saved me some time! Steep learning curve lol
let me know when, where, how, etc etc
First time you play you'll experience the running simulator with added sudden death syndrome.

It can get very infuriating at times. Don't give up though.
That didn't bother me. Pretty sure many. many real men died pretty quick during the war once they moved from the safety of HQ. Hearing the helmet 'ting' then falling to the floor, thats so good.
I managed to get a game in whilst kids had tea. I like it. I got two kills I think but I died many, many times lol. I didn't have voice chat and had no idea who was in my squad, think its the green dots. Still have to tinker with the graphics settings as my PC just manages to get minimum spec. Any disadvantage to having gfx set to low?

Found my headset. That should make things better

First rule of HLL is to forget about kills and your K/D ratio :p

I've had a few games on Offensive mode, where i've not seen a single enemy as i've told my squad to just build defensive fortifications around the farther back points!

Should be on tomorrow evening, added you, name on Steam at the mo is Lord Fedsmoker!
First rule of HLL is to forget about kills and your K/D ratio :p

I've had a few games on Offensive mode, where i've not seen a single enemy as i've told my squad to just build defensive fortifications around the farther back points!

Should be on tomorrow evening, added you, name on Steam at the mo is Lord Fedsmoker!
I have not had a friend request off you. Nothing has shown up.
Will try again tomorrow when I’m on mate :)

Anyone else around, might be able to fill a squad!
Ok no worries. Are you a member of any clan of sorts? I have joined a UK based HLL community on Discord, going to have a chat with the admin later and see what they are about. Looking at the chat they seem a decent bunch of people. I have made a steam friend as well who is also looking for a chatty unit to join.
Ok, so. This discord I have become a member of called, The Forgotten Army is currently recruiting to get some numbers, thus sort of making sure there is ample members online at any given time to create a decent game. Aiming for 50 to get their own server full for big games. If anyone is looking for a server/discord to join I recommend these guys.
Had my first proper game tonight with members of that discord, bloody great fun. 3 of us with 1 being SL and a few randoms in our squad. After a 3rd of the game it was just us 3 but we managed to make a big difference in the victory, many squads didn't defend once anything was taken over but we stayed and held it. Only moving on when needed. Using comms makes this game 1000% better.

Really like this game.
Back into the swing of this a bit more, but still struggling to find good games on public servers.

I'm toying with the idea of renting a server and getting a little community going.

Could I get a show of hands who's still playing and would be up for taking part, help seeding the server etc? :)

Have a group of around 8 friends that play, but rarely more than 5/6 on at once.
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Have made a discord for a UK Let Loose community!

Would be great if anyone still playing could join up and populate it a bit.

Once the Discord has a bit of life i'm going to rent a server :D
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