Help needed RE: Failing my degree, where to now?

16 May 2006
To put it simple, I've failed my second year because I've failed a 20 credit unit and (quite possibly) another 10 credit unit too - results for that isn't out yet but I know how well I've done on that so lets assume I've failed.

Because my uni have a policy of 20 credit maximum to carry over to my next year, I'll not be able to go into my 3rd year. (30 credit failed in total) I'll be made to drop out of my course (BSc Pharmacology)

What should I do next?

I've got B.B.C.E. in A levels; Chemistry, Biology, Maths (got a C because I tried doing double maths in first year, so got a levels maths in 1 year) and an E for physics (because it was just *that* hard for me)

I'm unsure of doing yet another degree as I'm currently 22, another degree would take me another 3 years - opening more doors for me but I'm still living under parental roof - to save money, thus studied locally (Portsmouth) - Still pays house expenses with my all my maintenance loan to my mum out of courtesy.

My plans were to move out after graduating and finding a stable job. Now that it's all gone t**s up, should I or should I not pursue a career with what I've already got or go back to university and come out with a degree.

Degree in mind: BSc Chemistry or even head into Game/Tech/IT degree as these are the 2 I have most interest in.

Call me inexperience but how's the current work market for a drop out like me?
I have work experiences at counter job (Chinese Take Away) - not something great but may be useful and over 2 years (part time) work experience working as an Elderly Day Care Assistant, got a couple of relevant training out of it too. Still working there, it's rewarding but not something I'll pursue as a long term career.

Any advice or people with similar experiences, please share.
Much appreciated.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
22 isn't tremendously old to be starting a degree but you should be fairly sure it is what you want to do if you are going to start again. I did change my degree but I did it after first year - have you checked if pharmacology would allow you advanced entry into the second year of chemistry perhaps?

University isn't for everyone, no shame in that, just it simply doesn't suit or appeal to all and there is no point pretending it does so you need to be considering if you are someone that it doesn't suit. If you think about it and decide it isn't for you then it is probably worth considering what sort of careers you could do - do you want to go into the pharmacology field or do you not have any real ideas so would prefer to get a job and sort yourself out from there?
1 Oct 2004
If you want to do another University course then do one. There are people much, much older than 22 starting courses.

If you need extra motivation you may be better off going to a University away from home and staying on campus.
3 Apr 2008
Did you fail on an exam, or was it hand in work related?

If on exams, is there no way they can offer a re-sit? Either that, or would they allow you to retake the year? Are there any extenuating circumstances in your life that they aren't aware of?
Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
Don't worry about studying and starting at 22. You're still very young. It will feel weird starting again as everybody else will be 18/19 but you'll be fine.

On my old course there were people in their thirties starting the degree.
16 May 2006
I've failed the exams + resits.
Courseworks were in the 60s and 70s but my exam for these 2 were low, 20 credit course failed by 2 points and my neuropharmacology side failed because by a fair bit more - it's the way I've answer the exam paper and I've changed the way - obviously still not getting it.

I did think of studying away but the financial burden (especially when I'm already carrying 2 years worth of uni student loan debt) is quite off putting to live out for now.

I initially took pharmacology as a springboard degree into either Masters or even Medicine (as I couldn't make it in A levels) - but realised how much harder Uni is so I had a change of plans. To do my degree well and go into something science related - even if I don't, a BSc degree opens a lot of doors.

My career interest isn't all pharmacology, it was a degree taken by chance, liked it but messed up now. I do have strong interest in Chemistry, I will be speaking to my uni's careers advisor to see if I can jump into second year chemistry (and if it's worth it)
3 Apr 2008
Also, probably not the best time to be getting into Pharmacology - what with people like GSK shedding employees like it's going out of fashion. The number of new drugs in the pipeline is the lowest for some time.

My wife also hated the whole research world after getting her Phd - very backstabbing - and ended up teaching science instead. We've got a friend who works for GSK and the hours she puts in are ludicrous.

So...every cloud has a silver lining and all that!



20 Jun 2004
Huddersfield, UK
Don't worry about Student Loan debt, no one cares about it, no one.

Won't effect if you can get a mortgague or anything like that.

I have about 16K worth of loan debt, it goes up every year as the amount they take out my wages doesn't even cover the intrest let alone the loan capital lol

I have ZERO intention of ever paying it back.

So don't let that put you off doing annother course.
13 Jul 2008
Is there no one at your uni you could speak to about your choices now? Like a student councellor or help shop or something? They have no doubt got a lot of experience in this sort of thing and will be able to give you some decent advice im sure
2 Jan 2007
Though you should have course explore all of the options regarding staying on your course, you do sound like you're are losing interest in uni.

You're not alone as I did pretty much exactly the same - did two years of an English degree and just found myself tired and burnt out with education, so at 22 I took the decision you're thinking of and went into the big wide world of work. Started out temping and through that have now been in the same company for seven years and loving it.

Make sure you investigate all of your options thoroughly, but also give yourself a chance to think about whether you truly want to continue with your course; I discovered that when I lost motivation and forced myself to continue I just ended up depressed and hating a subject I'd previously loved.

Good luck with your decision and remember there are always other options.
18 Aug 2004
The Toilet
Don't worry about Student Loan debt, no one cares about it, no one.

Won't effect if you can get a mortgague or anything like that.

I have about 16K worth of loan debt, it goes up every year as the amount they take out my wages doesn't even cover the intrest let alone the loan capital lol

I have ZERO intention of ever paying it back.

So don't let that put you off doing annother course.

erm, you seem to be somewhat misguided.

If you'v got 16k of debt on a student loan thats 16k less that the bank will give you when you apply for a mortgage(well the maximum they will give you will be 16k less).

So lets say the bank are only willing to give me 100k mortgage, after looking at my income etc, they then look at any current debts I have.. 16k.. so..

100k-16k = 84k

It does matter
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
erm, you seem to be somewhat misguided.

If you'v got 16k of debt on a student loan thats 16k less that the bank will give you when you apply for a mortgage(well the maximum they will give you will be 16k less).

So lets say the bank are only willing to give me 100k mortgage, after looking at my income etc, they then look at any current debts I have.. 16k.. so..

100k-16k = 84k

It does matter
Most banks I've dealt with don't include the student loan as debt. Natwest and HSBC certainly didn't.
1 Jul 2008
I start a degree in october and im 36!!
(still havent decided what i wanna be when i grow up :p)
The worlds your lobster my friend!

As mentioned before, there will be guys at your uni that can offer guidance as to what your options are.

Good luck.
24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W

But then surely theyll look at your payslip and your income will be calculated after student loan outgoings?
But I think it's done on pre-outgoings pay. Then they look at your outgoings (credit cards and other loans and dependents).

I've had three mortgages approved, neither were affected by the £12k I owe on the student loan. Could just be lucky though!
18 Aug 2004
The Toilet
That's what I was thinking. Generally, a uni will let you re-sit a year at least once.

mine used to offer the chance to resit specific exams/assignements for modules over summer(though maximum attainable mark was only 40%), meaning a resit year wasnt required, you would only get offered the summer resits if you had passed enough credits, which at my uni the OP would have.



18 Oct 2002
Don't worry about Student Loan debt, no one cares about it, no one.

Won't effect if you can get a mortgague or anything like that.

I have about 16K worth of loan debt, it goes up every year as the amount they take out my wages doesn't even cover the intrest let alone the loan capital lol

I have ZERO intention of ever paying it back.

So don't let that put you off doing annother course.

You have no choice, as you earn more the payment will rise and will pay it off.
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