Help me YouTubers, I have lots of game/system/config questions

26 Sep 2020
Recording gameplay is new to me - Ive got a few questions Im hoping you guys can help with, please :D
1) What is recommended as a popular, robust and easy (possibly free) to use software for capturing game footage with 2 additional cameras as well as the game footage. Do I need something better than what Im using?

2) Ive started tinkering with the GeForce Experience. Can the GeForce Experience software handle 2 cameras?

3) I cant even find where to switch cameras in GeForce. How do I get the software to record from the other camera (if two are plugged in)?

Thanks for any help, much appreciated.
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6 Apr 2010
I too have recently started a YouTube channel and I use GeForce Experience to record, however I do not use a camera. I think you may need to look at OBS for multiple cameras maybe?

What I do recommend though is a decent mic, a pop filter and RTX voice if possible. Also, ensure you use an audio track for gameplay and a separate one for your mic so when you're editing you can edit them independently with volumes and such.
26 Sep 2020
I too have recently started a YouTube channel and I use GeForce Experience to record, however I do not use a camera. I think you may need to look at OBS for multiple cameras maybe?

What I do recommend though is a decent mic, a pop filter and RTX voice if possible. Also, ensure you use an audio track for gameplay and a separate one for your mic so when you're editing you can edit them independently with volumes and such.
Thanks for the tips and reply. OBS looks good from what Ive seen so far, cheers! Whats the focus of your channel? Post something up :D
6 Apr 2010
Unsure if this link will work as it is from the YouTube app, but my channel is

Only been going 3 weeks but seem to be getting into the swing. Very much finding my patter and way forward. At first I was a bit nervous and awkward but there is improvement as the videos progress. Had some mic and audio issues earlier on, but hopefully getting there now. I don't expect to see any results for 12 months or so but looking for 100 subs before Dec 2021.

I am doing it for me to be honest as I enjoy it. I am playing games that interest me and not what I think will get clicks. My biggest issue is that I hate my voice as it is not as 'manly' as most and I do rush my words on occasion but I am learning to pace myself better. It will come with time though.

If I have learnt something though is that just starting producing content, reviewing and improving is more important than the audience right now. Without content you have no audience, but also without content you will not fail, pick yourself up and improve.

Hope this helps.
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26 Sep 2020
Unsure if this link will work as it is from the YouTube app, but my channel is

Only been going 3 weeks but seem to be getting into the swing. Very much finding my patter and way forward. At first I was a bit nervous and awkward but there is improvement as the videos progress. Had some mic and audio issues earlier on, but hopefully getting there now. I don't expect to see any results for 12 months or so but looking for 100 subs before Dec 2021.

I am doing it for me to be honest as I enjoy it. I am playing games that interest me and not what I think will get clicks. My biggest issue is that I hate my voice as it is not as 'manly' as most and I do rush my words on occasion but I am learning to pace myself better. It will come with time though.

If I have learnt something though is that just starting producing content, reviewing and improving is more important than the audience right now. Without content you have no audience, but also without content you will not fail, pick yourself up and improve.

Hope this helps.
Youve got good gaming knowlege, an interesting voice and are well read - You'll get more than 100 subs by this time next year.
6 Apr 2010
I should look at switching to OBS too to be honest. GeForce Experience works really well right now but perhaps when I gain confidence more it will be restricting.

That said although I may use a single camera in the future, I do not expect to use more than one, and I have no interest at this time on any on screen additions.
26 Sep 2020
Many thanks for your confidence ☺️
You know your onions so its interesting listening to you.
I found OBS was instantly accessible. I watched one youtube video which was luckily the one I needed, and just went straight in and set up a few cameras, the stage thingy, resolution, a start/stop recording key, and it all worked perfectly. The only thing that needed increasing was file quality. Its really easy to use.

I just need to find a video editing suite to use. Is there anything decent that is free, or is it better to buy a beginner package outright like Premiere Elements? Im not going to be making money from this hobby for a while and free or cheap suits me for now.
6 Apr 2010
You know your onions so its interesting listening to you.
I found OBS was instantly accessible. I watched one youtube video which was luckily the one I needed, and just went straight in and set up a few cameras, the stage thingy, resolution, a start/stop recording key, and it all worked perfectly. The only thing that needed increasing was file quality. Its really easy to use.

I just need to find a video editing suite to use. Is there anything decent that is free, or is it better to buy a beginner package outright like Premiere Elements? Im not going to be making money from this hobby for a while and free or cheap suits me for now.

