Where's the Society of White Lawyers?
Or would that be racist? It just sounds like an opportunity for a nobody from a nobody organisation to get some attention. Pathetic.
Errr, isn't that like... Lawyers from the start?
Where's the Society of White Lawyers?
Or would that be racist? It just sounds like an opportunity for a nobody from a nobody organisation to get some attention. Pathetic.
Amazing how the society of black lawyers doesn't see how they are being racist by segregating black people so much, thought the whole point was everyone is equal.
So hang on is this right. The SBL raised their own complaint even though they were not directly involved in the incident. Their complaint to the police was from Evidence From The Daily Mail that had one maybe two reporters in the press box compared to The FA who had Ref with a wired up mic and camera's and mic's all over the ground yet didn't pick anything up.
You really couldn't write it
That's going to open up another can of worms, perhaps the FA will be willing to pay damages to Clattenburg.The FA is satisfied that the allegation against Mark Clattenburg by Ramires was made in good faith. It is entirely possible for a witness to be genuinely mistaken and convincing in his belief.
Well going on the statement by the FA mainly in reference to Ramires the cynic in me says this is a huge cover up and Clattenburg did say something 'untowards'
This is low from Chelsea.
He had a poor game, but to embark on a character assasination such as this against the referee is simply unacceptable.
It's not the first time that Chelsea players and staff have made up allegations against officials.
I'm personally at a loss to why Chelsea aren't having the book thrown at them at making up another false allegation.
If the claim was made in good faith then why should Chelsea have the book thrown at them? That it was subsequently not proven (or there was a lack of evidence to support it if you prefer) doesn't necessarily mean they were wrong to raise it.
Given their track record with these things, I'm hesitant to belive the 'good faith' part personally, also with the Matta complaint that was dropped. It just seemed to be born out of bitterness.
I hope Clattenburg gets some compensation for this.