Help needed RE: Failing my degree, where to now?



26 Nov 2004
Reading / Lake District
So would you consider a career in academia rather than what you do now and give up the pay? (I'm going by a thread a while ago where I think you said you did pen testing?)

I don't really know starting a new full time job next month, want to give that a shot for a couple of years at least.. see how it goes. Who knows I might love it and want to stay on. Right now I am single, rent etc.., no real ties stopping me entirely packing up and going abroad to study. However that might change in a couple of years and with my view .. Main thing that draws me if that I love snowboarding and don't get enough chances to do it at the moment. If I can combine comp sec stuff and snowboarding I guess I would be living my idea life actually. Thus academia sounds like a good choice :) D.P from this forum does this.. pretty sure he would be able to give a better insight than me on what its actually like...

Anyhow, this really is kinda off topic :p
3 Jul 2008
My fabulous ship
resits havent been yet have they?

I know you get 2 resit attempts. once in august time, another in september. and even then you can either:

- go to third year with the 2 failed modules to retake
- repeat 2nd year

you sound overly stressed - if I was you, stop worrying about something you know nothing about and speak to your tutor to clear things up. You'll find its not such a ball and chain issue.

and better advice would be if you prefer chemistry over the rest - do strict chemistry. You will do better in a course you wholely enjoy than a course you partly enjoy. you'd put in more effort.
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16 May 2006
My other module result isn't out yet, and as said before, I've got high doubt of passing it.

Anyway, spoke to my tutor today - he kinda helped my predicament with yet another option - (since my uni don't do straight Chemistry), with my 210credits, they can be put forward to 1.5 years of another course -- BSc Pharmaceutical Science. He ran through the modules with me and found that most of my 60s and 70s can be put into that course too (same units under different titles)

So long story short; there is that option; I'll do year 2 and year 3 of that course to come out with a degree. He strongly encourage coming out a degree - seeing as society is changing and everyone hold a degree, be it BSc or BA (or higher). Holding a BSc at least puts me in a competitive chance.

The careers prospect isn't as high as pharmacology but it's close (Guaranteed Job is none like Pharmacy).

He also mentioned the possibility of doing another course, start afresh. I did have a look and found a "very secure" prospective course, Radiography (be it Diagnosis or Therapeutic). NHS bursary too. However, it's not very chemistry based - but it's very much hands on type of course, with at least 12 weeks of work experience during course.

It's all very confusing right now; have to sleep on it before deciding.

The board meeting is on this coming Tuesday and my tutor predict they wouldn't compensate me.
8 Jun 2004
If you can still get more student debt then get another 5k and **** it go travelling - that'll give you time to really think what you want - maybe uni is not the way forward for you. I actually regret going - got a 2.1 in economics and a Masters in Health economics and now .......I'm at home looking after kids as the wifes got the better job lol.

Even when I did get a job after Uni all my mates who had trades were on a better income than me, finishing work at 4 out on the golf course whilst numpty here was at desk until 6 and then train home by 7 - great.

Good luck whatever you do but dont panic - you're still very young (not patronising you).

16 May 2006
Travelling i dont think he is even from the UK, maybe i'm making that up though.

I'm not from the UK but I've settled here - now British and UK is my home. Can't go back Singapore due to National Service (government being picky on things) - but that's besides the point.

I personally would love to go out and travel. My initially plans were to pass my degree next year, work for some money then go out tour around Europe, America or just around UK (depending on my financial situation). All these planning looks good in the mind but setbacks like these kind screws it up abit.
16 May 2006
"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up again..."

That quote will have to pull me through this. I hope.
I've got the official result for that unknown result; I've failed.

So now it's decision time... I've got till about 14th August to decide, as that's the "clearing" date for when Radiography may be offering open spaces for students to take up.
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