I opted to use Shotcut for my videos. Free and relatively easy to pick up and use - but that said I have a little experience with video editors from uni days so I may be biased. For video thumbnails I was using GIMP but honestly I gave up with it after a few weeks. It just, doesnt flow - for want of a different expression - and it was annoying me. I ended up purchasing Photoshop (currently £9 or so a month with Lightroom too) on a 12 month subscription.

You say I know my onions, but everything I know I have learned in just a few weeks of trail, error and research - a lot of research. Truthfully though, just jump in and record. The hardest thing for me was not pressing record but starting to talk and sound...normal? Oh and on the subject of talking, and if you have an nVidia card (10 series or later I think) I suggest looking in RTX voice. It is AI magic that reduces background noise and only (well mostly only) picks up your voice. Very good for clean audio when recording.

I hope all this helps. I am sure someone will come along soon and correct me on everything! :D
26 Sep 2020
I opted to use Shotcut for my videos. Free and relatively easy to pick up and use - but that said I have a little experience with video editors from uni days so I may be biased. For video thumbnails I was using GIMP but honestly I gave up with it after a few weeks. It just, doesnt flow - for want of a different expression - and it was annoying me. I ended up purchasing Photoshop (currently £9 or so a month with Lightroom too) on a 12 month subscription.

You say I know my onions, but everything I know I have learned in just a few weeks of trail, error and research - a lot of research. Truthfully though, just jump in and record. The hardest thing for me was not pressing record but starting to talk and sound...normal? Oh and on the subject of talking, and if you have an nVidia card (10 series or later I think) I suggest looking in RTX voice. It is AI magic that reduces background noise and only (well mostly only) picks up your voice. Very good for clean audio when recording.

I hope all this helps. I am sure someone will come along soon and correct me on everything! :D
Your in game banter was about other games and gamers like to hear gamers talk about games, is what I meant. My audio setup will is good. I opted for DaVinci Resolve as I hear it is several suits in one, which has great appeal. Plus what comes free for beginners is comprehensive and substantial in terms of functionality, from what Im hearing. Just need GIMP for editing thumbnails and Im all set.
6 Apr 2010
Your in game banter was about other games and gamers like to hear gamers talk about games, is what I meant. My audio setup will is good. I opted for DaVinci Resolve as I hear it is several suits in one, which has great appeal. Plus what comes free for beginners is comprehensive and substantial in terms of functionality, from what Im hearing. Just need GIMP for editing thumbnails and Im all set.

Be interested to see how you get on as I didnt go for DaVinci Resolve due to my research saying Shotcut was the better free option. I have actually really got used to using Shotcut now. For instance today I was editing my latest recordings from last night, but this game I have had to record at 16:9. Setting up the environment and using assets from my other videos I thought was going to take a while and be a pain, but within 10 minutes I was doing my normal editing and getting on with it. Really impressed.

GIMP though, I just cannot get on with it. I tried it years ago in Uni, and then after Uni and most recently for a few weeks just gone. Each time I have walked away and gone back to Photoshop as it just works so much better. You could argue that if I sat down with it for a while and learnt it I may get a different opinion, but I do not see the need as I just prefer Photoshop.
1 Jun 2006
just save time and buy sony vegas movie studio or adobe premier. free progs are generally crap for rending. davinci resolve is just to complicated for its own good. people try and skimp on these progs but when you do it regular and use a decent prog the time you save everytime and ease of use its worth it ten times over.

also noticed you and 3080 respond to each other you related :p can see the theme.:D
6 Apr 2010
just save time and buy sony vegas movie studio or adobe premier. free progs are generally crap for rending. davinci resolve is just to complicated for its own good. people try and skimp on these progs but when you do it regular and use a decent prog the time you save everytime and ease of use its worth it ten times over.

also noticed you and 3080 respond to each other you related :p can see the theme.:D

I was really tempted go and get the creative cloud from Adobe for £35 a month but right now I just cannot justify that when Shotcut honestly has fit the bill so well. I know what you mean about free applications, hence my GIMP rant, but Shotcut isnt half bad if I was being honest.

Also, no we are not related (if I read your message right)!

Does anyone know if there is a "I'm a YouTuber, here is channel link" forum on here? I know there is the YouTube thread in GD but I dont feel right self promo in there. :)
1 Jun 2006
you dont need creative cloud just get adobe premier. its about £80-90. one off payment. worth every penny. you can get basic sony movie studio products from about £40 upwards. no subscription.

haha yes i can see you dont feel right with the promo every second post lol.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
you dont need creative cloud just get adobe premier. its about £80-90. one off payment. worth every penny. you can get basic sony movie studio products from about £40 upwards. no subscription.

haha yes i can see you dont feel right with the promo every second post lol.
Do you mean elements? Otherwise that looks like a good price, where from?
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