I'm actually very tempted to purchase the Founders Pack tonight. It's Blizzard so I can see me really enjoying this game.
How long on average do games last? Will my Winged Guardian that I bought in WoW be available to use in HoTS? The items included in this Founders Pack, can all these be purchased separately ingame?
Oh and is the game graphically more demanding than LoL? I have a 980, so maxed shouldn't be a problem with this game at 1440p?
I'm struggling to find a hero I can really enjoy getting burst DPS on. I've got Illidan to level 7, absolutely love his mobility, love darting around and stuff, but still just not enough burst. Either that or I'm playing him wrong...
Any other options? I like high mobility and burst DPS.
I love Zeratul for chasing down runners. Very squishy and agreed gets better towards the end game.
I'll take your word on it. Where can I purchase a key from? Has anyone used anywhere before to obtain a key?
Ok I caved in.... call me all the names under the sun if you must .
I've been watching some streams on Twitch and asking questions. The game seems really fun and with this game being shorter in gameplay time (the long ass games in LoL won't be missed! I did actually spend money in LoL too, so this isn't really much different).
I purchased the Founder's Pack... sure I could have purchased a key a hell of a lot cheaper, but with this atleast it gets me to a rolling start with some extras. Also means I'm putting money directly into Blizzard's pocket rather than people selling just the key to make profit (on what I presume they received for free!).
I'll see how these characters go with a couple of games, then I think I'll purchase the Nexus pack
Anyone can add me on - Spacedeck#2803
someone like Nova can remove 200% of your health in one shot if specced right.
Fixed that for you!
(triple tap, 5x gathering power stacks + overdrive at lvl20 = ¬4000dmg triple tap alone).
Anyone seen recent sum up of changes?
NEW Hero Levels 11-20 – We want players who enjoy a certain Hero to have a reason to keep playing them after they reach Hero Level 10 and get their Master Skin. As such, we’re adding additional Hero Levels and incentives.
Can't wait for my nova grandmaster skin at lvl20 .
I'd probably be around lvl30 on nova if it was possible so its to have something extra for playing extra on one hero .
Just buy master skins on stuff u're good with.